Killer "child" (17.99 years old) enjoys impunity and anonymity of Brazil’s child protection law (ECA)

2 days before his 18th birthday, a career criminal gangster kills his ex-girlfriend and sends the pictures to friends and enemies. In the Brazil of ECA (statute of the child and the adolescent), a coming of age party can be celebrated with a corpse.

Ex girl friend Yorraly Ferreira had gotten involved with gangsters of a rival gang and thus angered him enough to be punished with a deadly shot.

He sent a recording of the crime to friends and enemies. He thus demonstrated his power and made clear he should not be messed with. Yorraly Ferreira’s actual boyfriend posted the photo of her corpse on his FaceBook page "Rest in peace, my love". Thus the name of confessed killer Henrique Aquino dos Santos’s became known, even though the law assures an underage criminal’s anonymity, and his photos can not be shown.

Source: Veja Brazil | Correio | G1 | Jusbrasil

He will not be punished but suffer 3 years of socio-educational measures, after which he will be be released with a clean criminal record.

I repeat: in 3 years he can apply as a job as a policeman, as an elementary school teacher, because he will have a squeaky clean criminal record. The murder and prior robbery covictions will be wiped clean. Like this serial killer

14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. Liberal child protection law run amok in Brazil.

Brazil‘s ECA (Statute of children and adolescents law is an example for well meant liberal political correctness run amok. No matter how many horrendous crimes an under 18 year old commits, s/he will only be sent for educational measures of maximum 3 years, and will receive a clean police record after age 18.

Human Rights  tend to favor thugs, and put the rights of 17 year old male murderers above women’s rights and domestic violence laws. Brazil‘s ECA is the worst example.

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

13 thoughts on “Killer "child" (17.99 years old) enjoys impunity and anonymity of Brazil’s child protection law (ECA)”

  1. I oppose Human-Rights who discard the victims to save the perpetrator.

    So if someone is getting ready to throw a cobblestone in someone’s face, or a Molotov Cocktail onto someone, I think it ought to be the DUTY of police to protect the good guys by killing the bad guy.

    This is not vigilante revenge killing, but rather a defense of others, a version of justifiable self defense, avoiding potentially deadly harm.

    However, I feel HS goes too far in seemingly calling for police and vigilantes to be allowed to shoot black children on sight. We can hardly criticize feminists for denying teenagers their rights (the right to have sex with who they choose) if we’re also calling for hoodie wearing adolescent males to be executed at will.

    I do not object to criticism. Especially by someone like you who is mainly in agreement about most issues.

    Of course it’s his site and he can say what he wants on it. However, he has come on my site and criticised my way of doing things around 100+ times now, despite my repeated objections, so I hardly have to apologize for coming here and telling him that his approach is wrong, and not the way to build a realistic platform for a sex positive men’s rights movement.

  2. “schopenbecq, the whole point of a website such as this one is for the author to speak his mind”
    I doubt if Human-Stupidity wants to be whistling into the wind. I think he does have pretensions, as I do, of fighting feminism and resisting a possible oncoming sexual holocaust.

    “If those opinions happen to be unpopular or controversial, then so be it.”

    It’s not that they are unpopular and controversial, it’s that they appear to me to be clearly inconsistant.

    “It’s ridiculous to compare the incident you linked to (HS wrote about it himself a while back) to my idea. I was suggesting well-thought-out justice,”

    Not it’s not. You can’t have your cake and eat it. If you want vigilantes to be allowed to roam the streets dispensing instant death penalties, then you better be prepared for often horrendous outcomes, and not just the ‘well deserving’ cases getting their just deserts. There is no such thing as ‘well thought out’ mob justice.

    I do get the general point of this article and how it relates to HS’s other themes – the absurdity of treating teenagers as children who have no responsibility or decision making capacity when it comes to either sex or crime.

    However, I feel HS goes too far in seemingly calling for police and vigilantes to be allowed to shoot black children on sight. We can hardly criticize feminists for denying teenagers their rights (the right to have sex with who they choose) if we’re also calling for hoodie wearing adolescent males to be executed at will.

    Of course it’s his site and he can say what he wants on it. However, he has come on my site and criticised my way of doing things around 100+ times now, despite my repeated objections, so I hardly have to apologize for coming here and telling him that his approach is wrong, and not the way to build a realistic platform for a sex positive men’s rights movement.

  3. @jewamangyou: thank you for coming to my defense. This is a very special case where many people would support vigilante action, and where there is good reason for society to act in preventive “self defense” before the same criminal kills again. Or, where such vigilante action could scare off further criminals.

    And, again, I must not waiver from my commitment to non-violence and thus am not recommending such action.

    @Schopenbeq, unfortunately, also has a point. These same vigilantes might execute pedophiles, or other “scum” they are convinced does not deserve to live. Or even racist “scum” in order to avoid a future holocaust.

    Society is confused about crimes. We have clear capital crimes as murder, beatings, etc. Some of these crimes, nowadays, are considered justified when committed by “repressed minorities”, like battered women and “justifiably” offended Blacks. None of the crime apologists gets the flak that I get, though. I am clearly opposed to such permissiveness of violent crimes.

