Racist Nobel Prize Winners (4Racism.org)


Computer/electronics and genetics are the most revolutionary inventions of our time. The founders of electronics, and of genetics were both racists.

Maybe the most inventive creative scientific minds of our times are right? Maybe the founder of genetics has the qualification to speak about genetic differences?

The truth is racist!?


  1. William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist
    Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12]. 
  2. europe-for-everybodyJames Watson’s Inquisition #2:
    James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs.
  3. James Watson Racist:
    Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.



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Racist Nobel Prize Winners (4Racism.org)
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James Watson, ruined for telling truth about race, sells Nobel Prize Medal


World-famous biologist James Watson said he is selling the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA because he has been ostracized and needs the money

James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy by the preeminent researchers of race and IQ. Arthur Jensen, and J Philippe Rushton. Both were ostracized and persecuted for their serious academic research.

This academic paper proves clearly that: Races are different in IQ, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, criminality. This is a scientific fact. We wish we could use this occasion to tell the truth to the world.  Please read at least the first page of James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy

Let us tell the truth about race and IQ.

"James Watson tells the inconvenient truth: Faces the consequences" is another must read article that not only explains the scientific facts about race, IQ, and genetics but also points out the lies and falsehood shamelessly spread by scientific organizations. 

James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah.

Mr Watson said he is auctioning the  Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA, because "no-one really wants to admit I exist".

Can you imagine, if an eminent Nobel Prize winner gets destroyed and ruined for telling the scientific truth, what happens to normal mortals, lecturers or simple students.  PC (political correctness) has installed a terror regime with thought control. Research on race and iq

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James Watson, ruined for telling truth about race, sells Nobel Pri…
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