‘Why is this black guy running?’: After Ahmaud Arbery’s killing, African Americans reconsider fitness routines

Omitted details in media reports cause grave misunderstandings in the reader. It seems the omissions are intentional, with bias according to anti-racist narrative and #PCGagOrder.

a)  Anti-white discrimination is compulsory: “White kills Black” is fit to print.

b) If the perp were ”minority”, of course, it would NOT be permissible to tell the race1.

c) It is not permissible to even think that maybe the opposite is true. Joggers get regularly assaulted, robbed, and raped by “minorities”2  *3  *4

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Similar lying press omissions are described in sincerity.net’s prior article

“They Lynched Ahmaud Arbery: MSM omissions, distractions, lies” –>