Unproven, or even false accusations of a single woman can destroy the world’s most powerful men and change the course of world history. Feminism has given enormous power to any woman to derail the most powerful men in the world.
- Al Gore, Nobel prize winner (peace) and ex-Vice-President of the USA, falsely accused of rape
- Julian Assange, (of Wikileaks fame) accused by feminists of broken condom "rape". The entire might of the USA could not derail him, but 2 women could get him imprisoned.
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF chief and French Presidential Candidate lost the leadership of the International Monetary Fund and likely the presidency of France. His arrest caused an instant decline of the Euro. Hedge funds could have made billions overnight. His successor at the IMF has a very different policy regarding the Euro bailout which potentially involves more then a Trillion (one million million) Euros. The future of the Euro, the currencies of entire nations probably were changed by the accusation of a habitual liar who already had lied about prior rapes
- Oscar Pistorius, paralympic world record holder in 100, 200 and 400-metre events: "South Africa’s legless Blade Runner has been charged with assault after a woman claimed he bruised her leg at a party. Double amputee Oscar Pistorius spent Saturday night in jail after being accused of assaulting the 19-year-old woman". The charges were soon dropped..
- Franco Porzio, Olympic champion in Water Polo, was accused by his second wife. His first wife came to his defense.
- Jörg Kachelmann, Germany’s prominent famous TV weatherman spent months in jail upon the mere unproven accusation of an ex-girlfriend. He remained in jail even after she had been caught with various lies.
- Theo Theophanous,an Australian Labor minister, lost his high government job, his reputation and much of his savings. His accuser had waited for 10 years and was shown to be notoriously unreliable. But the character assassination had already taken its toll.
- Moshe Katsav, ex president of Israel, got a 7 plus 2 year prison sentence, because "The judges said they found the rape victim’s testimony “completely credible” and Mr. Katsav’s “false.” [NYT] Time [H]. As usual, accusations were not leveled immediately after the alleged crime, when it was still possible to find proof.
- We can not affirm that Katzav is innocent. But like Strauss-Kahn, it looks that he is a powerful womanizer but not necessarily a rapist
- If he really forcibly raped the woman, he deserves the jail time. Even more so because then he was incredibly stupid.
- a) Rich powerful men have so many options to get sex with admirers (groupies) or affordable prostitutes.
- b) And if he was really guilty , why would he be so incredibly stupid to renege on a plea bargain that would have saved him prison time?
- Mel Gibson,Hollywood actor, accused by his girl friend and defended by his ex-wife
Bill Clinton, US president. whose presidency was marred by the Paula Jones harassment accusations.
- So what if he really made some indecent proposal to Paula Jones? Weakness as a weapon: The Sexual Harassment Industry makes a point that maybe women should be empowered to withstand innuendo, cat calls, objectifying gaze.
- The Paula Jones case led to the inquiries into Clinton’s private sex live, which led to the Lewinsky scandal. It was unfortunate that he lied, but most men and women lie about love affairs, and it should not have been anyone’s business who he has sex (or blow jobs) with
- Monica Lewinsky rarely gets credited for having stood by her man and tried her best to protect Bill Clinton.
- Sexually more liberated Brazilians could not understand why Clinton suffered so much harassment.
- Brazilians also could not understand why the most powerful man on earth could not score a more attractive girl friend then Monica Lewinsky.
- Long gone were the times, where the most powerful man on earth (John F. Kennedy) could have a secret tryst with the most desired woman on earth (Marilyn Monroe) 1 2 3 ABC
- In Brazil there was a minor scandal when the country’s president was photographed with a carnival princess and Playboy Cover who had no panties on. "An adorable girl," the President dreamily mused to reporters a couple of days later. … Later "the Globo television network broadcast a recording of the President cooing, "I am in love with you," to Miss Ramos over the telephone"
- Christian von Boetticher, 40, designated leader of the conservative Christian Democratic Union in Schleswig-Holstein, who was set to lead Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party in its fight to retain power the north German state next May, has resigned after intense internal party pressure over his consensual and perfectly legal love affair with a 16-year-old girl. The girl did not even accuse him.
- The 20 Most Scandalous Sexual-Harassment Cases of All Time
Parts of this article were translated from the Italian I trofei di caccia del femminismo: le teste dei maschi infangati o distrutti da accuse di Donne.
Michael Jackson…
Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Humphrey Bogart, Stephen Hawking Well-known domestic violence victims – Celebrity Domestic Violence Cases
We already reported on Tiger Woods
Feminism has had only 2 real objectives:
1. To give women unlimited sexual license, so that they are free to spend their reproductive years with men they are not going to build a family with
2. To make productive relationships between older men and younger women impossible so that the women of step 1 always have a sex-starved cohort to fall back on for economic support