American Family Courts’ wholesale destruction of constitutional rights

"Family Court" tramples due process, puts men into life long indentured slavery, confiscates property worth Millions and Billions, confiscates future income and pension, re-instated debtor’s prison where men are imprisoned for a decade for non-payment of spousal support to the slave owner. "Family Court" accepts hearsay as proof enough to kick a man out of his home (SAID: Sexual Allegations in Divorce). Ex parte (one party accusation) orders are based on the flimsiest of evidence or upon mere accusations, "temporary" orders allow unconstitutional orders to be extended for years on end. "Protection from Abuse" (restraining) orders, like all other abominations of family court, abuse mostly men and confer special rights upon women.  Human Rights are enforced for criminals, but not for law abiding family men.

We recommend you read the entire post we excerpt here

American Family Courts, the First Amendment, and Violations of Free Speech

Family Court.  What a friendly sounding name. A court for families, so open and inviting.

A place where families are welcome and invited, a place for families to bring their troubles and disagreements, where there are people specially trained to help them with their problems, and where issues can be resolved in a fair compromise, so that everyone can be happy. […]

How true. What a promising nice name

And yet, nothing could be better Orwellianly named than this institution; there is nothing friendly about it. It is a snakepit of anguish and despair, impacting millions of people each year.

By re-casting all familial issues into a mutated type of civil court action variously termed  “special proceedings”, and by radically recasting the concepts of just what a judicial court is, e.g., its procedures, discretions and evidentiary standards, the state had effectively done away with all the inconvenient and expensive due process and constitutional protections required in every other American court.

While retaining the traditional powers of a judicial court – enforcement, fines and imprisonment – none of the checks and balances against those powers were concomitantly retained. Expedience of process and the legitimization of raw state power was the goal.

In creating these special “People’s Courts”  – not-quite-criminal, not-quite-civil – dozens of  due process protections were sloughed away leaving a raw, grinning changeling in its place.

Domestic violence abuse is based on falsified science and enforced by unconstitutional family court. SAID: Sexual Allegations in Divorce is a potent weapon thanks to complicity of family courts. Debtor’s prison longer then a decade has been reinstated under the guise of "contempt of court".

Constitutional procedural protections against self-incrimination, right to an attorney, presumptions of innocence, right to jury were done away with.

Inviolable substantive rights to federal parenting guarantees, property and liberty, became optional concerns and subordinate to statutory directives. Legal financial obligations to others persons were created out of whole cloth and determined from the flimsiest allegations.

The rights to financial and medical privacy were extorted away, as was the Constitutional right to free travel.

Astonishing. Men can get deprived of their passports to prevent them from fleeing their indentured wage slavery. Fugitive slave laws are still in effect world wide: Robert Sand: ‘Most wanted deadbeat dad’ arrested in Thailand for owing millions to his slave owner wife.

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American Family Courts’ wholesale destruction of constitutio…
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Military Draft & Permanent Alimony are Forced Labor & Slavery?

The International Labour Organization’s report Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour [Full report] (Executive Summary) was just published and garners international attention.

Forced labour is any work or services which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form punishment.

Sadly, no comment on two types of Slave Labor that 49% of humanity (men) are exposed to or threatened by.

Military Conscription fits the definition of Forced Labour or Slave Labour

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Military Draft & Permanent Alimony are Forced Labor & Slav…
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