“Yes” means “No”
You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex. Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her “yes” means “no”, her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.
This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic.
“No” means “No”, too.
Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex. If s/he says “Yes”, it means “No”. If she says “No”, it means “No”, too.
A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant
- On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
- 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?
Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!
I am really sorry, forgive me.
I am not insensitive to rape victims.
Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.
I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear. On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.
There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison.
We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.
All rapes are the same
We just learned, from Vice President Biden “Rape is rape is rape” : all types of rape are the same. British Kenneth Clarke said that “some “rapes” are less serious then others” but was forced to recant. Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.
Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.
“I love you, please make love to me” |
= |
“NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone” |
(is equal to) |
Offensive to forcible rape victims
"Yes" means "No"
You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex. Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her "yes" means "no", her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.
This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic.
"No" means "No", too.
Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex. If s/he says "Yes", it means "No". If she says "No", it means "No", too.
A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant
- On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
- 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?
Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!
I am really sorry, forgive me.
I am not insensitive to rape victims.
Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.
I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear. On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.
There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison.
We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.
All rapes are the same
We just learned, from Vice President Biden "Rape is rape is rape" : all types of rape are the same. British Kenneth Clarke said that "some "rapes" are less serious then others" but was forced to recant. Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.
Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.
"I love you, please make love to me"
"NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone" |
(is equal to)
Offensive to forcible rape victims
"Yes" means "No"
You have a girl friend under the local age of consent, and you (unwisely) want to have sex with her. Don’t bother to ask for her consent to sex. Just ravish her violently, no matter how much she resists. It makes no difference if she consents or not. Her "yes" means "no", her consent is invalid. Either way, if she consents or not, you are raping her. And all rapes are the same.
This is not my fault. I am not making this up. This is our modern law and modern logic.
"No" means "No", too.
Minors under 18 (or 16) years of age can not consent to sex. If s/he says "Yes", it means "No". If she says "No", it means "No", too.
A underage girl’s consent it totally irrelevant
- On the way home 3 young men drag 15 year old Maria into an abandoned lot, 2 men hold her down and one rapes her violently, against her protests and screams.
- 15 year old Maria begs her boyfriend to make love to her and they have a great love-making session.
What is the difference between (1) and (2)?
Both (1) and (2) are exactly the same: non-consensual rape!. If she consented or fought back makes no difference!
I am really sorry, forgive me.
I am not insensitive to rape victims.
Maria, if you think that forcible rape and love making are not the same, you are mistaken! You are too young to understand the wisdom of the elders, that know that these are the same.
I am sorry,it is not my fault. I did not make this up. I swear. On the contrary, I dare to challenge conventional wisdom and write against this insanity.
There are cases where a 15 or 17 year old girl begs a judge not to jail her boyfriend and common law husband, father, financial supporter and caretaker of her baby. But, the laws are there to protect her (?from what??), and thus she is left a penniless single mother with a jailed boyfriend in prison.
We fail to see how this serves the well being of the child, which is of extreme importance to the law.
All rapes are the same
We just learned, from Vice President Biden "Rape is rape is rape" : all types of rape are the same. British Kenneth Clarke said that "some "rapes" are less serious then others" but was forced to recant. Clarke explicitly stated that a 17 year old boy making love with his 15 year old girl friend is not the same as dragging someone into the bushes. A media outcry corrected him and recanted. So it is the consensus, that both are the same.
Feminist manipulative language made sure that almost every sex act is a potential rape. And now it is clarified that all rapes are the same.
"I love you, please make love to me"
"NOOO, don’t touch me, leave me alone" |
(is equal to)
Offensive to forcible rape victims
Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Yes means No! Forcibly raping a 17 year old is the same rape as consensual love making.” »
Yes means No! Forcibly raping a 17 year old is the same rape as co…
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