Found a ong, very interesting article by an insider in child porn. He makes a lot of interesting points
- from antiquity until a few decades ago, children’s nudity was object of arts, of photographers, painters, sculptures. Today’s witch hunt that jails children for photographing themselves in the nude and passing their own photograph to their boyfriends (sexting) is new.
- mainstream movies and magazines showed nude adolescents in scenes whose production or even viewing nowadays would be punished by decades of jail terms.
- actual child abuse was fairly rare, lots of models actually enjoyed the shootings (we are talking about posing and not acts that are totally unnatural for their age)
- Internet censorship and blocking programs don’t work because the child porn industry nowadays is so tech savvy that these measures only catch the amateurs.
Source of the long article: Original german version of the source
In the past, child and adolescent sex was considered normal. Even exaggerated examples from religious books did not shock people
Mohammed married Aisha at age 6 or 9 ( )
Many biblical commentators believe that Rebekah was still a child when she married Isaac, while Isaac was forty years of age ( )

Since antique times, artists could show children and adolescents nude. Mainstream movies and magazines printed nude photos of 14 year old girls up to the 1980ies or later, which nowadays would be a crime punishable by many years in jail not only for the producers but also for the spectators and buyers. Actually, artists nowadays frequently get prosecuted for depicting children.( )
Shields’ first major film role was her 1978 appearance in Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby, a movie in which she played a child who lived in a brothel (and in which there were numerous nude scenes).[1] Because she was only 12 when the film was released, and possibly 11 when it was filmed, questions were raised about child pornography.[7][8][9] This was followed by a slightly less controversial and less notable film, Wanda Nevada (1979).
After two decades of movies, her best known films are still arguably The Blue Lagoon (1980), which included a number of nude scenes between teenage lovers on a tropical island (Shields later testified before a U.S. Congressional inquiry that older body doubles were used in some of them) and Endless Love (1981). She won the People’s Choice Award in the category of Favorite Young Performer in four consecutive years from 1981 to 1984.
Nowadays, parents get prosecuted for taking nude photos of their babies in the bath tub, and teenagers arrested for taking nude photos of themselves.
History of child sex and child porn
Very interesting article by an insider from the child porn scene.
Source: Original german version of the source
In the Middle Ages, when the life expectancy was still significantly lower, the puberty began later than today and adolescents in the age range 12-18 years were set up for marriage. This changed increasingly. Naked, erotically depicted boys and girls have always been in the center of the art. As photography became popular at the end of the 18th Century, also erotic act descriptions with children and young people were made. At the end of the 60s there was a magazine called Lolita, produced by the Danish company “Color Climax”, that had sex between children and between children and adults as the subject. </ p>
This magazine was sold everywhere – sometimes from under the counter. Only in the 80s the magazine was discontinued due to new laws set. From the 90s, the notion of child pornography expanded ever further. In the 70s and 80s, nudist magazines such as “Young and Free,” “Sunshine Friends”, etc. were still perfectly legal to buy. Even artists such as David Hamilton, Jock Sturges and Sally Mann published images of naked children and adolescents, which was at the time was considered an art – even though the first voices reported this as child pornography to blame. The photographer Jacques Bourboulon got special attention because of the very erotic pictures of Eva Ionescu he made.
As the Internet age in the ’90s began, pictures were initially exchanged via specific NNTP newsgroups. Specifically zealous fathers began even to abuse their own children and to share the pictures with others. This was nothing commercial – it was on grounds of seeking approval – these people wanted to be the biggest and got plenty of encouragement from lurkers (people that use the material in newsgroups without contributing anything themselves). Between 1996 and 1999 the first commercial offerings of nude act pitures of children and adolescents emerged. Some of these sites had quite an artistic approach, while others lacked in this regard completely.
A few years ago there were these kinds of problems with the magazine “Seventeen” in the Netherlands. When the Internet emerged, the company produced entirely legal pornography with young people aged 16. As long as this was sold in the Netherlands, it was no problem. But with the advent of the Internet Seventeen wanted to sell the pictures and videos on the internet as well. It was not long until it hit the headlines everywhere for “child pornography”, especially in the USA. This became a huge political pressure on the Dutch authorities.
