Get a lawyer before sex: 27 precautions before risking sex with a woman

A man who dares to have sex with a woman needs legal counsel. He is guilty until proven innocent on many charges, which can be filed years after sex. A woman can claim she withdrew consent in the middle of the act, was unable to consent because she was drunk, drugged, had mental problems; she can look older, lie about her age and have fake id; can insert sperm from a condom into her vagina to inseminate herself, can get child support even if SHE raped him; injure herself and accuse him of battery and rape. He may go to jail for doing a DNA test on the cuckold child from his wive’s adulterous affair. Even sex dolls can look underage, and masturbation has its risks.

Nowadays, a man cannot simply engage in sex. He might get arrested, jailed for decades, registered as a sex offender, or have to pay spousal support and child support for a few dacades.

A mere 27 precautions can help to significantly diminish these dangers, but can not eliminate them

Precautions in order to safely (?) engage in sex with a woman

Legal precautions before engaging in sex in Brazil

The following text has been made popular in Brazilian blogs. It proposes a list of all the precautions a man has to go through before risking to engage in sex with a woman. Other countries are usually even more stringent and have even more dangers, as I will show

Then I will show that the author has been very optimistic and his precautions are way insufficient.

First take the girl to a hospital emergency room and request a blood test for alcohol and other drugs, to avoid charges of sexual contact through fraud with a person unable to consent or resist.(Art. 215 CPB) Then go with her to a notary public and require her to file a declaration that you are practicing consensual sex, to avoid charges of rape. (Art. 213 CPB) Also, demand that she register a declaration with the notary republic that she is engaging in casual sex, to avoid any claim for breach of a stable common law relationship with her partner. (Law 9.278, Art. 7) Next, go to a laboratory and require an examination of beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) to make sure that you are not the guy chosen to support it her in a pre-existing pregnancy with a baby that is not yours. (Law 11.804 Art. 6)
At the motel or at home, use condoms and don’t even think of “rough sex” to avoid accusations of domestic violence and get thrown in jail for spousal abuse ( Law Nº 11.340). Also, you should pamper her, praise her, never criticize her or complain about anything, (you must be the perfect mate), so as not to cause any “physical, sexual or psychological suffering and moral damage.” You of course are without any of the same rights in return. (Law 11.340 Art. 5) Upon leaving the motel, take her to the Forensic Medicine Institute and require a medical examination, be sure to request an expedited report for the possibility of bodily injury (Art. 129 CPB) and to check for the presence of sperm in the vagina, to TRY to avoid spending nine months of hell if she later becomes pregnant by another guy (Law 11.804 Art. 6).  Finally, if the presence of sperm in the vagina of the girl is detected, immediately require a collection of samples for further investigation of paternity ((??Law1.060 Section 3 paragraph VI) and request a refund of any alimony obtained through deception or fraud. (Art. 171 CPB)

Having done all this, MAYBE you can practice “safe sex” if you are still interested.

This list is a good start, but unfortunately quite incomplete and left out a lot of risk factors, such as

  • underage statutory rape charges
  • fake ID
  • rape charges due to withdrawal of consent in the midst of the sex act
  • jurisdictional problems during travel
  • prostitution charges (which soon might elevate age of consent to 21 years)

I attempt to remedy these omissions and elaborate a more complete list of measures

27 precautions in order to safely engage in sex with a woman

A) Get Legal Counsel to understand the local law

you thought you could have sex without a lawyer? No way!

The girl looks quite clearly underage. Thus ID check, verification for fake ID, study of federal and state law regarding their age differences for application of Romeo & Juliet laws would be of major importance. Also informed consent about the risks, for example that the girl might withdraw consent at any time, a right which probably cannot be signed away in a contract. A lawyer should also advise his client that no photos must be taken, to avoid sexting child porn charges. So the video, though interesting, is very very incomplete.

1) get legal counsel to learn about local sex laws (where you are engaging in sex) Sex laws and age of consent laws vary from state to state and from country to country. Take special care about age of consent, illegal sex practices, adultery laws, etc

Make sure you don’t inadvertently cross state lines, country borders, or get into extraterritorial areas like consulates, embassies, etc.

Make sure there are no special county or city laws you might violate!

