South African Whites living in dire conditions. Please donate

8.9% Whites [] in South Africa are, of course, NOT a minority with minority protection. On the contrary, due to Black privilege White South Africans suffer from quotas favoring the Black majority, and vicious genocidal persecution.  The following is a complete reprint from EUROPA UNITAS MOVEMENT




March 20, 2016 ·



UNION visited some of South Africa’s poor working class White Afrikaners living in the countries many illegal White Squatter Camps.

Please help by donating at

South Africa Background information

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South African Whites living in dire conditions. Please donate
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Zootopia: predators’ aggression caused by racism, not genetics

Disney’s Zootopia Is a Delightful Kids’ Movie That Is Also Totally About Racial Profiling [Slate]

Disney’s newest animated feature Zootopia, out Friday, is good! The concept–it’s about a city of anthropomorphic animals in which predators and prey peacefully coexist–is creative. The animation is vibrantly beautiful. I loved its hero, eager rookie cop Judy Hopps (voice of Ginnifer Goodwin), and her foil, the con-artist fox Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman). {snip}

It’s also 100 percent about racial profiling: Just as the message of Frozen is that sisterly love can conquer all, the message of Zootopia is that racial profiling by police and society is bad. {snip}

In the city of Zootopia, predators and prey recall that in the dark ages they were wild and hunted each other, but in modern, civilized times, they live side by side. But just as racial misunderstanding and inequity undergirds American society, the relationship between predators and prey in Zootopia isn’t as simple as it might seem.

German version Zoomania: Rassismus, nicht Genetik macht Raubtiere agressiv- Zootopia:

No one is intrinsically aggressive or bad

In Disney’s movie Zootopia predators are not intrinsically, genetically aggressive.

Rather it is prejudice that makes foxes and tigers aggressive. Alleging that meat eating predators are genetically inclined to violence against rabbits and other herbivores?   That is RACISM! Apologies are needed!!

Spectators get the right message: Tigers are not genetically inclined to violence, so Blacks, North African refugees are not inclined to violence. Only prejudice is to blame for misbehavior.


Tiger violence has social causes? Black and immigrant violence is socially caused?

Today’s children, indoctrinated by political correctness, do not notice the irony in this insanity.

They will not get they wrong message, that both tiger aggression and black aggression could be inborn, genetic. (racism disclaimer)

Of course it is absurd to deny that meat eating animals have a genetic propensity to butcher animals. Duh. They need to eat meat and not carrots.

If meat eating foxes, lions, and tigers don’t kill, they die within a few days. And thus the species would have gone extinct long ago.


Human races differ in testosterone levels. [Oxfordjournals], [Elsevier Science] [Researchgate].

Clearly demonstrated Race differences in IQ and race differences in criminality are probably just as genetic as foxes’ propensity to attack and eat rabbits. (disclaimer)


Cute female bunnies make excellent police officers

Quotenpolizistinnen können problemlos Schwergewichtsmänner verhaften

Of course, female quota bunnies are as capable of arresting foxes and elephants as any giant male animal. No mention how such ideology costs lives

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Zootopia: predators’ aggression caused by racism, not geneti…
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Angela Merkel bests Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Time’s Person of the Year

Abu-Bakr-al-Baghdadiv2Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi only won second place for the Time cover for his amazing success in creating an Islamic country, the Muslim Caliphate [1] in Syria and Iraq, with the intent of bringing down the West entirely.

Translated with permission from German Angela Merkel "Person des Jahres" noch vor Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Time Magazin), !




Angela Merkel is actively helping Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi towards the future Caliphate of Eurabia.

That Caliphate already exists in small pockets of Muslim self governed no-go zones [41, 42 43 44] under Islamic Sharia law in Europe.  Example: Britain.

Should Islamic Terror not conquer Eurabia in our life time, the higher Muslim breeding rate guarantees a Muslim majority in Europe in very few generations. [5]

Feminism is to blame for the low birth rates of Whites in Germany and elsewhere [22, 23]. Women also tend to vote left, in favor of government handouts and uncontrolled immigration.


Merkel governs for United Nations, not for Germans

It seems Merkel is not governing for the well being of Germans, rather for Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The possible motive: “Chancellor Angela Merkel is considering quitting ahead of the 2017 elections and is interested in UN Secretary-General or President of the European Council roles” [3].