As LS models came onto the market, they have developed their own credit card payment system.LS was in 2003-2004 the world’s biggest studio providers of photographs and videos from erotica with children and young people including close-ups of genitals and breasts (but no sex) – typical for Softcore pornography. The girls were from all walks of life, participated completely voluntarily, and usually with the blessing of the parents to take photographs. The most popular girls have been posing repeatedly for years (some even until 2007, long after the collapse of LS Studios) and everyone who has seen these pictures can see that these girls like to be in the pictures and have had fun during the recordings (it is finally time time that someone says this as it really is, even if it seems to disturb some). LS studios had countless sites such as LS Land, Fantasy LS, LS Magazine, etc., and sold to the best studios around 1500 LS entrances on the day for about 40 USD. That makes a daily turnover of approximately USD 60,000 and a monthly turnover of approximately USD 1.8 million, annual sales of approximately 21.6 million USD. Mind you, this is the total turnover. For the payment of the 1500 models, personnel, the various sites, their own studios to create clothes and backgrounds, shares of the Bank and the crazy traffic costs and the server accounted for about 1 to 1.3 million monthly costs. The operator got the profit, about half a million per month.
Source: Original german version of the source:
It is IMMORAL a 14 yo teen taking pictures of herself, but it is not IMMORAL, to give credit to a family for a house, and then eviction, and continue having the debt. That happened in Spain. You dont pay the mortage. . . you are evictec, and still have the debt.
Spanish housing bubble, inflated housing prices due to irresponsible bank loan policy, that is a very different issue. The irresponsible financial Euro policy has serious implications. In Spain it caused a housing boom, financed with insustainable loans given to people who could not afford payback. When housing prices collapse, when the bubble bursts, we have serious problems and human suffering. As in the earlier US housing bubble. So the root cause for the family’s suffering is not at eviction time but much earlier. Of course, with all the bank bailouts, one wonders if one could not bail out families instead.
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Cupid is depicted as child with a bow and arrow and has been a part of many famous sculptures and paintings. His naked presence was accepted a the part of a masterpiece. But that would be unacceptable today. His presence would be could child porn. Cupid’s other name was Eros. Today it is the reign of stupidity, naked children are not acceptable, what they do, think and feel is thought impossible. We want children to be asexual not sexual. We want them to not think about anything sexual. A girls starts menstruating, it is time when she has reached the age when she actually can give birth to a child, but she is too young. A boy has an erection, he is told if he masturbates he will go blind. What kind of insane world is this?
Child sex is a defining staple of third world countries, crime-infested neighborhoods and ghettoes. Just because it was considered normal doesn’t make it right. A 12-year-old bride in Yemen died giving birth earlier this year. You are promoting sexual libertinism and at the same time bashing blacks as promiscuous and less intelligent.
In order not to lose focus:
this site is about intellectual honesty, against blind dogmatic belief, against self deception. In favor of searching the unbiased truth. Saying things as they are.
This is the true focus.
* redefining fondling as rape,
* calling consensual sex rape,
* purposefully confusing things by equating sticking objects into 5 year old vagina and taking beach photos of 17 year old nudists
all this is just intellectual dishonesty in order to foster certain agendas.
Now discussing your issues is interesting and would require new posts here, maybe even a new site with new focus. Personal opinions are interesting, policy goals could be discussed. But as I said, this detracts from the true main issue of this site.
But I can not resist, so here are some personal devils’ advocate opinions. I plan to write a post about this later on.
12 year old girl, that sure is quite young. Even more for an uneducated powerless peasant girl. But look, this is a legalized marriage, by law no crime. A real problem.
Also, the real problem is not the sex act, it is the unprotected sex. Maybe only sex without condoms or without any birth control should be criminalized. And what if a girl fooled around with a 12 year old boy, out of curiosity? the problem would be the same. Life endangering pregnancy.
By the way I wrote a blog about the catholic church excommunicating a doctor who performed an abortion to save the life of a 12 year old pregnant girl.
It is also interesting that nature made the girl capable of becoming pregnant, even though she was not mature for pregnancy. Another problem. So maybe social control is needed so she does not do things that could get her pregnant.
Now I happen to be male. Males tend to be much more promiscuous then women. You are right, maybe this is not intelligent, not good for society. The same way as men are more risk takers, more fighters, risky drivers, etc. It is natural, it is biological, has been created by evolution. Maybe not good, not intelligent, not good for a good and peaceful society.
I hope you also worry about 12 year old boys being educated as warriors, risking their lives. But maybe this is necessary to guarantee the survival of the tribe in war. So many problems in life.
Population growth is a problem for the planet. Near zero birth rates is also a problem.
Democratic governments want to interfere with Chinese family planning policy. The policy is very intelligent, useful, necessary. It goes against our feel of individual freedom, but it helps to save the planet.
Many books need to be studied, but human stupidity probably will prevent us from doing the right thing. Be it the stupidity of the dogma (religion, human rights, etc) or of the stupidity simple uneducated masses. Or maybe selfishness. Or the tragedy of the commons.
Life is complex and solutions are difficult.