Diversity a MUST for Europe, and the remotest places on the planet (Frans Timmermans)


Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.

“A society exclusively composed of people from one culture” has never existed? What weed is he smoking? China, Japan,  almost every single European state 50 or 100 years were 99%, or 90% a single culture. All tribes in human history were of a single culture, single language, single religion. Falsifying history, telling dumb dogmas. Most amazingly, Frans Timmermans thinks the solution to Antisemitism is more antisemitic Muslim immigration! Europe is facing civil war because of diversity. Mainly because of Muslim Diversity.

It is also very important, according to Frans Zimmermans, to “fight hate speech by working with IT companies, civil society and the media. Hate speech online is considered the main contemporary manifestation of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and other racist and xenophobic behaviour. ”


“Europe must accept Diversity or face War”:

Opening remarks of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the First Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights |

No more Nation States | YouTube


Opening remarks of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the First Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
[Official EU Transcript Brussels, 1 October 2015]

Antisemitism is not just terrible for the Jewish community, it is like a fever in an infected body; it points at a much wider problem. Antisemitism left unchallenged will create a much, much bigger problem in any society, that is what European history teaches us. So tackling anti-Semitism is an essential operation to save what we cherish in our society. […]

Anti-Muslims incidents are multiplying across Europe. We’re seeing a huge spike of attacks. Verbal insinuations, closed-mindedness, prejudice, discrimination.

The rise of islamophobia is the one of the biggest challenges in Europe. It is a challenge to our vital values, to the core of who we are.

Never has our societies’ capacity for openness, for tolerance, for inclusion been more tested than it is today.

Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.


Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse. The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity? And my answer to that is, by ensuring that our values determine how we deal with diversity and not giving up our values to refuse diversity. That will bring us down as a society.

If we don’t get this right, I truly believe Europe will not remain the Europe we built. Europe will not remain a place of peace and freedom, for very long.

Fully agree. Europe is not getting this right. Banlieues in France, Sharia no go zones in Sweden  and German, Swedish rape epidemic, show the utter failure of uncontrolled immigration, Muslim or otherwise.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are all here to listen. I am here to listen. And I want to encourage you to share your experiences, but above all your ideas on very concrete ways in which we can fight back against hatred and intolerance in Europe. Think about the things we could do in education; create meeting places where people can come together. Look how we can tackle hate speech on the Internet and in other places.

Together, we will take stock of the main challenges faced by the Jewish and Muslim Communities in Europe today. And together, we will explore solutions, from the fight against hate crime and hate speech to the role of civil society, education and local authorities to policies promoting non-discrimination and inclusion.

This round table is not just symbolic. This table, around it, we have an enormous wealth of experience and insight which can help us find new ideas and solutions. Together with Commissioner Jourova, we would like each and every one of us to leave tomorrow with a to-do list of very concrete points, of very concrete commitments.

The importance we attach to fighting anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred also means that we do not just want to listen to you and your concerns today.

It means that we remain there to listen and help also when this Colloquium is over. For this reason, Commissioner Jourova and I have decided that we will designate, within the Commission, two coordinators with specific responsibility for following issues relating to one, anti-Semitism and the other, Islamophobia. So one coordinator responsible to be your contact point on issues relating to anti-Semitism, another coordinator responsible as your point of contact for issues related to Islamophobia. And these two persons within our services will have direct access to me. So whatever you say to them lands on my desk immediately. I want to be in direct control of this I will be your envoy if you want to call it that. I will have two people in my services whose task it will be one, to make sure that the issue of anti-Semitism is her or his main activity, and the other, Islamophobia, and that they report to me directly so I know what I need to do when there is an issue at hand.

I look forward to your exchanges – and have no doubt that they will be lively. You know, what makes us Europeans is not just the capacity to express ourselves and to be understood, but more than that it is the capacity to listen to others even if we don’t agree with what they have to say. Thank you very, very much for your attention.


