Should Parents of Obese Kids Lose Custody?

[:en]parents should be obliged not only to give enough food, cleanliness and schooling, but also HEALTHY quality food in corrrect amounts and exercise. Government food and exercise policy is dangerously deficient[:de]Eltern sollten nicht nur die Pflicht haben genug Essen, Hygiene, Schule zu geben, sondern auch GESUNDES Essen in richtiger Menge, und körperliche Bewegung und Sport[:pt]Pais deveriam ser obrigados não somente a dar comida suficiente, cuidados com higiene, e eschola, mas também comida SAUDÁVEL, de qualidade, em quantidade correta, exercicio saudávelWait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Should Parents of Obese Kids Lose Custody?
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But obesity appears to be the primary reason South Carolina mom Jerri Gray lost custody of her 14-year-old, 555-lb. son in May. She was arrested after missing a court date to examine whether she should retain custody after doctors had expressed concern about her son’s weight to social services. The boy is currently living with his aunt, and his mother is facing criminal child-neglect charges. […]”It’s happening more than the public is aware of, but because these cases are usually kept quiet [as a result of child-privacy laws], we have no record,” says Dr. Matt Capehorn, who sits on the board of the U.K.’s National Obesity Forum.


Parents have an obligation to care for their little children. Parents face legal sanctions or loss of paternal rights if they do not provide basic care for their children, for example if children are

  • undernourished
  • unkept and dirty
  • truant missing school education.

It actually makes a lot of sense, to add this list

  • morbid obesity, obviously.
    • Unless if  proven it is not the parent’s fault andit persists after
      • medical
      • nutritional
      • and physical education interventions.
  • any minor kind of obesity and overweight
  • lack of healthy exercise.
  • unhealthy food at home
  • The epidemic of obesity that kills more people then all wars together, needs more serious attention. Actually, any lack of movement, any overweight should be considered abuse. The child has no recourse against it, and when it is a fat overweight diabetic adult it is too late.
    Of course, this suggestion to require responsible parenting contradicts all  the

    Faulty government policy regarding obesity & other health hazards (alcohol, …)

    • Promote interest of big beef farmers.
    • Let Coca Cola and McDonalds reign and advertise to children without health warnings.
    • it is totally insane that the government does not have EMERGENCY plans against all these health epidemics.`Rather, government should be engaged in
      • promotion of healthy nutrition
        • natural,
        • low salt,
        • high in vitamins, l
        • low in sugar,
        • little additives
        • people should NEVER imbibe enough alcohol to get drunk or even tipsy. Alcohol should be taken like in mediterranean countries (Italy, France) who have a tradition of taking one glass of wine with meals.  Society should shun people who drink excessively and get drunk.
      • promotion of healthy exercise
      • there should be government emergency programs to promote exercise for children and adults.

    Author: Human-Stupidy (Admin)

    Honest Research, Truth, Sincerity is our maxim. We hate politally correct falsification, falsification, repression of the truth, academic dishonesty and censorship.

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