Richard Dawkins debunks Creationism. “The purpose of purpose”

“Intelligent design” or “scientific” creationism are buzzwords created by religious fundamentalists, with the agenda to put content of 2000 year old religious books into our children’s school science curriculum.

Dawkins just takes apart all the religous arguments, shreds them into pieces. Watch the video “the purpose of purpose”.

I have seen discussions, where poor scientist just could not lower themselves to argue on the same level of demagogic obfuscation as the religious dogmatists, and thus looked bad. See the following example of a scientist that was too shy to counterattack.

Evolutionary theory has yet unexplained gaps. Therefore we need to be open-minded and to offer out children alternative theories, like “intelligent design”.

Biological knowledge of embryonal development has unexplained gaps. Therefore we need to be open-minded and to offer out children alternative theories, like “stork theory of child delivery”.

The geology of the earth is still not fully explained. Therefore we need to be open-minded and to offer out children alternative theories, like “flat earth theory” and “hollow earth theory”.

Same about alchemy in chemistry classes, astrology in astronomy classes, and witchcraft in medical first aid courses.

If Dawkins is too fiery for you, follows a very cool scientific analysis of scientific creationism

The following video explains:
Theory is not “guesses or hunches”, as in lay people language. Theory to a scientist means explanation, logical constructs of tested hypotheses, facts, laws.

Links to other 23 videos in this series:

1. Va6k

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

10 thoughts on “Richard Dawkins debunks Creationism. “The purpose of purpose””

  1. This man did nothing but pretend like creationists were all idiots because they didn’t believe in his religion. His proofs that creationism is impossible are laughable, and the scientific “proof” of his religion is hysterical. As far as I can tell he knows nothing of the complexities of science and is just a cheerleader for the religion of evolution. I feel like I just watched a 5 year old calling someone a “big stupid head” for hours. There is not one bit of scientific evidence that can show that one bit of the evolutionary religion is true. Evolutionary theory is polluted with circular reasoning, unscientific theory, and some great imaginations. Darwinism is just as scientific as the next religion, you have to believe in it for it to be true. I think it is hilarious that so many people believe “a theory based on another theory that is based on another theory is pure scientific fact”. It is really sad that so many “scientists” are preaching the previous statement. Throw out your agenda’s and look at the science (there isn’t much).

  2. Hey hey hey.. the trouble with people like Richard Dawkins is that he has this razor sharp intellect, and he is too easily “INSULTED” by things that ‘acedamia” cannot explain! How Atheists like him avoid committing “suicide” I’ve no idea at all. It must be VERY depressing to truely “think” ( almost to the point of “indisputability” ) that it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for ANYTHING to exist beyond the physical “touchable” world. What “gets” to me is that these “scientistic debunkers” are so incredibly CERTAIN that nothing “spiritual” or supernatural is even POSSIBLE! That’s what I HATE about these “Brainy-Smurf” type egotists! They know SOOOOOO MUCH!!! And WE are all IDIOTS! I feel “sorry” for men like that. When Jesus walked the Earth, He didn’t even waste his time with such “brilliant” people. Their own intellects were “blinded” by the sheer brilliantness of their great “mental power!” Sometimes, youv’e got to turn your “highbeams” off so that you can see the subtler, more delicate things closer TO you. But people like Dawkins cannot DO that! They’re too damn “smart” to “lower” themselves like that. The intellect can indeed be sharpened up TOO MUCH! Yet it is the HEART that can know things that the “intellect” can never comprehend if it “refuses” to let the heart join up with it. Men like Dawkins REFUSE to let their FEELINGS and INSTINCTS get any sort of “foot-hold” in their lives! They believe that emotions, psychic intuition and instict are all just old out-dated evolutionary quirks! They think that they can “KNOW IT”ALL” by using their razor sharp, soul-blinding intellectual “high-beams!” Like the Bible says: In professing to be wise, they became utter FOOLS! Even when these “Scientistic Elites” DO see something paranormal, they stonewall their hearts, refuse to admit anything at all, debunk what they just saw ( often resorting to “trickery” if all else fails ) write a bunch of people off as “frauds”or “delusional” ( which is taking the comfortable “easy way out” ) chew a few people up “intellectually”, and then they walk away with feathers in their caps! Another one down! Hey hey hey! Jesus didn’t waste his time with Men like Michael Shermer or Richard Dawkins, though he did “marvel” at their unbeleif. He even healed people of crippling diseases like cerebal palsey! Yet even some of the RELATIVES of those who were miraculously “healed” would NOT believe it!! So Jesus ended up “infuriating” the disbelieving “brainiacs” of his day by “propping them up” saying: “You see these men?… these “white-washed “tombs!? They see, but they DON’T percieve! They hear, but they cannot and WILL not listen! Oh how they just know EVERYTHING!! Well ” I ” say that they know “NOTHING!!!” He “propped them up” as “examples” of what NOT to become!! Naturally, this “enfuriated” them! It’s “sad” really. They’ve lost any and all “ability” to see the wonder and magick that can be found, even in the slums of the inner city. The Holy Spirit has no “effect” on them. They are hopelessly “BLINDED” by the light of their own superior “intellects.” I guess you could say that they ” know too much”, LOL… But it isn’t funny. It’s sad. Dawkins, Shermer, Randi, … their spirits are already dead and in the grave. They spend their lives trying to make the entire world 100% “rationalist.” Yet a world like that would be completely “VOID” and utterly “MEANINGLESS!” HUMAN LIFE would be almost “WORTHLESS!” ( Compassion conscience and concern for “others” would go “right out the window!!” “Well, if they’d “rather die, then they should go on and DO IT ( kill themselves ) and decrease the “surplus ( excess ) population!” Scrooge was clearly a tired old rationalist/atheist. When you’re an “athiest” like dawkins, Shermer, OR Scrooge, you loose the ability to see people as “special” individuals, each one with unique traits, qualities, spiritual gifts, etc.. you only see them as a bunch of worthless “eaters and shitters!!” If EVERYone were like that, compassion would go right out the window! THAT would be “Brainiac’s” dream-come-true! ” I ” on the other hand say “FUCK THAT!” I’m off to “CHURCH!”

