Gynocentrism (male chivalry) was the norm, not Patriarchism

  • "women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat." (Hillary Clinton). Well, sure – losing family members to horrible deaths is so much worse than actually having to die those horrible deaths.
  • The traditional idea under discussion is male sacrifice for the benefit of women, which we term Gynocentrism. This is the historical norm, and it was the way of the world long before anything called ‘feminism’ made itself known
  • men perfectly accustomed to the idea of dying for the sake of their women. It is an idea that has outlived nearly every other, and endures to this day in our American Empire. That men should sacrifice themselves utterly – their very essence, their being and their identity, to save women that they do not even know – is neatly encapsulated in that popular phrase, ‘women and children first.’
  • feminism equals female supremacism
  • The feminist movement is taken very seriously indeed by those with the power to enforce its core aims:
    • (1) The expropriation of resources from men to women.
    • (2) The punishment of men.
    • (3) To increase (1) and (2) in terms of scope and intensity indefinitely.

The quotes above are from a very interesting lecture series:

Gynocentrism Theory 

                       (all lectures above in the RSS link)

  1. Staring Out From the Abyss   Lecture No. 1
  2. The Same Old Story   Lecture No. 2
  3. Refuting the Appeal to Dictionary
  4. Pig Latin
  5. Anatomy of a Victim Ideology



Staring Out From the Abyss  (Lecture 1)

This weblog aims to encourage the intellectual crystallization of what we are calling the Men’s Rights Movement, by taking a narrow lens across a broad range of topics. This weblog is dedicated to the elucidation of Gynocentrism Theory.

What is Gynocentrism Theory? To put it simply, it is a system which explains social relations between the sexes. It supersedes Patriarchy Theory, the cornerstone of all feminist thought. Now memetic, Patriarchy Theory has proved a remarkable tool in denying men their rights, including their most basic human rights to dignity and bodily integrity, on the pretense that all men are oppressors (or at least, allied with oppressive men from whom they receive benefits) and that all women are victims of male power. Gynocentrism Theory is the articulation of many years of effort by various thinkers in the Men’s Rights sphere to describe a vision of the world which more accurately reflects the experiences of men – and many women, too.


The Same Old Story   Lecture No. 2

Allow me to clarify. The traditional idea under discussion is male sacrifice for the benefit of women, which we term Gynocentrism. This is the historical norm, and it was the way of the world long before anything called ‘feminism’ made itself known


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Gynocentrism (male chivalry) was the norm, not Patriarchism
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