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump `tweeted

I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany

Time bestows its award not necessarily for moral probity: Adolf Hitler was Times’ Man of the Year in 1938, Josef Stalin in 1939 and 1942, Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, the Palestinian National Authority in 1993.[4]

The Left-Racist bias Main Stream Media is only interested in “disadvantaged minority” victims. MSM ignore the common citizens’ plight of getting raped, mugged, beaten and murdered, the process of transforming formerly virtually crime free cities in no go zones where even police are warned to keep in hiding [4]. In the Left’s uproar about Donald Trump’s suggested Muslim ban, safety concerns of the common populace are not even mentioned. Nor the financial cost of immigration which is likely to give the financial death blow to the German welfare system


"Germany Refugees Crime" yields "crimes AGAINST refugees"




Merkel’s policy is already leading Germany [10 11 12] towards Swedish rape epidemic, Muslim crime waves, and Paris-like car burnings


Drastic Changes in Schweden | German Subtitles



No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings
without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration

Europe encourages smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures. This has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe.  Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.



"Google Maps" censorship. How to defeat refugee housing map deletion.


Refugee housing map deleted by Google

Google deleted a map with refugee housing centers in Germany. Initially, the zoomable refugee Google map still could be found in web archive.


MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers 1 2. It is more likely that the censorship serves to hide the enormousness of the refugee center business from shocked Germans. Near refugee centers crime soars, and housing values plummet.

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich

Defeating Google map censorship:
instructions to attain free speech online

How to use Google maps to spread the truth, avoiding censorship.

  1. When the map is still up on Google maps, save .kml file of the map [7 Export a map ]
    1. specifically the Asylum seeker map can be downloaded here

  2. Use the kml file
    1. pass the .kml file to your friends. You can send it as email attachment, or post and download like here
    2. Open "Google My Maps" and import the file [8]
    3. share with friends. Make the link public, or share only with selected friends [9 ]   Make the link public, or share only with selected friends
    4. if you want to publish that map, you might be advised to do this in a new Google account, so your account does not get flagged or deleted
  3. using Google api, one can create a web page with the map. Unfortunately, you need an api key. [10]
  4. there is also a way to import the saved kml file into bing, Google earth, and maybe other maps

Censored refugee housing maps in Germany

Even the PC MSM Newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" thinks that deleting maps does not help

Racists say: The shocking reality of a Germany full of refugee centers to the smallest town might be too shocking for the politically correct to take. Therefore the censorship, which is very much counter US first amendment concepts. A terrorist who is determined to set a future refugee center ablaze, can locate a center without needing to resort to Google maps. It is likely that his terrorist attack is against a center in his neighborhood, fearing that crime will increase in his neighborhood.

Knowledge refugee housing, ghettos, Muslim sharia zones and more can be life saving. Political correctness PCKills uninformed naïve people who venture into crime zones unprepared Euphemisms guide for parents of foreign students]. [1]

Racists say we wonder when web archive will start censoring politically incorrect content.

June 30, 2015: Web archive DID censor the Google map file! No more web archive of the asylum seeker maps.

refugee Google map still can NOT be found any more in web archive

friendly, non hate refugee center map also deleted by Google

But another version of the map is still up. It shows the same Asylum seeker homes, with no anti-foreigner propaganda, but with a suggestion to look for the homes to help people in distress. [4]. But soon that map was removed, too.

Censored Asylum map screenshots

The map was posted by [[2]] [original German text]

MSM claim the censorship serves to prevent terrorist attacks on refugee centers [5] [6]. Rather the censorship serves to hide the shocking density of the refugee centers. A determined attackers easily find the location of a refugee center to attack.

Google censored refugee map in Germany

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich North East with airport

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of Munich South West till the Alps

Web archived map that Google censored. Zoomed screen shot of small town Landshut


Africa’s population growth, the root of the refugee problem, and the Swedish rape epidemic (#3)

In 1950 Africa had 230 million, Europe 549 million inhabitants. By 2100 Africa is expected to have 4200 million, Europe 640 million. Africa grows from half of Europe’s population to seven times the European population.

It is of course a problematic issue. What to do with migrants "who have fled persecution and poverty at home and now face sickness and starvation at sea" 22? Should Europe let in 2 Billion of the 4 Billion Africans expected by the year 2100? This is a difficult, probably unsolvable problem. Letting hundreds of Millions into Europe, creating another Africa in Europe, with civil war, week long riots, large scale car burnings, and tens of thousands of forcible rapes mainly perpetrated by African and Arab immigrants [60 61 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73]. It still does not solve the suffering of billions of ever multiplying Africans.