  3. The Media likes Science.

    Whatever the Media likes, the opposite is the truth.

    They don’t want us to research deep philosophy, theology, metaphysics, they want superficial and materialistic men, just consumers and capitalist workers, buyers.

    Who hates religion today? The Media, the Government.

    Why? Is religion powerful or dangerous today? No.

    So, why? It’s Marxism, we are not allowed to think about the big existential questions.

    Don’t fall for it guys, re check this one, here, you are wrong.

    And there are many technical and scientific arguments for creation, they are politically incorrect.

    Research this one.

  4. Very nice site you have here! I agree with just about everything you say.

    As for the Dawkins speech, it was good. I think he’s a bit confused about the definition of “nation”. Toward the end, the showed a slide depicting a tribal dance in Africa and a Nazi march. Dawkins commented that the Africans probably actually are of the same family while the Nazis are not. In fact, those marching under the banner of Nazism are family as well, just a much wider family. Race is a superextended family and the Nazis, evil and bloodthirsty as they were, appreciated this. Blacks appreciate this – which is why they call each other “brother” and “sister”. Whites need to start appreciating this as well or they will suffer greatly.

    1. “atheists are the most miserable people on earth, because they are going thru life just against something, not for something”

      Well that isn’t necessarily true. Questioning things is still better than blind belief.

  5. ***yawn***

    just another guy desperately looking for attention. atheists are the most miserable people on earth, because they are going thru life just against something, not for something

    er, before you conclude that the bloke is correct, true intelligence requires that you hear out the side of the religious first

    remember, true intelligence presupposes due process and openness

    science and religion are simply two separate and different means of arriving at truth

    for all you know, Dawkins fits the description “irrational brainwashed dogmatism in otherwise intelligent people”

    Dawkins is no different from the religious people he despises – he is also a fundamentalist

    1. a fundamentalist as much as someone who dedicates their entire life study gravity is a fundamentalist of gravity, I guess. I’d say dawkins is focused on evolution study…. Fundamentalist sounds more like a way to paint him as an extremist. I personally envy a guy who, for example, studies the fundamentals of gravity, biology, or physics and dedicates his life to such a task. Me, I’m far too A.D.D. to study one area of science or one fundamental building block.

  6. I watched some of the 24 videos, they are very scientific and concise and clarify things even to a well informed person like me. Very recommended, the vidoes. Some are a little bland and scientific talk, but very informative.

    Each of these videos debunks one important argument of the creationists. In all detail and in depth. If you watch all these videos and still remain creationist, then your religious faith really is unstoppable and resists any proof to the contrary.

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