Various texts and links


On 1-2 October 2015, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Commissioner Věra Jourová hosted the European Commission’s first Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights1 . [EU]

Action was called for to address anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hatred,

The only solution to avoid Antisemitism would be something akin to “Anti-Muslim hatred”.  Countering Islam, the religion who has extermination of Jews as one of its holy book’s centerpieces would be the only chance to avoid anti-Semitism. [!!!Islam’s Antisemitism links!!!]. Islam is the cause of Jewish flight from Europe, where wearing the Jewish Kippah is becoming very dangerous.

taking into account the specific features of each phenomenon. In this respect, the First Vice-President Timmermans announced the nomination, within the Commission, of two coordinators, one for anti-Semitism and one for Islamophobia, to help ensure coordination of European efforts on anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hatred. “I want to be in direct control of this,” First Vice-President Timmermans said. “I will be your envoy if you want to call it that”.[EU]

2) Fight hate speech by working with IT companies, civil society and the media Hate speech online is considered the main contemporary manifestation of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and other racist and xenophobic behaviour.

Is there any mention of MUSLIM HATE SPEECH institutionalized in the holy Koran?

Enforcement and implementation of EU legislation obliging Member States to penalize hate speech inciting racist hatred or violence, including on ethnic, national or religious grounds, needs to be rigorously monitored. Reporting and investigating online hate speech is far from being straightforward (widespread use of anonymity online, difficulties in establishing jurisdiction, different definitions in the EU and US of what is illegal hate speech, etc.). The role of online intermediaries/platforms (e.g. Google, Facebook and Twitter) in removing hate speech is therefore seen as central. Clearer procedures are needed for the effective prosecution and taking down of hate speech on the internet. Dialogue should be developed at EU level with IT companies on how to address hate speech online more efficiently. The media also plays an important role. The use of negative stereotypes by the media contributes to the increased acts of hatred against Jews and Muslims in Europe, including hate speech online. Developing counter-narratives and fostering media literacy is therefore of crucial importance as a means to contribute to inclusive and tolerant societies. [EU]

  • Muslims suffer from the lowest levels of social acceptance among religious groups, with only 61% of respondents stating that they would be fully comfortable with a colleague at work being Muslim, and only 43% being fully comfortable if their adult children had a relationship with a Muslim person.
  • The EU Fundamental Rights Agency survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews shows rising anti-Semitism in Europe; 73% of respondents felt that anti-Semitism online has become worse over the last five years. EU2

It is clear sign of insanity to overlook that the worst Antisemitism is fully institutionalized inseparable part of Islam, enshrined in the Koran. In European practice anti-Semitic action, from constant street harassment towards Jews to exploding bombs in Jewish business is committed mainly by Muslims.


challenges faced by the Jewish and Muslim Communities in Europe today. And together, we will explore solutions, from the fight against hate crime and hate speech to the role of civil society, education and local authorities to policies promoting non-discrimination and inclusion. (another Timmermans speech transcript)



Merkels nächster Coup: alle Asylmacht der EU!


Frans Timmermans Praises Diversity | American Renaissance


5 days ago – Frans Timmerman needs to be deported to Harlem, and made to live in a 5 …. “diversity comes with challenges” Why put yourself thru that then?


Europe will be diverse, or war! – Frank Timmermans (WARNING …


6 days ago – Stormfront Britain>Europe will be diverse, or war! – Frank … He says “Diversity comes with challenges, but diversity is humanity’s destiny.” EU minister: Europe will be diverse, or war! – Stormfront 31 Mar 2016 EU Minister: “Europe WILL be diverse!”, “there is not going to be … 30 Mar 2016 More results from www.stormfront.org


Frans Timmermans, diplomat, politician, globalist maniac …


6 days ago – Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not …


EU: Forced diversity or war – Speisa


VIDEO: Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European Commission, gave a speech last year saying that Europe is … “Diversity comes with challenges.


Unelected EU Commision Executive Minister Frans …


This speech by the unelected, appointed EU Commision Executive Minister FransTimmermans is originally from October 2015, but there has … “Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat”. “Diversity comes with challenges.



