Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners


Jiu Jitsu Professor Daryell Dickson Menezes Xavier beat up and raped his 1 year 8 months old step son in Taguatinga, suburb of Brasilia. He turned himself in, with his lawyer, and was held for a 30 day 

Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners. He had injuries all over the body, the most serious ones in the anal region. Insatisfied, and still furious about the crime committed by the professor, the prisoners tore apart the stitches that he received and raped him again. The blood stains on the rear of the short of the young man are proof of how much he suffered.

Source: Rapist of one year old boy gets paid back double dose [3‘] [4] [5] [6]

 Alleged child rapist turned over to 20 prisoners, raped, gets anus stitched and turned over again to his rapists Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Child rapist raped, stitched by medics, and re-raped by 20 prisoners” »
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