Ever expanding media codes lead to hate speech laws, silence everyone about all racial issues

The very specific gag orders of media codes are unopposed; thus lead down a slippery slope to expand and generalize.

  1. *generalize from crime reports to off limits IQ tests and all embarrassing minority mishaps.
  2. *expand from journalist’s gag orders to silencing the entire populations, academic scientists, including Nobel Prize winners 1
                                        Reblogged, with permission from Sincerity.Net: Ever expanding media codes lead to hate speech laws
  3. *hate speech laws and Facebook and twitter evictions are only a logical consequence.
  4. *“Truth is no defense”2 is  a feature. In the original media code,  truth is no defense, black crime must not be attributed to Blacks

Journalist’s unopposed mandatory Lies (by omission) about race of “minority” criminals 

lead down the slippery slope to 
* everyone must shut up about any negative “minority” performance 

PresseKodex 12.1 requirement Generalized expanded validity

1) People: Who must lie

Lying by omission is mandatory3 for Journalists/the Media

1) mandatory lying by omission  generalizes from journalists to everybody

Once dishonesty is legitimized, it spreads like a scourge 4.

  • We are shocked that it is perfectly socially acceptable for government to emit gag order police, teachers, military, refugee helpers, to lie to the population. 
  • Bullied and sexually assaulted students, Rotherham rape victims, and concerned parents are silenced.
  • We are also shocked that lying to influence elections, no not to work into the hands of “the Right” is legitimized!
  • Serious scientists are shut up. The repression of true speech is not a side effect, it is a feature.

2a) Topics: About what must we lie

The media are not permitted to truthfully tell the race/ethnicity/  “of a minority” criminal or suspect 5. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code]

2a )Mandatory lying through omission topics expands from individual “minority” crime to

  • large scale crime statistics, 
  • omission of large scale rapes by Pakistani Muslims in Rotherham6 or refugees in Germany and Sweden
  • IQ test result race differences
  • Taboo to Discuss Taboo about Race-and-IQ-Research
    • Academic Research about Race differences in IQ and Crime is taboo. 
    • Additionally,  the taboo must not be discussed
  • SAT college entrance statistics,
  • black driving habits,
  • comparing black neighborhood crime with white neighborhood crime statistics. 
  • No reports about black mutinies in the army. 7

  • Black mass murderers are rarely mentioned to give the false impression that mass murder is a white thing.
  • Taboo to Discuss Taboo about Race-and-IQ-Research
  • 2b) What more must me lie about (Additional Restriction of TRUE SPEECH).

    1. The Press will refrain from inappropriately sensational portrayal of violence, brutality and suffering  [German PresseKodex #11];
    2. preservation of human dignity  [German PresseKodex #1];
    3. “the Press must exercise especial restraint reporting crimes committed by young persons” [German PresseKodex #13.3]; 

    2b) “refrain from sensational portrayal of suffering” expands to “refrain from any mentioning of suffering” of victims of “minority crime”

    Mandatory whitewashing of individual suffering of victims of crimes, especially those crimes perpetrated by “minorities”.

    • Prohibition of  gruesome photos of victims of terrorism, minority crime, rape trauma extends soon ….
    • Not even non-sensational reporting (testimonials) about victims of interracial school bullying, no hospital visits to injured victims, no follow up about life changing injuries and traumas
    • Politicians like Merkel don’t even visit injured terror victims in the hospital, nor attend burials of victims nor visit relatives of victims.
    • Anecdotal Evidence, personal stories and gripping powerful sensational photos and are simply omitted . But Aylan Kurdi 9and Vietnam Napalm girl photos are exploited.

    • Underage minority serial offenders have special protection and are rarely mentioned

    Reason: Why must we lie:

    not to  stir up prejudices against minorities. {GUIDELINE 12.1.} 10]

    • “Xenophobic movements in and outside Sweden use immigrant rapes as a political weapon to generalize about immigrants” [Source: Sweden’s Sexual Assault Crisis Presents a Feminist Paradox]. Lying to not give “political weapons” to xenophobic, racist movements is a generally accepted as a motive for lying by omission. No one protests such blatant patronizing election manipulation (vote rigging) by withholding information from the voter.

    Target: Who must we lie to

    Journalists and the media must lie (by omission) to the public.

    Even private conversations should be censored. If the conversation gets leaked, it can cause ruin and life changing trouble.

    First They Came For The Vulgar Racist… | The American Conservative

    Sterling is an extremely unsympathetic figure, one that nobody wants to go to the mat to defend. But the witch-hunt that Charles Pierce seems to want to start raises a good question: which opinions are permissible for NBA team owners to express privately without having to worry about being stripped of their franchise?

    [Source: End War on Racism]

    The Sterling case is only the latest production of racial outrage theater in which a minor incident that usually involves someone privately or semi-privately expressing a politically incorrect opinion that most people disagree with, but that they have the right to express, is blown up into a crisis with non-stop media coverage, political pressure and a ritual beheading. [Source: End War on Racism]

    Punishments for refusing to lie by omission

    In Germany and Austria the respective “Presserat” (media council)  can sanction the media, with public reprimands.
     The sanctions are: public reprimand (with an obligation to print), non-public reprimand (when the reprimand is not printed to protect the victim), notice of censure and advice notice. 11 12

    5) The media law cannot reprimand or punish the citizen. To enforce the silence code and keep people quiet,  other methods of punishment are required t. They range from public shaming, to firing from jobs, to fines and imprisonment due to hate speech laws.

    Hate speech laws (some of it to punish true13 speech) and anti-racism laws (note: #TheTruthIsRacist)14 are nothing but a logical consequence and extension of the media code.  Prejudice against white Christian men and hate speech against white, Christians usually goes unpunished. Hate-speech laws one-sidedness is a consequence of the one-sidedness of media codes that protect only “minorities” from “prejudice”.



    REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council 15]

    Restriction of TRUE SPEECH.

    1. The Press will refrain from inappropriately sensational portrayal of violence, brutality and suffering  [German PresseKodex #11];
    2. preservation of human dignity  [German PresseKodex #1];
    3. “the Press must exercise especial restraint reporting crimes committed by young persons” [German PresseKodex #13.3]; 

    The seemingly innocuous media code rules #1 to 3 appear neutral, on the surface. These regulations mandate to withhold true information and thus the press code restricts true speech.

    True speech is not permissible, restricted by a variety of  media code regulations. Even we were unaware of this multitude of true speech restrictions, until we read the sanctions and reprimands of the German and Austrian Media Council.

    And of course, there is PresseKodex #12.1, blatantly mandating restrictions to true speech based on color of skin (“minority” membership, in violation of  non-discrimination mandate section #12)

    • 4) it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership 16 [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council German Press Code]

    The German PresseKodex 12.1 (and other media codes) demand

    1. that Journalists/the Media
    2. must not  tell the truth about the race/ethnicity/  “of minority” criminals
    3. to avoid prejudice against minorities
    4. that is journalists must be dishonest by omission
    5. the “Presserat” can sanction the media, at least with public reprimands.

    2) Mandatory lying through omission  expands from individual “minority” crime to IQ test results, to large scale crime statistics, to IQ test results, to SAT college entrance statistics, to black driving habits, to comparing black neighborhood crime with white neighborhood crime statistics.  No reports about black mutinies in the army. Black mass murderers are rarely mentioned to give the false impression that mass murder is a white thing.

    5) The media law cannot reprimand or punish the citizen. Therefore punishment is required. It ranges from public shaming, to firing. Hate speech laws (to punish true speech) and anti-racism laws (note: #TheTruthIsRacist are nothing but a logical consequence.


    Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

    Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

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