Denial of inborn Within Race differences, and false social determinism dogma destroyed the school system1 even in racially homogeneous white cities.
Reprinted with permission from
- Swiss High Schools admit only brightest 20%. Average Students … Swiss High School is specifically for those who plan to study at the University. Traditional Swiss education has three tracks. Elementary, intermediate, and college track. .
- Such tried and proven methods are abolished in favor of unscientific wrong Leftsts ideologies: The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media …
Denial of between race differences does further damage: Equality dogma: all races are equal.
False theory leads to disastrous false policy decisions, which are not falsifiable2
We must oppose such false decisions by fearlessly pointing out scientific truths and #RacistFacts.
Progressives Declare War on Asians, Meritocracy and STEM // [Amren]
We MUST, always, oppose misleading terminology like the manipulative abuse of the term “progressive” for regressive policies by the regressive illiberal Left! “Progressive” suggests that anti-scientific leftist policies are “progress”.
One bitter first-generation Asian-American parent vindictively stated, “On a brighter note, I know China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore will completely destroy American companies when my children are my age because of these stupid policies. That gives me comfort. These idiotic Democrats will guarantee Asians will win—just not Asian-Americans….maybe we should go work for Asian-owned companies instead of giving our minds to Apple or Intel.” […]
Asians tended to be race realist. The American version of Asians probably got too much brainwashed by PC white Leftists.
PC is close to its final victory of total destruction.
The cause:
mandatory dishonesty as described in Resulting false beliefs in Leftists and the general population
The cure:
relentless demands to total honesty, refusal to even argue with people who use “you are racist” as an argument.
Ruthlessly spreading the “racist” race realist message in very plain English: Blacks are too dumb, genetically and in attitude, to enter elite schools in more than minute numbers.
It does not help to be polite, because the polite message is not acceptable either, as James Watson found out the hard way. “Blacks have a lower IQ, on average, but of course there are a few intelligent Blacks”
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- and all of social science research
- Psychology findings all wrong:Dogmatical ignorance of genetics is the main reason, followed by finagling results until they conform to PC beliefs.
- ture Assumption Judith Rich HarrisThe Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris devastatingly shows: All of social science research is wrong, because they tacitly that only nurture counts, there is no genetic inborn hereditary behavior component.
- Scientific Method in Social Sciences:
Science seeks to find theories that describe, explain and predict real world phenomena. Logic, mathematics, statistics, rigorous research methods are the foundations of science.