2) Get legal counsel from the country of your citizenship and main residency. Often you can be punished for committing acts that are legal where you are, but are not legal in your home country. Not only if you are a citzien of Saudi Arabia, and engage in extramarital sex on a trip to Kuwait. But also if you are an American citizen and have legal sex with a European 16 years of age, beyond the age of consent. Even if in your home state the age of consent is 16 or under, federal law makes it a felony to have sex with anyone under 18, anywhere in the world.

For example, a citizen of a European country, with age of consent 16, who turns a legal resident of the United States, will be very surprised to know that he can get 30 years in prison for merely planning to travel home to have sex with his lawful girlfriend or fiance of 17 years of age. (TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 117 > § 2423 Travel With Intent To Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct)

If you are a child or adolescent minor, it is mandatory to get legal advice before playing doctor. The legal issues regarding nudity, photos, sex of children and  adolescents are extremely complex. I deal with this in a separate post.

B) Check ID for age and identity

3) Check ID of your prospective partner for age Make sure your partner is above age of consent.
It does not matter if your prospective parter looks like 70 years old, s/he could suffer from Progeria, which makes 7 year olds look like 70. The disease is admittedly rare, but do you want to go to jail for 20 years and get special attention because you are labelled a “child rapist”?
4) Verify the ID for authenticity The ID could be fake. So check the ID for authenticity.
No matter how well you checked, how well she falsified her ID, this will not keep you out of jail. This should be known since the times of Tracy Lords
5) Make sure the ID does not belong to someone else. The ID could be authentic. But it could belong to another person. So check the photo, compare it to the person. If there is a signature, have the person sign a piece of paper. Get a graphotechnical (handwriting expert) analysis to assure the signature in the ID matches the signature in the ID. If there are fingerprint and other features, have an expert check this.
6) Hire a detective to run a background check, to independently to confirm all data on ID, to make sure she is off age and really over the age of consent Even if s/he has a government emitted ID, if she deceived or bribed government officials to give her a false ID, that is no excuse.
So the detective, ideally, should check out the family, school records, birth certificate, verify records at her birth clinic. Ideally he should run a DNA test to make sure there is no stolen identity.
C) Avoid “grooming” charges.

You can spend decades in jail without ever having met the girl, without ever having tried to have sex with her. Just for chatting her up.

7) You must do the age checks before you even talk to the girl.
Even if f the girl is over the age of consent but under 18 you could get into trouble if you have ever talked to her online.

Even text messages could be potentially covered by these “grooming” laws.

So don’t even befriend any girl that cannot prove to you she is over 18.

(When reading the text below, don’t forget that nowadays 17 year olds are “children”.)

In its report Protection of Children Against Abuse Through New Technologies, the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention Committee addressed the emerging issues of violence against children through the use of new technologies (the issue of child pornography on the Internet is already covered by Article 9 Convention) with particular reference to grooming both through the internet and by mobile telephones.[8]

Some States have already criminalized grooming in their national legislation.


Australian Criminal Code Act 1995 section 474.26 and 474.27 prohibits the use of a “carrier service” to communicate with the intent to procure a person under the age of 16, or expose such a person to any indecent matter for the purposes of grooming.

The various states and territories have similar laws, some of which use a different age (for example the victim need only be under 18 in Queensland).


In Canada, Criminal Code section 172.1 makes it an offence to communicate with a child through a computer system for the purpose of committing a sexual offence (termed “luring a child”).

United Kingdom

In England and Wales, sections 14 and 15 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 make it an offence to arrange a meeting with a child, for oneself or someone else, with the intent of sexually abusing the child. The meeting itself is also criminalized.[9]

The Protection of Children and Prevention of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2005 introduced a similar provision for Scotland.[10]

Thus, a crime may be committed even without the actual meeting taking place and without the child being involved in the meeting (for example, if a police officer has taken over the contact and pretends to be that child). In R v T (2005) EWCA Crim 2681, the appellant, aged 43, had pretended to befriend a nine-year-old girl, but had done very little with her before she became suspicious and reported his approaches. He had a number of previous convictions (including one for rape) and was described as a “relentless, predatory pedophile”. The Court of Appeal upheld a longer than commensurate sentence of eight years’ imprisonment with an extended licence period of two years.

United States

In the United States, 18 U.S.C. § 2422
makes it a federal offense to use interstate mail etc. to entice a minor to sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense. 18 U.S.C. § 2425
makes it a federal offense to transmit information about a person below the age of 16 for this purpose. Some states have additional statutes covering seducing a child online, such as the Florida law that makes “Use of a Computer to Seduce a Child” a felony.[citation needed]

Laws focused on ‘grooming’ were first enforced federally against Alabaman Jerry Alan Penton in 2009. Penton received 20 years in prison for that action coupled with another 20 for his distribution and possession of child pornography.was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison on a variety of charges relating to child pornography.[11]

D) Avoid Incest

No genetic consanguinity, nor relatedness by adoption, step-parentship, marriage, etc.