Africa grows faster than Europe could ever host them. A large percentage of Africans are threatened by hunger, civil wars, Muslim terrorism like Boko Haram. Africa is already overcrowded, unable to feed their 1.2 Billion population. Should Europe accept 200 Million? 1 Billion (1000 Million)? Where is the limit? Refugees already fight proxy wars, and execute acts of terrorism (car intifada). Should this go on until Europe becomes equal to Africa, thus loses its attraction? Or should Europeans preserve their culture, the affluence they worked and planned for, maintain their social network that is getting strained by immigration of life long multi-generation welfare recipients?

  1. 5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):
  2. Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)


Africa’s population growthafrica-europe-population-growth[4]

In 1950, Africa had only some 230 million inhabitants. Today, the population is already 1.2 billion und it is almost certain that Africa’s population will double and reach 2.4 billion by 2050 – despite the projected fertility decline.

Africa’s population will be between 3.2 and 5.7 billion by the end of the century (95% confidence interval) – with a median population of 4.2 billion.

This explosive population growth causes unprecedented economic, social, political and environmental challenges and risks […]

In 1950, Europe* had a population of 549 million; today, there are about 743 million. Over the past 60 years Europe’s population increased by almost 200 million.

Politically incorrect racist analysis

European technology, medicine, moneys and aid have greatly reduced mortality and led to unchecked Malthusian growth 68 that only ends once the population can not be fed and supported.

Black Africans, due to low IQ averaging 70 in Africa, low self discipline and high crime have never efficiently governed densely populated cities and states. 

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Africa’s population growth, the root of the refugee problem,…
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Refugee Quotas in Saudi Arabia for strength in diversity

Refugee quota for the 22 member states of the Arab League would also be sensible. Most refugees stem from their own Arab League members Syria and Iraq. No one is illegal according to the No border network. Christian church bells, Christian public prayer processions belong to Saudi Arabia as Islam’s Minarets and public prayers belong to Europe [14 16] and the USA [15]. Immigrants on Saudi government welfare will demonstrate, riot and hunger strike 10 for their rights 9. Freedom of religion, pork, wine, beer, and sex shops belong to Saudi Arabia as Halal meat [8] and male and female genital mutilation (circumcision) belong to Europe.Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Refugee Quotas in Saudi Arabia for strength in diversity
» continues here »

Saudi Arabia and the Arab League are ideal for resettlement of Arab and African refugees.

The EU aims to bring 20,000 refugees to Europe in the next two years, as part of the plan, at a cost of €50m (£36m. [Migrant crisis: EU refugee quota plan to take 20,000 refugees]

Relocate them to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates!


Refugee Quotas for Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates.

  1. Saudi Arabia is rich, can afford to share its wealth with the underprivileged.
  1. Yearly income Saudi Arabia US$ 52800, Bahrain US$ 51,400, Kuwait 71,000, Brunei US$ 77,700, United Arab Emirates US$ 65,000, Omar US$ 44,100 higher than in France(US$ 40,400) or Italy (US$ 34,500) [CIA World Fact Book: Per capita yearly income on purchasing power parity basis 2014]
  • Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest population densities in the world, 15 persons per square kilometer [5].
  • Refugees need no dangerous Mediterranean sea boat traversal. No traffickers needed.
  • Saudi Arabia constantly needs foreign workers.  Somalis could fill the need.
  • Muslim refugees easily integrate into Muslim Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia needs diversity. Diversity is strength!
  • Saudi Arabia needs more Shiite diversity. Their 15% Shiite population is repressed and underprivileged 6
  • Saudi Arabia needs religious diversity.
  1. Christian refugees of Syria and Iraq could promote progress.”The public practice of any form of religion other than Islam is illegal“, and “Saudi Arabian policy of excluding non-Muslim from permanent residence in the Arabian peninsula is a continuation of an old and widely accepted Muslim policy” 7.
  • Christian church bells, Christian public prayer processions belong to Saudi Arabia as Islam’s Minarets and public prayers belong to Europe [14 16] and the USA [15]. Immigrants on Saudi government welfare will demonstrate, riot and hunger strike 10 for their rights 9. Freedom of religion, pork, wine, beer, and sex shops belong to Saudi Arabia as Halal meat [8] and male and female genital mutilation (circumcision) belong to Europe.
  • Diversity is unstoppable. Saudi Arabia must get used to it. Saudi privilege must end. It does not matter if the Saudi population is against refugees. 12
  • No one is illegal according to the No border network

Refugee Quotas for Japan, Korea, Taiwan. And Republic of China, Russia!

