4Racism.org> Interesting Posts

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  1. Naive ignorance about race kills:
    Naïve uninformed people go hiking in Morocco, send children to black schools, sleep over in German refugee housing, date blacks or Muslims without awareness of crime statistics.
  2. 60% of US Blacks don’t qualify for Armed Forces. (afqt-asvab test):
    US armed forces do not accept the bottom 30% lowest IQ people. Considered untrainable for for lack of IQ.  Race Differences in Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB/AFQT)
  3. Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion:
    US statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites& East Asians.  These statistics are embellished.
  4. “Jewish Conspiracy” Theories:
    Kevin McDonald and David Duke have interesting arguments how Jewish elites pool their power in media, businesses and finance industries against competitors and to promote leftist policies like open borders. Disclaimer: we do NOT promote these opinions, just report for completeness’ sake.
  5. Racism definitions:
    Color Blindness, treating all people equal, is racist. Thus Martin Luther King was racist. Saving black Lives by efficient strict policing is racist. “Kill the white Boer” is NOT racist

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