Computer/electronics and genetics are the most revolutionary inventions of our time. The founders of electronics, and of genetics were both racists.
Maybe the most inventive creative scientific minds of our times are right? Maybe the founder of genetics has the qualification to speak about genetic differences?
The truth is racist!?
- William Shockley, inventor of transistor, was racist:
Physics Nobel laureate William Shockley, inventor of the transistor and (probably) the founder of Silicon Valley [10] pointed "out that to blame all the failures of black people on racism was a misdiagnosis of the problem" [12]. Shockley was reviled for suggesting various well meant "racist" research projects to the National Academy of Science [12]. James Watson’s Inquisition #2:
James D. Watson, perhaps the most distinguished living American scientist, has now been kicked to the curb by the Cold Spring Harbor genetics laboratory he rescued and rebuilt over the last 40 years for making politically (but not scientifically) incorrect statements about African IQs.- James Watson Racist:
Nobel James Watson Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.
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