Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as Whites


Black crime much worse than statistics indicate

“Snitches get stitches”, witness intimidation, Black under-reporting of crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, Hispanics criminals counted as “White” statistically increase white crime and decrease black crime statistics. This is due to anti-racist manipulation and fear of racism.


Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as whites

I suggest that readers look at Morales and Nieto on Wisconsin`s sex offender registry. Morales is clearly a mestizo. Nieto is a pure (or almost pure) Amerindian. He could have worked as an “extra” in Mel Gibson`s movie Apocalypto. And given Morales` wiry hair and Nieto`s dark skin, duskier than Obama`s, it`s possible that one or both of them could be 5-10% black. As Steve Sailer has noted, the average Mexican is 5% black.


Gregario Morales

Juan Nieto

But according to the registry, both are “white”.


[…I opened the pages and saw the mug-shots of some 50-60 “Hispanic” sex offenders, all defined as “white”, although very few were of pure Spanish descent. Most were mestizos, usually with their Indian genes dominant, and a large minority were pure Amerindians, “zambos”, mulattos, or of pure or almost pure African descent.

For example:

Marcelino Rivera

Look at Marcelino Rivera, a black man with a huge “Afro”,convicted of first-degree sexual assault. Take a look at Juan Villegas, alias Audelett Lopez, another black man convicted of first-degree sexual assault.

Juan Villegas

Look at Heriberto Rivera, another black defined as “white”and convicted of first-degree sexual assault of a child.

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