8) Remember Oedipus? Get DNA test of her and of yourself, to make sure there is no unexpected blood relationship between you, Oedipus was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. He fulfilled a prophecy that said he would kill his father and marry his mother! He did not know they were his parents.

  • Consanguinity could be caused by mixup of babies at birth.
  • You could be an adopted child, a full brother of your lover, without knowing it.
  • Or she could be the product of artificial insemination with your father’s sperm.
  • Your father could have had a secret affair with your lover’s mother, etc.
9) Make sure she is not related to you by marriage, adoption, … Have your detective perform do genalogy research on the girl and yourself.
E) Assure and document valid consent. Prove consent is never withdrawn

(Initial consent is not enough, you must prove consent has never been withdrawn)
see”Consensual sex, followed by rape, followed by consensual sex

10) First take the girl to a hospital emergency room and request a blood test for alcohol and other drugs, Obvious. If she is drunk, her consent is not valid. You also should keep a paper trail of these tests. Keep them for at least 10 years, as she can complain about rape after years and years.
11) Make sure  you document, with videos or 3 witnesses, that she does not  get incapacitated by taking drugs or dring AFTER that test. Furthermore you need to record everything on video, seemlessly, to avoid claims that she drunk or took drugs after the test. (of course, video has other dangerous pitfalls)
12) Get a background check, that is has not been declared legally incompetent Your detective probably can do that for you. Obviously, if she is legally incompetent, she cannot consent and you go to the slammer for rape.
13) Get a psychological and medical test, that she is not mentally retarded nor suffers from other severe psychological ailments that would invalidate consent
14) Then go with her to a notary public and require her to file a declaration that she is practicing consensual sex, to avoid charges of rape This is the minimum requirement. Unfortunately, she can withdraw that consent at any time, in the middle of the sex act.
15) Make sure you have proof she does not withdraw consent later on (video, or several witnesses) Consensual sex, followed by rape, followed by consensual sex

So again, documenting everything in video is essential. Especially you have to videotape the sex act. Of course, the video has other pitfalls. If your parter is over the age of consent, but under 18, then you are allowed to have sex with her, but you are not allowed to film it. In that case, the only solution would be to have at least 3 witnesses present, during the sex act, to make sure she never ever uttered the word “stop” or “no”.
Another problem with video taping is that if the video tape leaks, gets stolen, gets published, you might be liable.

F) Manage Video documentation

as demonstrated above, videotaping your interactions with sex partners is a necessary evil.

16) Get written consent from the woman that she agrees to your videotaping
17) Find out for how many years after the fact a woman can file rape charges. Then prepare to store the video for a couple of decades
18) You need to take precautions to preserve her privacy, so the video does not leak to youtube or sex site.
19) It would be good if you encrypt it and get a few backups. If you lose a video with exonerating proof, that might cost you half a lifetime in jail.

G) Prevent child support, pregancy support, spousal support, common law marriage claims

20) Make sure she is not yet pregnant.

  • Go to a laboratory and require an examination of beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) to know if she is already pregnant.
So she can not claim you got her pregnant.

In Brazil there is a law providing obliging a presumed father to  support the pregnant woman already during pregnancy (Law 11.804 Art. 6).

21) Watch your sperm.

  • Never trust a woman’s claim she is taking the pill.
  • Always use a condom.
  • make sure your sperm gets destroyed and cannot be abused for “artificial insemination”
  • Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.
    • Assure the woman cannot use your sperm from oral sex or from the condom for “artificial insemination” by inserting it into her vagina
    • Make sure you always flush the condom down the toilet, or wash it out in the sink before discarding it in the waste bin.
    • Whe you have an orgasm, make sure you watch where the sperm goes. Make sure she spits into a towel, into the toilet, or assure she really swallows
  • 22) have her register a declaration with the notary republic that she is engaging in casual sex, to avoid any charges for spousal support due to long term common law relationaship/ marriage,
    23) Right after sex, take her to the Forensic Medicine Institute to check for the presence of sperm in the vagina … Prevents her from asking you for abortion money and saves you 9 months of nerve wrecking uncertainty.
    This also proves you cannot be the father, in case she gets pregnant, thus freeing you from pregnancy support.

