Why Trust The ‘Experts’? Politically correct gag orders intimidate scientists!

Scientific experts are intimidated by societal taboos, and enticed by financial and social benefits. Pure scientific honesty has been corrupted. Corrupted “science experts” voice unscientific opinions.

Experts do not practice truth-seeking, honest, unbiased science. 

Reprinted with permission from Sincerity.net

Rather, experts must think inside the Overton window1 of permitted discourse. Thus they avoid getting Watsoned2 for mentioning objectively true facts about black crime3, about race differences in IQ.  Showing serious concern about potential US election fraud, or considering unorthodox Covid-19 therapies are career destroyers.

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Scientific honesty: tell the WHOLE truth, nothing hidden: fully disclose weaknesses, alternative explanations, conflicts of interest …

“Blacks have lower income than Whites in the USA. That proves ‘systemic racism’”.

Scientific honesty requires to inform about all weaknesses in this statement.

Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net

Scientific honesty1*2 requires full and total disclosure of all relevant issues regarding the theory in discussion.

Dishonesty must be shunned3, deception be taboo. Scientific honesty should be the fundamental rule!

Scientific honesty is not about winning an argument, it is not about using rhetorical or logical trickery to convince someone. Scientific honesty is about honestly finding the truth.4

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#Biblical: Is it a sin of omission to cover up instances of Black crime, to hide its pervasiveness?

Does the Bible allow to misinform the population in order to avoid “prejudice”1? Does the Bible consider humans too immature to be told the truth? What if omitting the truth causes homicides2, death, hate, and rape? Who is the sinner, if naïve3 uninformed people get in harm’s way, because of media cover-ups; if students are enrolled in dangerous schools and terrorized by bullies4 because teachers don’t tell the public how dangerous “minority” schools are?

Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net

The world wide #BlackLivesMatter #BLM riots were moot, if Christians told the truth, ceased to cover up the true extent of Black criminality, proven to be much higher than Black victimization by whites.

James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

[What Does the Bible Say About Sins Of Omission?]

Is it a Christian virtue to cover up Muslim rape gangs5, under-report black riots, to intentionally delete embarrassing black crime statistics6, repress research about black IQ7 *8?

Omission of crime details, and of racial information, to avoid stirring up prejudice is mandatory9 for media, police, teachers and everyone.

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We know that media are wrong in our field of expertise; yet on other topics we trust them [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect]

Experts forget how badly their own subject is treated in media and believe that subjects they don’t know much about are treated more competently by the same media. [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect.]

“You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

Lies by media, police, politicians are treated as “isolated incidents” of misinformation, not of wholesale dishonesty and systemic bias1.

Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net

I) A biology expert is fully aware that James Watson of DNA Nobel fame was object of a world wide witch hunt. That James Watson was totally right2 to be “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really. ” 3. This same biology expert faithfully believes that otherwise MSM are honest and Breitbart, Fox, Vdare spread lies and conspiracy theories. He refuses to entertain the idea that  BLM (Black Lives Matter) is built upon a series of lies, on mostly debunked allegations of police brutality built upon blatantly manipulative media omissions and distortions 4*5. It seems too hard to believe that our ”free” media are unashamedly lying to us whole-sale. Strangely, we don’t apply the popular adage:
Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me!

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Lies, long debunked, perpetuated by Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden

Lies about Trayvon Martin1 or Michael Brown2 live forever.  The Left is dishonest, truth is of no interest. No debunking, no evidence can change the false narrative. Media, politicians, Black Lives Matter lie incessantly. On Ferguson, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Told a Terrible Lie3

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It’s virtuous to lie, omit, deceive (about “minority” crime & flaws) #Virtuous2Lie

Withholding “racist” factual information1 is more than just socially acceptable. Such deception is considered virtuous. Truth-telling2 is unacceptable, immoral3 and punishable4 * 5. Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content” that tells unpleasant truth about protected groups.  The US government virtuously deleted their own crime statistics from the internet6. The “Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior” justifies such deception. Nobody is shocked about socially accepted lies and gag orders.

Reprinted with Permission from Sincerity.net

No pity, no remorse! No religious outrage!

Noble social justice goals justify deceptive means. The ‘progressive’ fight against ‘racism’ and ‘inequality’ is considered virtuous.  Zero guilty feelings about withholding “racist” information. Rather, truth-telling is immoral and punishable. #TheTruthIsRacist, telling the whole truth causesprejudice”, “racism”, xenophobia. We are shocked about socially accepted lies and repression. But there is no widespread moral outrage about lies, deception.  No pity with the victims of political correctness. No sympathy with James Watson, no serious outrage about the raped children in Rotherham, Telford, a Million victims, rape victims in Cologne New Year], Sweden, Finland

There are no street riots demanding to undo the Ferguson effect that costs thousands of black homicide victims per year. Not even Christian fundamentalists assail deceit, lies, and omissions7, no demands for sincerity and honesty.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “It’s virtuous to lie, omit, deceive (about “minority” crime & flaws) #Virtuous2Lie” »
It’s virtuous to lie, omit, deceive (about “minority&r…
» continues here »

Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the “Right”

Not Russian collusion is warping our elections. Our elections have been moving towards the Left, and towards immigration and open borders because of 60 years of relentless bias in media, politics, schools, colleges and law enforcement. #TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo.

Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the “Right”

Forbidden to mention negative facts about “minorities”, to avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13]

Citizens cannot be trusted with the whole truth, lest they develop prejudice.

It is forbidden to mention embarrassing facts about minority crimes 1, so as to  avoid stirring up prejudices[12] [13] that can be exploited by the Right.

Systematic and mandatory omission of true facts  to avoid “prejudice” 2, admittedly to reduce sympathy and votes for “the Right” 3 makes a mockery of the democratic ideal of the informed voter. Elections are, unashamedly, rigged against the “Right”. The consequences are grave and world changing4

“world changing” is not an exaggeration.

Reprinted, with permission, from TruthRevolution.net

Irreversible Mass immigration into US, Europe, causing mass trauma by busing of white US students into dangerous crime ridden black schools, decades of mass rapes in Rotherham and Telford, large scale prison rape and riots, are all consequences of media and police withholding of crime data and IQ research.

Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the “Right”” »
Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by …
» continues here »

Islam, a self replicating computer virus – 10 chapter Analysis

A 10 chapter Analysis showing that

  1. the Koran created Islam as a genius viral program, for maximum impact, for unstoppable world wide propagation
  2. Modern political correctness, feminism, modern technology maximize the propagation of Islam



Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Islam, Koran, a self replicating computer virus, a collection of memes, (MAIN INDEX)

Memes, computer virus:
analogies for the spread of Islam

Islam is designed spreads like an unstoppable computer virus. Allahu Akbar! Allah is a genius designer.

A computer virus spreads from computer to computer, from network to network, from country to country.

Memes, ideas, fads, computer virus are similar concepts and can spread similarly. We use the terms interchangeably. Even genetic evolution of species and individuals obeys similar laws as meme propagation.

The Koran is our constitution,
the Prophet is our leader,
jihad is our path and
death in the name of Allah is our goal

“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” [2012 Egyptian President] Morsi said in his election speech before Cairo University students on Saturday night. [Businessinsider]



  1. Islam, a computer virus, meme #1 :  Islam is similar to a self-replicating supercomputer virus. It is a hydra-headed monster, designed by its creators to be an unstoppable formula for global conquest. It’s almost impossible to eradicate, because it has no central brain or control center. Islam is like a starfish: when you cut off a limb, another grows to replace it.  [computer virus continued → Fluechtling.net
  2. The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex: A list of 26 memes (ideas, program code bits, genes) that help Islam to spread, such as: Koran is unchangeable, orders believers to conquer more territory, allows to use violence, war deception,   [Islamic Memeplex → Fluechtling.net
  3. Christian European Infidel’s PC, welfare, feminism, technology aid Islam’s growthFluechtling.net : Infidels invented technology and political systems that vastly aid the spread of Islam.  European transport technology, smartphones, whatsapp, welfare, feminism, politically correct press codes, asylum law. This is a new creation at Fluechtling.net, most other chapters can be found elsewhere.

  4. (Disclaimer): Don’t believe us, we are fallible, read the literature and check yourself.

What are memes:

Memes are ideas, genes, computer viruses that spread from mind to mind, from population to population. Religions are formed by groups of ideas, of memes.

  1. Memes explained, Memeplex Islam!
  2. Memes explained. Terrifying Brilliance of Islam meme → Fluechtling.net A meme is anything that can be copied from one mind to another. The custom of shaking hands, for example, is a meme. A melody is a meme. A recipe for lemonade is a meme. Even the word “meme” is a meme, which has just made a copy of itself in your mind.  // One of the characteristics of memes is they can evolve because some memes are better at making copies of themselves than other memes. They get more copies of themselves into other minds. […] // So memes compete with each other and evolve
  3. Meme explained again and a different list of Islam memes
  4. Need Koran citations as proof? The Koranic expert at Islam Exposed has provided chapter and verse for many of the memes above. Find them here: Amplification of Key Concepts from The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam. (external link)
  5. Stages in a country’s path to Islam!
  6. Muslim IQ and Science:

B) How to stop the Islam virus, the Islam memes

It seems, once Islam gained the smallest foothold in a country, it will eventually take over. Even if it takes centuries.

  1. Ban Koran to stop the viral spread of Islam meme
  2. Reform Islam! Apostasy? Blasphemy?
  3. Stopping the Islam meme
  4. Nuke Mekka to stop Islam?

C)Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11Islam’s violent Jihad

  1. ISIS great slaughter 10 million Germans
  2. Listing of thousands of Islamic terror attacks
  3. Literature, sites about Islam: Those who have not yet studied the “religion of peace”