    Then we have traditional sex crimes, which nowadays ought to be decriminalized, due to birth control, DNA testing, etc. Instead many seem to get more criminalized.

    And finally we have the new inquisition against other thought crimes, the ever extending hate speech laws.

    And, @Schopenbeq has a point that vigilantes often may act in error, due to lack of due process. I agree, this is why I wish to have reformed laws. Strict laws in the few cases where they are really needed and freedom wherever the strong arm of the law is not needed.

    @jewamongyou is right, that a blog author should speak one’s mind without self censorship. And @Schopenbeq is right that I lose traffic by having a host of seemingly disconnected topics, each of which strongly alienates a majority of the population.

    Google does not quite get the topic of my site. It is not quite clear what sex liberalism, race realism, HBD, right to die with dignity, freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, and drug liberalization have in common. A few topics I have in common with Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, and the tea party. People who are religious nutcases, on the other hand. And a few topics of mine absolutely everyone disagrees. And my hands are bound because I can not ignore research, no matter how un-PC.

    Some sites are more entertaining, more outspoken. Like unamusement park, judgybitch, and the proper antifeminist. I am a little scientifically dry, careful, hedging.

    I would like to have a few contributors, to different topics. I admire how avoiceformen took off. Or something like inmalafide. @jewamongyou and @schopenbeq would be very welcome. But I guess most people don’t want to be associated with a racist pedophile child porn apologist, a misogynist, who favors liberalization of drugs, and suicide.

    Amazingly, I don’t even get attention of haters who could bring me traffic and attention.

    @jewamongyou: I would love a contribution about Ashkenazi IQ, and about “jewish privilege” as opposed to white or male privilege, as mentioned by Steven Pinker. Comparison of Jewish participation in press, movies, science, economics, and their small percentage of the total population. Which probably can be fully explained by their IQ difference.

  4. Sorry, let me make clear that I clearly stand for non-violence.

    I said I found the idea intriguing, funny, creative, but I am not promoting such violent action.

    Anyone who reads my blog understands that I am against the PC laws, that allow youthful career criminals to harm good men and women with virtual impunity.

    I am in favor of annulling laws that give virtual impunity for crimes that cause true victimization, like the Brazilian underage murderers, or female “battered women syndrome” killers.

    My solution would also be to abandon most laws that punish people for victimless crimes, like consensual sex, CP, thought crimes, private drug use, death with dignity, …

    I think most countries give a judge some lee way to treat a vicious minor like an adult. Brazil does not.

    @Schopenbeq, you have a point: Many people who agree with me on one issue are up in arms about my opinion on another issue. Some people would overcome one PC taboo, but very few would overcome societal programming on several PC taboos.

    So most people who share my opinion on George Zimmermann’s right to self defense are absolutely not sex positive, or in favor of drug decriminalization.

    I manage to alienate almost everyone.

  5. schopenbecq, the whole point of a website such as this one is for the author to speak his mind. If those opinions happen to be unpopular or controversial, then so be it. There are plenty of sites whose entire purpose is to attract traffic. They have nothing controversial, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing thought-provoking. Perhaps you should spend your time at those sites instead of this one. They might be more to your liking.

    It’s ridiculous to compare the incident you linked to (HS wrote about it himself a while back) to my idea. I was suggesting well-thought-out justice, where the problem is not a lack of evidence but a dysfunctional “justice” system that allows dangerous murderers to roam free. The incident you link to is completely different.

  6. You seem to live in a fantasy world HS.

    You wondered a little while ago why you don’t get more visitors to this site.

    Well, it could be that you are actually the only person on the ENTIRE planet who campaigns both for mobs of vigilantes to be allowed to roam the streets killing people with impunity AND for unrestricted laws on sex with children and child porn.

    I doubt that even amongst your fellow ‘hebophiles’ more than 0.001% share your political belief system.

    BTW, this is what would happen to you personally within 24 hours if your wish was granted and mobs of vigilantes were suddenly in charge of dispensing justice :

  7. Are you for real? A Vigilante army of boomers? The generation that priced their own children out of property, education, careers?

    Jesus wept.

  8. One possible solution is to have an army of vigilantes. These vigilantes would be old people with one foot in the grave, terminally ill patients or those who are already suicidal and who feel they have nothing to lose. Members of this army would administer justice in such cases; they would have little to fear from the law anyway.

    1. Fantastic idea. A army of vigilantes, who don’t fear death or prison, doing the RIGHT thing. Being older guys, there is hope that they are just and wise. Let me add that I find this intellectually interesting, but I am not in a position to actually recommend vigilante killings.

      Those who organize such an army must also be fearless, as they might be arrested for hate crimes. Though shalt not preach hate against murderers (if they are a protected class).

  9. We see a similar phenomenon here in the States too. It’s crazy. The Torah has a solution for out-of-control teens: “Ben sorer umoreh,” or a “wayward son.” He is taken out by his parents and stoned to death.

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