#161 John Doe 0815   (05. Apr 2016 21:24)   [PI-News]

In dem Zusammenhang wollte ich nochmal auf diesen A4 Flyer hinweisen:


Die EU sollte ihr Bestes tun „die Homogenität ihrer Mitgliedstaaten zu unterminieren“, sagt der UN Sonderbeauftragte für Migration Peter Sutherland

Vaclav Klaus: Sinn und Zweck einer solchen „Willkommenspolitik“, den Zusammenhalt der bestehenden Gesellschaften Europas nachhaltig zu zerstören. Denn nur auf deren Trümmern können diese Politiker ihr „neues Europa“ aufbauen

Anetta Kahane: „Im Osten gibt es gemessen an der Bevölkerung noch immer zu wenig Menschen, die sichtbar Minderheiten angehören, die zum Beispiel schwarz sind. Und es gibt einen Strukturwandel, ganze Gegenden entvölkern sich“, sagte Kahane. „Wenn ich mir etwas wünschen dürfte, würde ich sagen: Es ist Zeit für die zweite Wende und einen neuen Aufbau Ost, infrastrukturell, emotional, kulturell.“
Es sei „die größte Bankrotterklärung der deutschen Politik nach der Wende“ gewesen, dass sie zugelassen habe, „dass ein Drittel des Staatsgebiets weiß blieb“.

Graf Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi (1925): „Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmenden Überwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, äußerlich der altägyptischen ähnlich, wird die Vielfalt der Völker durch eine Vielfalt der Persönlichkeiten ersetzen.“

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi (2015):
„Europa bekommt ein neues Gesicht, ob es den Alteingesessenen passt oder nicht. Wir leben in einer Ära der Völkerwanderung. Sie hat eben erst begonnen, und sie wird mit Sicherheit noch lange nicht zu Ende sein.“

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

3 thoughts on “Diversity a MUST for Europe, and the remotest places on the planet (Frans Timmermans)”

  1. “Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse. The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity?”

    That’s today’s translation for 1950’s “There’s going to be one world government, the question is whether it will be reached through consensus or force”, to quote a gentleman.

    Speech like “Hate speech online is considered the main contemporary manifestation of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and other racist and xenophobic behaviour”

    Where some hundred million people are “other” connects with what I referenced, before, as unbalance, and discrimination against weaker, or weakly aware groups.
    That phrase hugely discriminates against whites.
    Timmerman phrased it that way because he knows who’s to be appraised, and who can be disregarded.
    A very pecking-order aware guy — would he hold the position he does, otherwise?

    Back to unbalance.
    Look at these Eurocrats manners, how authoritarian and irresponsible they are.
    Why? Because they are not elected officials. They don’t answer about their actions and choices to the people their actions and choices have effect on.

    More on unbalance.
    There’s a North- and West-centric node of power ruling the EU. Southern and Eastern countries have no weight.
    See what effect that has had on the psychology of certain, specifically Belgian, Eurocrats. How that has turned their minded king-like.
    But kings governing bad and achieving little faced consequences.

    The Timmermans would face consequences only if they phrased that “manifestation of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and other racist and xenophobic behaviour” in a minimally honest way; which they are very careful not to, and will keep being, till the discriminated don’t know they are being discriminated.

    Also note how West-centric their obsessive-compulsive diversitarian-egalitarian mania is.
    They know most of the world thinks very differently. But they, clearly, think most of the world is culturally inferior — like they think of most of their citizens.

  2. Mark Steyn has something to say about diversity. Diversity of restaurants (different foods) is great. Diversity of religions, not so much. Diversity of religion causes fighting. If you don’t believe the holy bread turns into the body of christ or that jesus was really risen from the dead, then another religion is going to fight you for being an infidel. When you have a diverse restaurant selection, the only fight you’ll get into is whether it’s Vietnamese food tonight, or Greek food, in which case the argument could be ended by “a little bit of both”

  3. LOL! Stopped reading after the first paragraph.

    Japan’s “homogeneity” is based on ethnic cleansing. The Yamato majority lord it over the Ainu, Ryukyuans, and Okinawans, whom they almost wiped out (just like the Native Americans). The Ainu weren’t even recognized as actual humans until 1997. Don’t ask about the Zainichi either. After the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake they were rounded up in the streets by the thousands and massacred. The survivors had to give up their Korean culture, language and practices, learn Japanese, take Japanese names and pretend to be Japanese.

    China is a prison house of nations where the Han majority rules over a minimum of 56 other recognized ethnic groups who speak their own languages and have their own practices. They are Buddhists, athiests, Muslims, and anamists. The Han language itself is divided into 8 dialects and many of them are so different that speakers can’t even understand each other. And ever heard of Tibet?!?


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