    H) Prevent accusations of domestic violence, spousal abuse

    24) … and [after sex] require a medical examination for the possibility of bodily injury This is very essential, as she might inflict injuries on herself after you leave her.

    Of course, if she injures herself while she is with you, then only your uninterrupted video and your witnesses can save you from certain doom and 5 years in jail.

    25) Of course, you already got such an medical examination for bruises and bodily injury before sex to document any pre-existing bruise she might have had before the relationship
    26) During sex, don’t even think of “rough sex” to avoid accusations of domestic violence and get thrown in jail for spousal abuse.

    I) Avoid prostitution charges

    27) Make sure you don’t give any presents or money, to avoid prostitution charges. This is especially tricky, as most women want free meals, shopping sprees for clothes, etc.
    If prostitution is illegal, you can get into serious trouble for your presents.
    Even where prostitution is legal, there are often other hurdles, like a higher age of consent for prostitution then for free sex. Holland, for example, is on the verge of increasing the age of consent for prostitution to 21 years

    J) Is married sex a safer alternative?

    By now you are convinced that  it is unfeasible to safely have any short term relationships. So let us analyze if marriage is a safer alternative.

    The only risk you reduce is statutory rape. Not only will you have a good background check on the real age of your spouse, but most staturory rape laws have express exemptions for married couples.  But unlike 40 years ago, rape, spousal abuse, domestic violence laws are the same.

    There are additional risks and aggravations for sex with wives

    • by default, you are the father of your wive’s  offspring. If your spouse cheats on you, the resulting offspring is still your kid, by default.  So you will pay 25 years of child support for the child fathered by your neighbor. In many countries it is prohibited for the  husband “father” to do a DNA test on your own kids. In Britain you can go to jail for DNA-testing your cuckold child.  so you are doomed to pay support for the baby of your wife’s lover
    • Most likely, you will pay spousal support for the rest of your life. And if your income decreases so you cannot afford paying, you will be arrested, jailed, lose your drivers license, …
      • you have to pay child support even if you are never allowed to see your kids and have no say over how your money is being spent.
      • allegations of spousal abuse or child abuse can get you kicked out of your own home for good.
    The only risk marriage reduces is statutory rape. First of all, you have enough time to get a background check on your bride. Second, married couples are usually exempt from statutory rape laws
    In most countries, by default, you are the father of your wive’s  offspring. If your spouse cheats on you, the resulting offspring is still your kid, by default. So you will pay 25 years of child support for the child fathered by your neighbor. In many countries it is prohibited for the  husband “father” to do a DNA test on your own kids, so you are doomed to pay support for the baby of your wife’s lover
    Rape, spousal abuse, domestic violence laws are the same for married couples.
    Your wife can, at any time, allege you raped her, or mistreated her You get a restraining order and usually get kicked out of your own house. Of course, you still pay
    Your wife can, at any time, allege you abused your children sexually You get a restraining order and usually get kicked out of your own house.
    Get a prenupcial agreement at least you can do the best to reduce your exposure
    You need to take videos 24 hours a day, because your spouse may, at any time, allege she said “no” to sex and charge you with rape.
    Even if your spouse refuses sex, you cannot refuse spousal support
    You are likely to pay spousal support for the rest of your life, especially if you get divorced And if your income decreases so you cannot afford paying, you will be arrested, jailed, lose your drivers license, …
    Your wife can leave, with the children,  to a differnt city, to keep the children away from you. You still have to pay child support.

    Summary & Conclusion: There is no such thing as (legally) safe sex with a woman.

    These 27 steps can greatly increase your chances to stay out of the sex offender register, but there always remains a substantial risk. A careful attorney will tell you to avoid sex completely.

    Certain risks are not controllable. Like the risk of the woman crying “rape”, alleging she said no

    After profound analyis, no attorney can recommend you to take the uncontrollable risk to have sex with a real woman.

    So if you are too scared to have sex with a women, check some alternatives

    Alternatives to having sex with a woman:

    Have sex with a man or a transvestite

    This seems to take care of most of the above problems? Think again.

