It’s virtuous to lie, omit, deceive (about “minority” crime & flaws) #Virtuous2Lie

Withholding “racist” factual information1 is more than just socially acceptable. Such deception is considered virtuous. Truth-telling2 is unacceptable, immoral3 and punishable4 * 5. Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content” that tells unpleasant truth about protected groups.  The US government virtuously deleted their own crime statistics from the internet6. The “Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior” justifies such deception. Nobody is shocked about socially accepted lies and gag orders.

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No pity, no remorse! No religious outrage!

Noble social justice goals justify deceptive means. The ‘progressive’ fight against ‘racism’ and ‘inequality’ is considered virtuous.  Zero guilty feelings about withholding “racist” information. Rather, truth-telling is immoral and punishable. #TheTruthIsRacist, telling the whole truth causesprejudice”, “racism”, xenophobia. We are shocked about socially accepted lies and repression. But there is no widespread moral outrage about lies, deception.  No pity with the victims of political correctness. No sympathy with James Watson, no serious outrage about the raped children in Rotherham, Telford, a Million victims, rape victims in Cologne New Year], Sweden, Finland

There are no street riots demanding to undo the Ferguson effect that costs thousands of black homicide victims per year. Not even Christian fundamentalists assail deceit, lies, and omissions7, no demands for sincerity and honesty.

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