Riots and Mayhem after George Zimmerman’s Acquittal

Florida will burn, after the inevitable acquittal of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was only arrested and tried, because a lynch mob of race activists wielded their political influence and even President Obama unduly interfered in police and legal matters. The New Black Panthers might renew their lawless bounty for George Zimmerman.

Blacks feel Trayvon Martin would be entitled to punch George Zimmermann just for the sin of leaving his car and following the boy from afar. 3 4 5 6

Blacks feel entitled to riot when the feel slighted, like in the Rodney King case. Even London and Paris already had their share of multi-day violent Black riots. Nobody fears a race riot upon Zimmermann’s unjustified conviction, as no race rioted at OJ Simpson’s acquittal 7 8.

Political Motives Behind Trial of George Zimmerman? (Video)


Focus on Martin family speculations

The only evidence against George Zimmerman came from testimony by Martin’s family (who changed their minds and lied about it) and Martin’s girl friend, (who in spite of ample prepping by the Martin family lawyer was caught lying.)

The only "proof" is all family swear that they recognize that the screams for help were Martin’s voice. What other answer would one expect? Witnesses that were primed and trained as to what the most favorable answers are. And, of course, they WANT to believe that Trayvon was not an aggressive thug.

Amazingly, Zimmermann himself once had said that these screams don’t sound like his own voice, Zimmermann himself does not recognize his voice. This is George Zimmermann‘s disarming honesty that convinced police of his innocence.

Police correctly had concluded that Zimmerman had acted in self defense and thus had set him free. Unlike the prosecution witnesses, Zimmermann never was caught changing his testimony.

Omitted evidence

Trayvon Martin’s school record of multiple 10 day suspensions for probably criminal behavior, possession of burglary tools and jewelry was not elucidated.11 Nor his text messages about fighting

Nor have we seen any attempt to discuss the time line, to explain how Trayvon Martin got killed at a location he had passed hundreds of seconds earlier. Trayvon Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose not to. Instead he and George Zimmerman had their deadly encounter near Zimmerman’s car, where they had been hundreds of seconds earlier. 22 23 23 [wikipedia timeline]

Trayvon Martin had plenty of time to go home, but he chose not to. Instead he and George Zimmerman had their deadly encounter near Zimmerman’s car, where they had been several minutes earlier. 12

Proponents of political correctness distort the truth. We must not defend racial profiling nor mention a long list of black criminality which is a multiple of white violent criminality. IN a similar case, witnesses confirmed that Black youth DeAndre Felton was killed in clear self defense.

Everyone knows that no judge can afford to let Zimmermann go, or else risk rioting, looting, and lose re-election. So he can not easily be acquitted:

Source: More proof of George Zimmermann’s self defense and innocence. A book review.


Al Sharpton with a mix of lies, omissions, distortion, and nitpicking still manages to find Zimmermann guilty. He probably really believes in what he says (*self deception)

Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

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