Why Trust The ‘Experts’? Politically correct gag orders intimidate scientists!

Scientific experts are intimidated by societal taboos, and enticed by financial and social benefits. Pure scientific honesty has been corrupted. Corrupted “science experts” voice unscientific opinions.

Experts do not practice truth-seeking, honest, unbiased science. 

Reprinted with permission from Sincerity.net

Rather, experts must think inside the Overton window1 of permitted discourse. Thus they avoid getting Watsoned2 for mentioning objectively true facts about black crime3, about race differences in IQ.  Showing serious concern about potential US election fraud, or considering unorthodox Covid-19 therapies are career destroyers.

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Scientific honesty: tell the WHOLE truth, nothing hidden: fully disclose weaknesses, alternative explanations, conflicts of interest …

“Blacks have lower income than Whites in the USA. That proves ‘systemic racism’”.

Scientific honesty requires to inform about all weaknesses in this statement.

Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net

Scientific honesty1*2 requires full and total disclosure of all relevant issues regarding the theory in discussion.

Dishonesty must be shunned3, deception be taboo. Scientific honesty should be the fundamental rule!

Scientific honesty is not about winning an argument, it is not about using rhetorical or logical trickery to convince someone. Scientific honesty is about honestly finding the truth.4

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Postmodernism: Denial of Objective Reality and of Facts is Dishonest

Postmodernism denies facts and objective reality. The truth is based not on agreed upon facts and evidence, but is contingent on narrative and point of view.

Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net

Shameless postmodernist lying utterly corrupted Social Sciences123. Postmodernist dogmatism in social sciences and politics causes mayhem4 and death5, even for the “disadvantaged minorities” which BLM6 purports to help.

The reason for such disastrous failure: PC Marxism it is based on objectively false anti-scientific world view. The false world view is perpetuated by gag orders, taboo of #RacistFacts, and factually wrong dogma7.

Postmodernism could be a funny philosophical mind game.  Teaching post-modernism as a serious realistic world view is utterly insincere8, or ignorant. A well educated & intelligent person cannot, with honesty and straight face, take post-modern anti-logic, anti-facts, anti-science seriously and base social science and political discourse on such baseless non-facts.

  • >>“alarming postmodern implications, that is, that the truth is based not on agreed upon facts and evidence, but is contingent on narrative and point of view” [… and] denial of facts and objective reality.[NR]
  • But Moore points out that many Italians are fighting this injustice, somehow both primitive, in its witch hunt aspect, and postmodern, in its denial of facts and objective reality.” [NR]

We cannot deal with our real world problems with an ideology that denies reality, trashes our logic and the scientific method.

Postmodernism belongs with mysticism and  superstition. Post-modernism cannot create technology and science. Post-modernism could be a nice theoretical philosophical joke and mind game. Taking postmodernism seriously is a root cause world wide PC disasters.  Postmodernism is embodied in both

  • media gag orders: inconvenient true facts must not be told
  • egalitarian dogma or anti-racist dogma: irrespective of proof to the contrary, races are equal and individuals are born with equal potential
Reprinted with permission from SINCERITY.net


Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society

We cannot build correct physical or social science1 on taboos2, unenlightened3 dishonesty4* 5* 6 and false theorizing7. We cannot even have an intelligent conversation about minority crime8 * 9 with people who believe in the minority crime gag orders10 and racism taboo11.

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Honesty: #1 necessity for a modern scientific society
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Milo Yiannopoulos loses book deal over underage sex comments

The US senate condemned, with a 99:0 vote, prestigious research in the American Psychological Association journal. The meta analysis showed that in cases of sexual  “child abuse”, no damage can be found if no violence has been employed and the victim has at least average intelligence. Yes, even we are shocked, but we are committed to science, not to dogma. Bill Clinton condemned the “Bell Curve” (about racial differences in intelligence) without even reading it. There is strong  Repression of research violating dogmas. Underage sex with post-puberty girls (and boys?) was widely legal 150 years ago.

Milo Yiannopoulos says that he “is advocating” for legal sex between 13 year olds! & older men.

