Only killers on death row have right to quick painless death. Quadriplegics and cancer patients have no right to assisted suicide to shorten months of slow dying

Law abiding citizens must not escape a painful death through assisted suicide. Except for Dignitas in Switzerland, rarely an institution assists dying people’s suicide to escape a slow torturous and tortuous death.

If murderers and rapists take 20, or 120 minutes to die, all world breaks loose. [2] [3] [Wikipedia]. Human rights for criminals and felons are world wide priority.

When we mortal citizens are in death throes, there is no mercy. When we will die, we will have to slowly rot with cancer, starve to dearth for a week, or spend 20 years on life support child in coma or quadriplegic. Our slow death may take weeks and months, and no one is allowed to help the dying man or woman and fulfill his/her wish to put an end to his or her suffering.

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Only killers on death row have right to quick painless death. Quad…
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"Fünf vom Central Park": Verurteilte Verbrecher erhalten 40 Millionen Dollar Entschädigung. Der Spiegel lügt.

"Fünf vom Central Park": Unschuldig Verurteilte erhalten 40 Millionen Dollar Entschädigung lügt der Spiegel zusammen mit den linken anti-rassistischen Gutmenschen. Kein Mitleid mit der brutalst massen-vergewaltigten und ins todesnahe Koma geprügelten Frau. Nein, es darf nicht sein dass die Meute die massenweise Leute im Central Park anfiel, ausraubte, und vergewaltigt, schwarze und Hispanische Männer waren.

Die verurteilten Verbrecher hatten gestanden, und es war mit vielfachen Zeugenaussagen bewiesen, dass sie nicht nur die Frau vergewaltigt und schwerstens mit Eisenstangen verprügelt hatten. Sie hatten auch diverse andere Leute verschlagen und ausgeraubt.

Dann gestand ein vielfach verurteilter Mörder und Serien-Vergewaltiger dass er die Frau vergewaltigt hatte. DNA bewies dass das wahr war. Die Frau war von bis zu einem Dutzend Männern vergewaltigt worden. Es ist also völlig falsch, aus dem Geständnis zu schliessen dass diese Männer unschuldig wären.

Weiterhin waren sie wegen diversen Überfällen, Raub, und Gewalt verurteilt worden.

Diese Männer freizusprechen und sie noch mit Entschädigungen zu belohnen ist eine Schande, die von anti-rassistischen Gutmenschen mit viel Lügen durchgesetzt wurde.

Und dann wurde noch ein Film gemacht, der alles verdrehte. Das ganze Urteil war politisch. Den Gutmenschen war es wichtiger, Minderheiten freizusprechen als einer extreme schwer misshandelten Frau Gerechtigkeit zukommen zu lassen. Diese Männer hatten alle viel mehr auf dem Kerbholz, mit klaren Beweisen. Alles wird verschwiegen.

Der Spiegel hat meine Kommentare wegzensiert und nicht veröffentlicht. Sonst würde ja noch die ganze Lügengeschichte kaputt gemacht werden.

Ähnliche Lügen hatte der Spiegel über George Zimmerman und Trayvon Martin aufgetischt.

Details und Beweise in meinem englischen Artikel

"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly rewarded with US$ 40 million

"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly rewarded with US$ 40 million

Ken Burns’ THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE: The New TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD—Fiction Designed To Induce White Guilt

[See also:“It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. the Central Park Five, 25 Years Later]

“It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. The Central Park Five, 25 Years LaterKen (The Civil War) Burns’ 2012 documentary The Central Park Five, nominally about the Central Park Jogger Case, has become this generation’s To Kill a Mockingbird—now regularly assigned by Leftist educators to brainwash impressionable school kids and induce white guilt. As is typical for Burns, a story about black and Hispanic crime is transformed into a morality play set in the notorious bastion of white racism that is New York City.

Needless to say, the actual facts of the case tell a more complicated (and damning) story. But unfortunately, Burns’ agitprop may facilitate yet another $250 million-plus racial extortion payment in the form of a predatory civil suit against the city—and, ultimately, cripple law enforcement

Political correctness and "civil rights" managed to get a 40 million reward for criminals, by omitting and distorting facts about heinous crimes. Similar to the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman hoax.

It is shocking that feminists obsess about all kind of non-violent and consensual *rape, but are quiet about a heinous mass rape with mutilating beatings with iron pipes.

A 43 page legal analysis and summary is here:

In addition to their convictions for the rape and assault on the female jogger, the
defendants were also convicted of crimes with respect to other attacks occurring that
evening; Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana and Yusef Salaam were
convicted of riot, the robbery and assault of John Loughlin and the assault upon David
Lewis. Kharey Wise was convicted of riot. Another defendant, Steven Lopez, who was
a central defendant in the case of the female jogger, arranged a plea bargain whereby
he pleaded guilty to the assault on Loughlin and received a sentence of 1 ½ to 4 years.