Japan, Korea, Taiwan similarly are very rich countries that can afford to accept their part of the world’s refugee quotas.

The world must take their fair share, a few hundred Million per country, of Africa’s population growth from 230 Million in 1950 to 1200 million today and 2400 Million by year 2050.

Refugee Quotas for Arab League

Refugee quota for the 22 member states of the Arab League would also be sensible. Most refugees stem from their own Arab League members Syria and Iraq.

Refugee Quotas for Africa

Africa itself can distribute a few million Syrian refugees, if it can afford a “planned” 1 Billion population growth by 2050.

5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):

"No way! You will not make Australia home" if try to come to Australia without a visa, declares the Australian government. Australia’s pacific solution does NOT give immigration and welfare privileges to to those who break the law and illegally try to sneak into Australia

General Campbell’s message to people who travel illegally by boat to Australia

European governments and  European citizens have no such right to self determination.
Rather, illegal immigrants have rights [23]:

Smaller towns that are still a paradise of safety will be obliged, by central government, to accept those people who elsewhere already caused riots and rape epidemics.

But indiscriminately helping Muslim and African refugees has its price. No good deed goes unpunished:  5000-rape-per-year-epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden. Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care.

Australia’s Pacific Solution inspired Geert Wilders to wishful thinking, that Europe could do the same.



Australia’s Pacific Solution [93]

An Australian Pacific solution could have avoided all this rape epidemic and arson, and still could halt its further spread.

In August 2012, [… Australia] reopened Nauru detention centre and Manus Island detention centre for offshore processing] and on 19 July 2013, newly returned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced, "asylum seekers who come here by boat without a visa will never be settled in Australia", striking a Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea,] to divert all "unauthorised maritime arrivals" to mandatory detention on Manus Island with no possibility of attaining Australian residency  93


Immigration Reform: Australia’s Solution To Unwanted Refugees? Give Them To Cambodia [94]

australia-no-visa-no-way Real refugees will eventually get resettled to Papua New Guinea, or Cambodia, safe countries to start a new life.  Economic refugees will lose interest in Australia. Instead they will hire traffickers to take them to SWEDEN!

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific Solution: No Way will illegals make Australia Home (#2):” »
5000 yearly rapes in Sweden preventable! Australia’s Pacific…
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Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)

No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings
without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration
Encouraging smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe. Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)
» continues here »

5000 rape per year epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden.
Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care. click for larger picture. See which countries pledge to house many refugees that likely will cause car burning and rape epidemics: mainly Sweden, Germany

  1. Sweden has one of the highest rates of rape in the world [50]. 5000 forcible rapes per year. Virtually all forcible violent rapes are committed by immigrants. [60 61  64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73]
  2. Thus: There would be no rape epidemic, virtually no forcible rapes, riots and car burnings [80 81 2013 82 2015 2014a b c]  in Scandinavia, had they not invited refugees and immigrants from Muslim and African countries.
  3. All Swedish municipalities that have not previously “welcomed” refugees will be forced to do so. [90]  The inevitably ensuing rape epidemics in formerly idyllic safe villages can still still be avoided.
  4. EU plans to force European Nations to accept Migrants [10 11]. This will bring rape epidemic culture and violence culture [91] to all European countries. Even those that have not yet been diversity enriched (Portugal, Spain, Eastern Europe). Feminists don’t protest the further spreading of rape epidemic culture.


rape epidemic in sweden vsother countries lower rape rates
Sweden has one of the highest rape rates in the world. The violent forcible rape epidemic is due to Muslim and African immigrants. It is taboo, even illegal, to state these truths, to quote such statistics.

Police interview: All outdoor rapes in Oslo are committed by immigrants (Muslims)| YouTube

Feminists don’t protest about violent gang rapes. Feminists obsess about objectifying gaze, gender mainstreaming, sexist language, marital rape, consensual sex when drunk, women’s choice to be a sex worker.  But violent gang rapes by minorities, not of interest to feminists.


No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings

without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration

Europe encourages smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures. This has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe.  Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.


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Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafenin…
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