Fathers’ rights movie censored by Amnesty International due to feminists’ protest

The right to be a father

A very feeling movie, about men who are forbidden to see their kids.  The movie is quite tame, it does not even mention that men of course have to pay half their income in exchange for not being allowed to see the kid.

The final version of the documentary about the discrimination against fathers in custody cases, and the mayhem it causes in our societies.
Produced by Sara Sivesson, Jerry Wallén, Sandra Atas and Oskar Krantz at the John Bauer high school in Sweden. The film was made as an entry in a Amnesty International contest regarding human rights.

Rumors are that women’s groups protested the movie and Amnesty International thus did not allow the movie in their contest. Another example of the amazing clout feminists wield to manipulate institutions to act in the feminist interest, making special rules and exceptions for feminist issues that the institution would never make for any other issues.

Amnesty sponsored a film competition, but when some finalists produced a film that angered feminists, the film was pulled from Amnesty’s YouTube site. Amnesty denies that pressure from an Uppsala women’s shelter was responsible for suppressing the film, but the shelter itself is gloating about its political clout.

The film, created by four high school students and titled, The Right To Be a Father, is a powerful depiction of how children are taken from their fathers by Sweden’s feminist family courts. Separating children from their fathers is not only a bedrock principle of the war against “patriarchy,” but also the bread-and-butter of the lucrative child custody industry, so it is not surprising that the sisterhood would come down hard on the heresy that feminists violate human rights.

The film was nominated for the final stage of the competition. Amnesty posted it on YouTube, and the creators were invited to the film gala in Gothenburg. “But our film was never shown at the festival, and the day after it also disappeared from Amnesty’s YouTube channel,” says Sara Sivesson, one of the creators.  [. . . ]

This is not isolated. In recent years Amnesty has become a mouthpiece for the radical feminist agenda, to the point of pushing programs that violate human rights. Amnesty’s campaign against “domestic violence,” for example, is a prescription for criminalizing the innocent on a huge scale.

Even on its face, “domestic violence” is a matter not of human rights but of crime. No one suggests that ordinary theft or assault, when not perpetrated by government agents, are “human rights” violations. They are crimes for which the criminal justice system either provides or it does not. If not, the system is dysfunctional, but it has nothing to do with “human rights.”

But this is precisely what is wrong with the trumped-up hysteria over “domestic violence” (and most accusations are indeed trumped-up): It exists precisely to circumvent the legal safeguards and protections for the rights of the accused that make free countries free. Newfangled gender crimes like “domestic violence” exist to punish those who cannot be convicted with evidence.

Why can alleged assailants not be charged and tried according to standard laws against violent assault? Because domestic “violence” criminalizes almost anything, even if it is not violent or even physical.

In domestic violence cases there is seldom a trial, almost never a jury, and no one is ever acquitted. One study published in Criminology and Public Policy found that everyone arrested for domestic violence receives some punishment. Special “domestic violence courts” now exist for the express purpose of processing more convictions.   www.lewrockwell.com/baskerville/baskerville13.1.html

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Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

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