Whites voluntarily forfeited1 constitutional rights!!
- equal treatment under the law (independent of the color of the skin)2
freedom of association3
- freedom of speech to criticize
minorities4, the democratic ideal of the fully informed
Reprinted with permission from TruthRevolution.net
Solution to the cartoon’s riddle:
- Point out the inequality and injustice. Humbly suggest, or demand, to be granted the same right Blacks have. White Genocide Quotes #2
- “Racist” has been weaponized. Reappropriate “racism”
- Flipping race #2 to notice left-racist unequal treatment:
Imagine the German chancellor saying: “all remaining black residents in government sponsored housing in Germany must be kicked out of their apartments to make way for homeless Germans.” But Zimbabwe’s president Mugabe can propose kicking out Whites.
Solution to the cartoon’s riddle
Whites, demand the same rights that Blacks have.
Refuse second class citizenships. Demand an end to anti-white discrimination6
“Civil rights” laws gave special rights to “minorities”; took away rights from whites.
To right (alleged) past, long gone, injustice, inequality, discrimination and repression, we have actual, lawful, institutionalized injustice ….against whites.
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