    There is less chance of pregnancy, but you need to watch your sperm.
    • Your partner might pass your sperm to a female friend who wants a both a child and someone with deep pockets to support her and her child.
    • Or he can give your sperm to his sister: this way he can get a child that is blood-related to him, and you will have to pay child support
    • Make sure you watch out for scientific progress in cloning, making embryons from 2 male sperm cells, etc.
    Also with further progress in gay marriage, domestic violence legislation might be applied to same sex couples
    common law marriage support requests between 2 men might be around the corner.
    If you are a heterosexual male, there is an additional embarrassment if you publicly get accused of statutory rape, rape, violence, abuse with a transvestite or a man.
    And if you find out you don’t like sex with men, there is an additional risk: you can be sued for the crime of homophobia or discrimination.

    Buy a sex doll

    There are some really beautiful life-like sex dolls available. But even sex dolls need precautions

    Make sure the sex doll does not look underage. To be on the safe side, make sure she looks over 35. Or get an expert witness to certify in writing that she clearly looks over 18, beyond reasonable doubt. Canadian feminists are already banning sexbots that look under 18 –
    And, sex bots might already be covered by European Union legislation against drawings and similar artwork of minors, and against “apparently underage” photos.

    Use your hand

    You think masturbation is safe? Almost. But don’t forget your precautions

    If you look at porn, make sure every girl is certified over 18 years old, and you possess the proof. In many countries it will not save you if the model is 23 years old if she appears to be under 18 Carlos Alfredo Simon Timmermann spent 4 months in jail for child porn investigation because some customs official thought that 19 year old little Lupe was 14 and Carlos was not carrying proof she was over 18
    Make sure nobody can watch you while you masturbate, or you can be sued for indecent behavior.  Lock all your doors There have been cases where “peeping” women made major efforts to look into a private room, and still the man was at fault.
    After you masturbate, make sure your sperm gets destroyed, so nobody can use it to fertilize herself and then sue you for child support.
    Enhanced by Zemanta
    A man who dares to have sex with a woman needs legal counsel. He is guilty until proven innocent on many charges, which can be filed years after sex. A woman can claim she withdrew consent in the middle of the act, was unable to consent because she was drunk, drugged, had mental problems; she can look older, lie about her age and have fake id; can insert sperm from a condom into her vagina to inseminate herself, can get child support even if SHE raped him; injure herself and accuse him of battery and rape. He may go to jail for doing a DNA test on the cuckold child from his wive’s adulterous affair. Even sex dolls can look underage, and masturbation has its risks.

    27 thoughts on “Get a lawyer before sex: 27 precautions before risking sex with a woman”

    1. If the female gives consent, he has sexual intercourse with her, and he begins ejaculating, and she stops consenting right in the middle of a squirt, RAPE! RAPE!
      She doesn’t have to WITHDRAW consent. She doesn’t have to DO anything. Consent must be CONTINUOUS without a break, even for a millisecond, or it’s RAPE! RAPE!
      And the burden of proof that her consent DIDN’T lapse, even for a MILLISECOND, is on him.
      In Feminist World, mere accusation of rape is absolute PROOF of RAPE. Unless it’s a male accusing a female of rape, one Lezzie accusing another of rape or one fag… uh, Gayboy accusing another Gayboy of rape. Those are OK.

    2. We men have to thanks european religions for sociaty be were we are today. The freedom in this continent (america) was ending the very day Cristobal Colon ( some body make try to make this guy look a Brethon or England when translation on his name came as: Christofulos Colombus..Phuachhh!!! ) and then he bring here the church.
      That church that allowed slavery,rape of indigenous women,preteeneger indigenous girls and boys and the rip off of all the wealth of this land as well murder those who oppose that Spanish Inguisition rule. Ahh there was that poetic word that some smart thief of country invented to put a romantic sight to that crime: Colonization that came from Cristobal Colon. That is the history of today so many rules in our society. As far as I know soon o later those realistic sex dolls are replaze the real women. Realistic sex doll may be expencive today,BUT nothing in comparation to child support or alimony or be sued and incarcerate for a fool play. Oh,about have kids? Not a big deal : soon or later those realistic sex doll are goin to be build with the capacity of artificials uterus plus computers brains to do the job. Sound like a robot,really? Ok,think abuot it what we are? We are robot create for some god like out side this planet for some reason,so now is our turn to became creator of something better for the well being of our race. Women will get their man sex doll which be her dommy and popet; ee men will get our very sexy never get old sex doll machine,the one that never said NO,that never ask for shoes nor purses,that never will treaten you with call the infaumos 9-11.Not a mother in law around you house,je,je,je. You know the rest,ypu can imagine: even you can live with 2,3, beautiful sex doll of diferent races and skin colors. Do I call that freedom.?
      Mi advise to women and goverments : the new generations of men are look for a new class of freedom that is involving more that just sex,because sex has became very,very danger today.
      There is a lot to said and explaind. But I let you know that me allready I just did buy my freedom of mind: I do allready have my $2.000 dollars sex doll from a Japanesee company for more of 4 months. I tell you its a money well spend. My ex ex-wife is very upset ( and very old too) she treatme one time with the 9-11 . I divorse her give half of everything,but me. Me was the “sex doll ‘ wanna to release her fustrations and resents.