In addition, Michael Briscoe, Jermaine Robinson, Antonio Montalvo and Orlando
Escobar pleaded guilty to various charges of riot, assault, robbery and attempted
robbery with respect to the attacks upon Antonio Diaz, Loughlin and Lewis.
Justice Tejada ruled, as the District Attorney recommended, that the convictions on
these charges against the defendants, as well as those involving the female jogger,
should be vacated, although the newly discovered evidence of Matias Reyes’s rape of
the female jogger related only to that event. We understand the legal position
underlying Justice Tejada’s ruling, that the existence of new evidence regarding the
most significant charge against the defendants may have affected the juries’ ability to
consider evidence regarding the other charges. However, we believe that there is no
reason, on the merits, to think that a jury fairly presented with the evidence against the
defendants would come to a different conclusion than was reached before.


Ann Coulter: What You Won`t Read In The Papers About The `Central Park Five`

By Ann Coulter on April 24, 2014

[See also “It Was Fun”—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. The Central Park Five, 25 Years Later, and Peter Brimelow`s 1989 London Times reaction Beasts In The Park]

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"The Central Park Five": Hoodlum robber rapists unjustly…
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Troubled US teens legally abducted for profit, against their will

Troubled US teens are abducted to Montana or Idaho, for serious re-education camps. Rich parents sign over paternal rights and pay US$ 8500 per month to send their kids away to boot camp institutions that will brain wash and mold the teens with almost no limits.

As much as it looks and feels like a kidnapping, those escorts have the absolute legal right to transport you against your will, even if that means carrying you through the street, handcuffed to hell and back.

No kidding!

There is a legal process where parents can sign over custody of kids who need residential care, […] that same process works for "unruly" teens like me, which meant the company that ran my camp had total legal control over where I went and what I did.

Even phone calls to my grandparents were a privilege I had to earn. I was allowed five minutes, and a staff member sat next to me the entire time, listening in. If during the call I complained about being unhappy, that was "manipulative behavior," and they’d end the call

The Gulag for minors, in the USA!

One night in August 2004, I awoke to a man and a woman in my room whom I had never seen before telling me that they were "escorts" and we were going to a place called "wilderness." I was not allowed to bring any belongings or tell anyone where I was going. I didn’t know what "escorts" and "wilderness" were, and I was terrified. It was like being Liam Neeson’s daughter in Taken, if it had turned out later that Liam Neeson arranged the whole thing.

Source: 6 Shocking Realities of the Secret ‘Troubled Teen Industry’

In 2006, a journalist named Maia Szalavitz published Help at Any Cost, an expose so shocking, it prompted a congressional inquiry and a Government Accountability Office investigation. The GAO found thousands of cases of abuse and at least 10 deaths between 1990 and 2004. Shocked by the terrible truth, Congress leaped into action and proposed a bill to regulate (not even ban) these facilities. After that bill died in committee, they proposed it again the next year. It died again in 2011, and again in 2013. After all, when’s the last time a troubled teen ever donated a bunch of cash to a political campaign?
Read more: 6 Shocking Realities of the Secret ‘Troubled Teen Industry’

Kids die in their care, during week long wilderness outings:

Still, at least neither of us died, as happens with some regularity ("untrained staff" and "lack of adequate nourishment" are the leading causes of death). If you’re going to lead children in week-long hikes through the woods, you should know about things like the sun and treating burns. If this kind of shit happened at a Boy Scout camp, you can bet it’d be on the news.

Unbelievable: Google Troubled Teens Boot Camp. Watch the paid ads. and the remaining search results.  You can even get loans to pay off the expensive boot camp discipline and indoctrination.

Physical child abuse, to the point of occasional death is legal.

Killer "child" (17.99 years old) enjoys impunity and anonymity of Brazil’s child protection law (ECA)

2 days before his 18th birthday, a career criminal gangster kills his ex-girlfriend and sends the pictures to friends and enemies. In the Brazil of ECA (statute of the child and the adolescent), a coming of age party can be celebrated with a corpse.

Ex girl friend Yorraly Ferreira had gotten involved with gangsters of a rival gang and thus angered him enough to be punished with a deadly shot.

He sent a recording of the crime to friends and enemies. He thus demonstrated his power and made clear he should not be messed with. Yorraly Ferreira’s actual boyfriend posted the photo of her corpse on his FaceBook page "Rest in peace, my love". Thus the name of confessed killer Henrique Aquino dos Santos’s became known, even though the law assures an underage criminal’s anonymity, and his photos can not be shown.

Source: Veja Brazil | Correio | G1 | Jusbrasil

He will not be punished but suffer 3 years of socio-educational measures, after which he will be be released with a clean criminal record.

I repeat: in 3 years he can apply as a job as a policeman, as an elementary school teacher, because he will have a squeaky clean criminal record. The murder and prior robbery covictions will be wiped clean. Like this serial killer

14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. Liberal child protection law run amok in Brazil.

