Anti PC Humor and Satire: Diversity Chronicle jokes about Political Correctness

Unlike advocates for other races,
white advocates are called “racists” instead of "civil rights leaders"

How dare one to call Al Sharpton a racist. Instead of hiring a white fire fighter, demanding special privileges to hire Blacks that otherwise would not qualify for a job. That, of course, is defense of "civil rights".

“My former radical beliefs alienated me from some of my own family. My children were bullied by blacks in public schools. I told my seven year old daughter that the reason black kids were sometimes mean to her was because of her own white privilege, and that she must have acted superior or treated them rudely. I told her I was ashamed to have a daughter like her. I forced her to attend a dangerous predominately non-white school because of my own narrow ideological convictions. To her I apologize. What I did was nothing less than child abuse, and after several school shootings and racial incidents between blacks and Hispanics, I am truly thankful she is still alive. Ideas have real consequences, and my former views can and do cause great harm. All too often, children pay the price for their parents progressive values. That’s one reason that I felt I could not fail to speak out. A sense of moral obligation compels me to give this talk.”

speciesism01Similarly, demanding hiring female fire fighters who don’t have the strength to do the job, is a noble feminist goal of ‘equality’

Of course, there is an easy solution to the problem: Have some competent male fire fighters self identify as females and Blacks. After all, gender and race are socially determined and thus every individual is free to choose.


When asked "what is your gender", feel free to always choose "female"

I am of the male sex. Whenever a form asks my gender, I reply "female". After all it is my prerogative to decide on my gender identity, and I would not want to be associated with the patriarchy.


Six Year Old Transgendered Girl Suffers From Hate Crime In School Restroom

At Grover Cleveland Elementary School in Oakton California, a transgendered girl was cruelly mocked and ridiculed for using the girls bathroom. Samuel Washington, a bright young African-American girl who prefers to go by Samantha, had the misfortune of being labeled male by doctors at birth. She is actually female, she states. Washington had been using the girls restroom at her school for two days before another student, Jessica Hernandez cruelly attacked her in the restroom stating “You’re a boy, why are you in the girl’s bathroom? You aren’t supposed to be in here!”

Under the school’s zero tolerance for hate crimes policy, the six year old Hernandez was expelled. “It is disgusting that this kind of bigotry and ignorance persists in our community.” Principal Sharon Johnson stated when we requested her comment on the matter. Tyrella Williamson of the local chapter of LGBT Americans United offered her insight on the tragedy. “Somebody ought to kick that little transphobic bitch’s ass. Obviously this hate is coming from her parents. She was taught to hate. No person is born a transphobic hate criminal” Williamson stated.

The facts of this case are not in dispute, but that hasn’t stopped some extremists from attempting to use this case to promote hatred. Some unenlightened reactionary Neanderthals on the extreme and radical right claim that Jessica should not be forced to use the same restroom as a transsexual since transsexuals are legally and anatomically of the opposite sex to the one they profess.

Since Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of the Transgendered Student Bill, in California boys and girls may choose which restrooms or locker rooms, male or female they prefer. Over the last several months, schools have been flooded with complaints of young boys who some extreme critics of the bill allege, are suddenly pretending to be transgendered in order to use the girl’s locker rooms. It is alleged that these fake transgendered girls are actually boys who hope to gaze upon young girls in various states of undress. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered organizations explain that given the new freer atmosphere, more LGBT youths are invariably going to go public with their identities and preferences. There is no reason to believe anyone would lie about their gender identity for personal gain or other reasons they stress.


Progressive Professor Urges White Male Students to Commit Suicide During Class

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement.

Of course, it is un-pc and verboten to ask the following question:

Should Blacks who descend from Blacks who owned or sold slaves feel guilty and be punished for ancestral wrongs?”



Brave Woman Comes Forward to Denounce Former Husband’s Repeated Rapes

It all began a little over seven years ago. Margaret Friedan was propositioned by her husband at the time. He asked her if she would like to “make love.” Friedan reluctantly feigned a smile and nodded her head, deathly afraid, unable to express her real refusal and revulsion owing to the unequal balance of power between men and women in our society. Her husband had sexual intercourse with her, against her will, raping her!

As feminists and human rights activists agree, it is always rape when a man sexually propositions a woman. It doesn’t matter if she gives expressed verbal consent, and it doesn’t matter if it is her own husband. Due to the long history of abuse of women by men since the dawn of time itself, strong and independent woman often lack the ability to articulate their refusal to accede to male sexual requests.



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Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

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