    3. Women have the right to withdraw consent to sex in the middle of the act. They have a right to their own bodies. If she says stop, THEN STOP. You could be hurting her, she has a right to make it stop, even if it’s just because she’s not enjoying it.

      She doesn’t become your property or lose her rights to her body just because a sex act began.

      If someone says “no” or “stop” expressing non-consent, but you go ahead and do it anyway, then THAT IS RAPE BY DEFINITION, PERIOD. Doesn’t matter what happened before hand.

      In actuality the false rape accusations rate is very low. Studies that claim it’s high are extremely flawed. More reliable studies and statistics have put the rate at around 2%…the same false accusation rate as with other crimes. Most rape cases are thrown out due to lack of evidence…and that should not be confused with a false accusation.

      1. Read the Also 4 out of 5 sexual abuse accusations are false (Austrian head of vice police) and Hofstra false rape case: any law abiding man can be jailed at a woman’s whim!.

        If consent is withdrawn very clearly, then the man should stop.

        But conviction for taking 5 seconds before stopping is a bit exaggerated. Also there should be clear proof of withdrawal of consent.
        If mugging laws were like rape laws

        It is not normal, in contracts, that consent can be withdrawn at any time, and without proof of withdrawal. We are making the point that even notarized contract consenting to sex is pointless, because she can claim she withdrew consent.

    4. Feminism will be destroyed as soon as this current Babylonian system falls.. women cannot survive societal collapse and anarchy without male warriors to defend them and to survive the physical hardships. Be a man now, stand up and don’t take any crap from feminists, you will never regret doing so

      1. Add to that that a large number of “rape” charges are “true” but not real rapey rape rape, but other forms of statutory rape, abuse of power, having sex with your wife when she was drunk and other charges.

        Judgybitch mentioned that real rapists can be found in sex offender lists and in poor ghetto neighborhoods. Not were middle class college feminists are looking for them

    5. Interesting read, although it did skip the most obvious and practical tip: know the person you’re sexing up.

      ** a good comment I found on a message board. Unfortunately it only takes care of, maybe, half of the problems.

      If she is young, she might habitually lie about her age to get alcohol or into discotheques. So you still might get deceived. Or you did not study the law and on your birthday, suddenly a legal relationship becomes illegal.

      Many men get screwed over by their long term girlfriends and wives. False rape accusations, false child abuse accusations, cuckold pregnancy, birth control lies. Ratting out about your tax swindles to get more money out of you, and then moving far away so you cannot see your children, only pay.

      Hell hath no fury as a womans scorned. Cheat on your wive, leave her, fight with her and you see that knowing her for 20 years will not save you.

      We have examples in posts on Human-Stupidity, like Mr. Emerson who lost his medical practice, became homeless vagrant and got arrested for non-payment (as he had no money) or the weather man Kachelmann’s rape accusations in Germany.

    6. WOW! I was not aware that there these types of issues in Brazil as well. I am aware that it is very risky for foreigners to have consensual sex with girls aged 14 to 17 in Brazil (even though that may be more or less tolerated among Brazillians themselves) but I did not realize that there were these ptifalls WRT to sex between adults as well. Many western men view Brazil as a great place to “expat” to and many men from the MGTOW branch of the MRM view Brazil and other parts of Latin America as great destinations for “bachelor vacations” and temporary “escapes from the matriarchy”. Brazillian women are also considered to be very attractive and feminine and thus very desirable to western men. I think that it is important to give men a reality check so that they don’t get themselves into trouble and develop a false sense of security when visiting countries such as Brazil. If these precautions are recommended when engaging in consensual sex with a woman in Brazil then “a great place to escape the matriarchy” it ain’t. Any more information you may have on what the reality WRT to women/sex is in Brazil or other parts of Latin America would be greatly appreciated.

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