Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)

No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings
without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration
Encouraging smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe. Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)
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5000 rape per year epidemic caused by politically correct refugee and immigration policy in Sweden.
Rape epidemic diversity will  spread to small towns, more countries. Feminists don’t care. click for larger picture. See which countries pledge to house many refugees that likely will cause car burning and rape epidemics: mainly Sweden, Germany

  1. Sweden has one of the highest rates of rape in the world [50]. 5000 forcible rapes per year. Virtually all forcible violent rapes are committed by immigrants. [60 61  64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73]
  2. Thus: There would be no rape epidemic, virtually no forcible rapes, riots and car burnings [80 81 2013 82 2015 2014a b c]  in Scandinavia, had they not invited refugees and immigrants from Muslim and African countries.
  3. All Swedish municipalities that have not previously “welcomed” refugees will be forced to do so. [90]  The inevitably ensuing rape epidemics in formerly idyllic safe villages can still still be avoided.
  4. EU plans to force European Nations to accept Migrants [10 11]. This will bring rape epidemic culture and violence culture [91] to all European countries. Even those that have not yet been diversity enriched (Portugal, Spain, Eastern Europe). Feminists don’t protest the further spreading of rape epidemic culture.


rape epidemic in sweden vsother countries lower rape rates
Sweden has one of the highest rape rates in the world. The violent forcible rape epidemic is due to Muslim and African immigrants. It is taboo, even illegal, to state these truths, to quote such statistics.

Police interview: All outdoor rapes in Oslo are committed by immigrants (Muslims)| YouTube

Feminists don’t protest about violent gang rapes. Feminists obsess about objectifying gaze, gender mainstreaming, sexist language, marital rape, consensual sex when drunk, women’s choice to be a sex worker.  But violent gang rapes by minorities, not of interest to feminists.


No rape epidemic, no race riots, no car burnings

without refugees, without uncontrolled immigration

Europe encourages smugglers and human traffickers to bring in Millions of foreigners from totally different cultures. This has “saved” maybe 1% of the African population. It brought race riots, 400 000 (!) burned cars in France [91], 1000 burned cars at each New Year’s in Paris alone. It destroyed the virtually crime free peace of large parts of Europe.  Women live in fear of rape epidemics. Poorer countries, and small towns will be invaded by rape epidemics and crime shortly.


Yes, not every African is a rapist. Not 100% of refugees participate in large style week long Stockholm and Paris riots and arson. Explain this to your raped daughters; to the majority of the population who simply does not dare to walk the formerly safe streets.

Political Correctness, the MSM lying press, the equality lie, self censorship, hate speech laws are to blame. And European good-heartedness, excessive pathological altruism.


Swedish woman brutally gang-raped by Muslim refugees now in a wheelchair. Socialist:” It’s racism to expel them”


Sacrificing Our Daughters: On the Psychology of Islamic Rape epidemic Gangs

20 refugees rape an 11-year old girl in a public bath, Stockholm Sweden, Husbybadet.

Further chapters to follow

  1. Australian Policy could have avoided Swedish Rape Epidemic (Part 2)
  2. Swedish Rape Epidemic caused by PC MSM lying press. (Part 3)
  3. Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. More links and sites (Part 4)
  4. Why don’t Feminists worry about gang rapes. (Part 5)

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

4 thoughts on “Swedish Rape Epidemic avoidable. Feminists’ silence deafening. (Part 1)”

  1. Sweden has become a nation of impotent men. Blind to the security needs of their own next generations. Only busy enjoying material life. Muslim refugees will have gala time in Sweden where even punishments are as good as hotel stay. Sweden is finished with even a small number of Muslim refugees.

  2. Sweden’s rising inequality plays a role in these social tensions, but racism is not a new phenomenon in this society. Regularly overlooked in Sweden’s history is its role in the slave trade and colonialism. Under King Gustav III, Sweden held colonies such as Saint Barthélemy in the Caribbean and profited directly from the slaves who were imported onto the island and then sold to French colonies and elsewhere in the Caribbean. Sweden actively participated and embraced the agreements in the dividing up of the African continent in the Berlin conference of 1884–85. More recently, in 1922, the country was the first to establish a National Institute of Racial Biology at Uppsala University to measure the racial makeup of the population and the size of people’s heads in a vain attempt to learn about hereditary illnesses. This institute was associated with a eugenics movement network that “may have been relatively small but it was nevertheless historically significant,” writes Maria Björkman of Linköping University, “because of its intimate ties with that part of the German eugenics movement that would shape Nazi biopolitics.” It has not been until the last few years that this dark history has begun to be fully examined.

    Today, politicians are helping to solidify outmoded notions of “difference” in Swedish society. In 2012 the prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, buying into the rhetoric of the increasingly popular far-right political party the Sweden Democrats, made headlines by speaking about “ethnic Swedes.” The same year, the minister of culture displayed outrageous ignorance by cutting into a cake depicting a racist caricature in an attempt to highlight female genital mutilation. Is it any wonder the “they” whom the Hornstull hipster described are angry?
    Sounds like racism in sweden to me.
    Muslim rape epidemic is a loaded false term.

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