Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!

Many women fail to conveniently kill their sleeping husbands, because they are unaware that shooting or knifing the sleeping husband is an act of courageous self defense.

Human-Stupidity wants to enlighten women about their rights to kill. Thus more women will be unafraid to plan and execute their husband’s demise.

It does not matter that your husband is a sweet, docile hen-pecked wimp. Just claim you were battered. YOU WILL BE BELIEVED.

A more tender hearted woman should be aware of the convenient option to slice off a philandering man’s penis with total impunity, like Lorena Bobbitt.  

False rape or trumped up domestic violence accusations are an option for the spineless and faint hearted who still don’t have the courage to use a gun or knife on a sleeping man.


Thankfully, in the name of feminist EQUALITY, men do not have an option to plead "nagged man’s syndrome", or violation of honor to escape their just punishment for slapping or shoving their wife.

Battered women’s “moral courage,” Sheehy writes in her book, “deserves our respect. “When women kill to save their own lives, they assert that they matter, that their lives count — even more than the lives of their abusers.”

In the book [Defending Battered Women on Trial].Elizabeth Sheehy asserts:

While very few women kill abusive men who are asleep or passed out, it’s “unfair” to charge them with first degree murder, Sheehy argues. “It’s not fair to characterize it as the most heinous form of murder, because it may be their own route to survival.” 
Source: Battered women morally entitled to kill abusers, U of O professor asserts


Short stint in jail for woman who killed her partner by cutting off his penis. 

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Go ahead, shoot your sleeping husband! It’s not murder!
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Canada’s Universities repress discussion of Men’s Rights issues


The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) is the largest student organization in Canada, and the national coordinating body that oversees most of the Canadian student unions. There is no U.S. equivalent. In 2013, the CFS passed a resolution that prohibited either men’s issues or men’s rights groups or clubs on their affiliated Canadian campuses.  

Discussing false rape [2] accusations, academic research about female domestic violence, suicide, shorter male life span, family court injustice, all that is illegal on Canadian Campuses

University campuses are in the service of feminist indoctrination. There are un- and antiscientific women studies courses, with absolutely nothing about men’s problems.

The real-life consequences? First, this Fall, your son or daughter is unlikely to even discover the option of these clubs—and therefore their ideas–because they will not be able to recruit students by setting up a recruiting table on campus. (Such clubs exist in only one major U.S. university—Montana State at Bozeman.) Second, if he or she does find one, it is likely to be ineffective because it cannot receive student activities fees to help fund its activities; and third, their club would receive no support in the promotion of its activities (e.g., creating posters). The cumulative effect? Your son would experience the group’s lack of legitimacy. Especially in your son or daughter’s first year, lack of legitimacy can be a potent force. [Universities’ Love-Hate Relationship with Men]

Lack of legitimacy, and total lack of funding and support are a serious problem.  Much worse is the legal terror of fines and imprisonment for non-violent speech of truth.

Hate speech laws have become instruments of terror to silence legitimate non-violent discussion. We are back to the medieval times of Galileo Galilee: doubting political correctness or opposing feminist drivel is a punishable offense.

While men must not even speak, women, and feminists can aggress with impunity.

Even extreme violence, like Lorena Bobbitt is usually excused with battered woman syndrome.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Canada’s Universities repress discussion of Men’s Rights issues” »
Canada’s Universities repress discussion of Men’s Righ…
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