Michael Brown attacked officer Darren Wilson, hit officer Darren Wilson, grabbed the officer’s gun, got shot into his hand from less then 1 inch distance. Michael Brown fled, and ran back charging Officer Darren Wilson. He did not get hit by a single shot in the back, and was charging towards Darren Wilson when he received the last shot to his head.
All this proven by forensic evidence and 7-8 black (!) witnesses.
- witnesses are rightfully terrified to testify counter to Black "civil rights" narrative. PC (political correctness) allows New Black Panthers to continue to have a bounty on acquitted shooter George Zimmerman who shot Trayvon Martin in self defense. It is sad that Black violence can scare people from talking the truth.
- Forensics is a science. Analysis of blood splatter patterns can exclude crude falsification attempts like smearing blood onto a car.
- Weeks of riots and efforts by the justice department and president Obama served to defend Michael Brown who attempted to murder a police man with his police officer gun. His felon friend Dorian Johnson had already confessed the two had committed a host of crimes
Barack Obama, Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson spread #PCLies and thus promote #PCHatred, violence, riots and mayhem. Were it not for PC (political correctness) policy of not reporting race of black felons, nobody would believe the absurd narrative of a decorated prize winning white police officer hunting down peaceful gentle giants and shooting them dead for jay walking.
Evidence Supports Officer’s Account of Shooting in Ferguson, Washington Post
Including blood spatter evidence and “seven or eight” black witnesses.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch late Tuesday night published Brown’s official county autopsy report, an analysis of which also suggests that the 18-year-old may not have had his hands raised when he was fatally shot, as has been the contention of protesters who have demanded Wilson’s arrest. […]
Because Wilson is white and Brown was black, the case has ignited intense debate over how police interact with African American men. But more than a half-dozen unnamed black witnesses have provided testimony to a St. Louis County grand jury that largely supports Wilson’s account of events of Aug. 9, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke with The Washington Post. Washington Post
Source: Darren Wilson Says Michael Brown Kept Charging at Him, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Leaked account of Officer Wilson’s side of the story is the most detailed yet.
Official Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Had Close-Range Wound to His Hand, Marijuana in System, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
It aligns with Officer Wilson’s version of events.
Isn’t marihijuana supposed to make folks all docile and serene?