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Milo Yiannopoulos loses book deal over underage sex comments
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Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Honesty

The Age of Enlightenment advanced quality of life through technological revolution in STEM 1. Our ideologically flawed Social Sciences (political sciences, journalism) are in need of such enlightenment to bring an end to disastrous policy decisions based on factually false theories2. Truth, honesty, sincerity is the way, says SINCERITY.NET. Forbidden Truths and dogmatical lies have permeated and destroyed our entire social sciences 3 4

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  1. True Speech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. #DeCriminalizeTrueSpeech: When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to [truthfully] refer to the suspect’s religious, ethnic or other minority membership {GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council}  5
  2. Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC Antiracist dogma:
    Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration. One’s personal faith must not interfere with the pursuit of truth
  3. Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany
  4. The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media

Age of Enlightenment |Wikipedia

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Age of Enlightenment for Social Sciences Requires Scientific Hones…
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Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f)

Thus we must not allow a single false or dubious assumption to creep into media, into social sciences.

We leave it to the esteemed reader, what potentially false dogma could have crept into social sciences.

Reblogged with permission from Sincerity.net:Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f)

f ⇒ f   From one false assumption everything else can be deduced as true, mathematical logic tells us1. Thus Sincerity.net demands “zero tolerance” for dishonesty.  We demand “zero tolerance” for anything that misleads people into potentially false beliefs.

Reblogged with permission from Sincerity.net:Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f)

Logical implication | Wikipedia

p-implies-q-the-conditional-truth-tableLogical implication and the material conditional are both associated with an operation on two logical values, typically the values of two propositions, which produces a value of false if the first operand is true and the second operand is false, and a value of true otherwise.

The truth table associated with the logical implication p implies q (symbolized as p q, or more rarely Cpq) is as follows2

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Everything false can be derived from one false premise (f ⇒ f…
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Un-Scientific American lends credibility to Gender Junk Science about Hubble Telescope

Unscientific American: Diversity is strength: We did not make this up, all these titles really exist in the Junk Diversity IssueHubble telescope time preferentially goes to men.

Female-led proposals to use the in-demand Hubble telescope are less likely to be selected.Scientific American claims this in the midst of a huge section of Junk Diversity Science which has been utterly debunked elsewhere.

An internal Hubble study1 found that in each of the past 11 observation proposal cycles, applications led by male principal investigators had a higher success rate than those led by women.  Women submit roughly 25% of proposals for Hubble telescope observing time. [SciAm]

Un-Scientific American lends credibility to junk diversity and gender science nonsense, by interspersing junk diversity propaganda among true natural science articles.
Un-Scientific American misleads their readers who think their gender baiting is on par with real science.

This confounding of junk gender science with true natural science is very serious. This is why after years of study even we need serious deprogramming from the politically correct cultural Marxist lies that impressible children, adolescents and adults are constantly told by school books and biased un-scientific journals like Scientific American!

Scientific American’s mixing of real natural science with politically motivated unscientific falsified junk science like gender, domestic violence, race and iq issues aspires to permanently poison the minds of young and old with feminist and politically correct hate ideology.

All the titles on our "Unscientific American" cover are true Junk Diversity Science articles,
we could not have made this up.

The head of a science department of a major research University confirmed to us, in private, that female scientists generally less innovative and talented then their male counterparts [7]. Implicit quotas demand hiring and promoting women who don’t meet the requirements men would be measured up to. Quotas guarantee that the rare woman with sufficient talent will be snatched away for an even more prestigious job, always rising to her level of incompetence. Aware of Larry Summer’s dismissal [8], our department head refuses to be identified.

"Scientific American used to be a great magazine but like any publishing venture headquartered in New York, it has gradually drifted into liberal never-never-land." [UnScientific American]

Men and women are equal by dogmatic fiat

Did Megan Urry control her statistics for yearly working hours, life time interest in science, years experience, work invested in the proposal, IQ, math talent of the applying scientists?

We wager a bet that the average male physics proposal writer, more so a Ivy League department chair, did not flunk their first physics exams in college, like Megan Urry herself and was interested in physics since tender age of 6, unlike Megan Urry [4] and other female applicants. Megan Urry (of course) ignores even the possibility that male and female applicants might be intrinsically different in some way.  Larry Summers was a victim of telling such truth that there is a dearth of women in the top talent for science and math.

In spite of IQ tests having been manipulated to elevate female IQ to the same level as males [Wikipedia],   there are twice as many men with IQ over 150: Men: either very clever or really stupid [Wikipedia] because of greater male variance on IQ and most other traits.

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Un-Scientific American lends credibility to Gender Junk Science ab…
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