Brazil‘s ECA (Statute of children and adolescents law is an example for well meant liberal political correctness run amok. No matter how many horrendous crimes an under 18 year old commits, s/he will only be sent for educational measures of maximum 3 years, and will receive a clean police record after age 18.

Human Rights  tend to favor thugs, and put the rights of 17 year old male murderers above women’s rights and domestic violence laws. Brazil‘s ECA is the worst example.

EU weighs sanctions to protect violent murderous "protestors" in Ukraine

"Good" firebombing, police killing"protestors" in Ukraine

"Good" police killing, firebombing "protestors" are defended by PC Western countries. The protesters want close ties with the European Union, while the democratic government wants ties with traditional ally Russia. Russia-banging is politically correct, after all Russia opposes teaching homosexuality to minors. (Spiked : Gay-loving Westerners vs. redneck Russia)

Video of Ukrainian Mob violence


Shoot Hooligans in self defense

We at Human-Stupidity are anti-violence. Hooligans that throw heavy cobblestones and Molotov Cocktails onto innocent police men (ahem police officers) should be shot in self defense. We proposed the same during London Riots and other riots. These cowardly hooligans will withdraw, once their violence is met with an equal response. 

We propose Human Rights for good citizens:

The Human-Right not to have one’s houses burned down, not to be attacked on the street, the Human-Right for good people should trump human rights of Hooligans. Good people should have the human right not to be attacked with deadly weapons, not to have their houses firebombed.

In the above video we can see an empowered woman throwing a cobblestone on a nearby police man (we doubt that many police women will be put in harm’s way). Why does police need to tolerate such a life threatening behavior? Yes: human rights are for criminals

EU to discuss sanctions after Ukraine’s bloodiest day

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EU weighs sanctions to protect violent murderous "protestors&…
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14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. Liberal child protection law run amok in Brazil.

Brazil‘s ECA (Statute of children and adolescents law is an example for well meant liberal political correctness run amok. No matter how many horrendous crimes an under 18 year old commits, s/he will only be sent for educational measures of maximum 3 years, and will receive a clean police record after age 18.

JOVENS QUE PARTICIPARAM DE TIROTEIO NO VEL”RIO DE MOISES MARTINS, ASSASSINADO ONTEM, 07PL1110, 07/05/2012, POLICIA, ADRIANA PIMENTEL,Children can make career in organized crime, as executioners and murderers. The liberal law guarantees them virtual impunity. Here is an especially extreme case:

The teenager accused of double murder in Marazion, was arrested provisionally and will be held for 45 days. After that date, if the process is not judged in a timely manner, he will be released.  Teen killer 

It is absolutely impossible to get a verdict in 45 days. The police inquiry alone takes longer. He already has accusations for other murders that still are in the phase of police inquiry. 

Now if he were judged and convicted, the most he could get is: 3 years of educational measures and his criminal past wiped clean after age 18 (or 2?).

Liberal political correctness is a crime against honest law abiding people. Imagine you contract a 21 year old after getting a clean police background check. But in reality he has killed half a dozen people, but his record has been wiped clean, as required by law!

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14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. L…
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Voluntary Castration of Sex Offenders violates Human Rights?

Council of Europe urges Germany to abolish castration

The Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee on Wednesday urged Germany to abolish the surgical castration of sex offenders, warning that the operation could amount to "degrading treatment".

Germany offers sex offenders aged over 25 the option of surgical castration or orchiectomy

Scalpel-007Human Rights is worried about Germany allowing the voluntary castration of 5 sex offenders per year?!

But it is not degrading to imprison men for possession of movies of nude or even fully dressed 15 year olds (Knox vs. USA),  or for consensual sex with a 17 year old girl friend. Where they are falsely labeled child sex offenders or worse, child  *rapists. Such offenders disgust common violent criminals who tend to single them out for punishment by frequent anal rape

"Surgical castration is a mutilating, irreversible intervention and cannot be considered as a medical necessity in the context of the treatment of sexual offenders.

According to the report, authorities in Germany cited the low reoffending rate for those who have opted for physical castration in their defence of the practice.

Of 104 people who were operated on between 1970 and 80, only 3% have reoffended, compared to 46% of the 53 others who refused castration or who did not secure expert approval for the operation. […] The Czech Republic is the only other of the 47 Council of Europe member states which gives sex offenders the option of physical castration. Council of Europe urges Germany to abolish castration

Only 104 people getting surgical castration in a decade? In spite of very low re-offending rate? Which is not only good for his victims, but for the offender himself who can live a normal life out of jail and without guilt.

DALLAS (AP) – Frightened victims-rights advocates tried desperately last year to find a way to fulfill convicted child molester Larry Don McQuay’s request to be castrated.

McQuay swore he’d molested more than 200 children. He declared he was "doomed to eventually rape then murder my poor little victims to keep them from telling on me."

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Voluntary Castration of Sex Offenders violates Human Rights?
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