How to raise a criminal with operant conditioning and social learning. School to prison pipeline created by political correctness | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
Leniency as prescribed by the Obama administration’s “Dear Colleague Letter” [27] greatly strengthens the school to prison pipeline, by reinforcing criminal behavior. Instant reward for misbehavior, no punishment. Violent and criminal minority children are treated very leniently, starting in Kindergarten. With impunity, “disadvantaged”, “traumatized” minority children reap the pleasures and benefits of misbehavior, and watch … Continue reading "How to raise a criminal with operant conditioning and social learning. School to prison pipeline created by political correctness"Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »How to raise a criminal with operant conditioning and social learning. School to prison pipeline created by political correctness » continues here »