One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky! | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception
One in two rape accusations (over 50%) are false: Dominique Strauss-Kahn escaped the inquisition. Others are not so lucky. They get convicted, falsely. We wish we could say Dominique Strauss-Kahn escaped unscathed. But he suffered tremendously. He lost his job. Speculator could have made Billions, because the value of the Euro dropped due to his … Continue reading "One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky!"Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »One in two rape accusations are false! Strauss-Kahn, presumed guilty, jailed, slandered without due process, escaped. Others are not so lucky! » continues here »