Mother and doctor team excommunicated for live saving abortion in 9 year old rape incest victim. Rapist NOT excommunicated.

Bishop excommunicates mother and doctors for abortion of 9 year old rape victim whose life was in danger. Rapist stepfather was not excommuncated.
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Vatican backs abortion row bishop
A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication in Brazil of the mother and doctors of a young girl who had an abortion with their help.
The nine-year-old had conceived twins after alleged abuse by her stepfather.
It comes a day after Brazil’s president criticised the Brazilian archbishop who excommunicated the people involved. Brazil only permits abortions in cases of rape or health risks to the mother. Doctors said the girl’s case met both these conditions, but the Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, Jose Cardoso Sobrinho said the law of God was above any human law. He said the excommunication would apply to the child’s mother and the doctors, but not to the girl because of her age
“It is a sad case but the real problem is that the twins conceived were two innocent persons, who had the right to live and could not be eliminated,” he said. “Life must always be protected, the attack on the Brazilian Church is unjustified.”
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Future German teachers doubt evolution

At least it looks much better then in the US. They are shocked by 15 % of teaching students disbelieving evolution.
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“Der Trend zum Kreationismus ist ungebrochen”

Ein Lehrer-Ausbilder schlägt Alarm. Jeder achte Lehramtsstudent zweifelt an der Evolution – auch künftige Bio-Lehrer, warnt Dittmar Graf von der TU Dortmund im Interview. In zwei Studien fand er heraus: Schuld trägt nicht allein die Religion.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Herr Graf, fast 15 Prozent der angehenden Lehrer an der Uni Dortmund zweifeln an der Evolutionstheorie. Das haben Sie vor zwei Jahren mit einer Studie herausgefunden
Graf: Wenn man auf mehr als 80 Prozent der Fragen Antworten gibt, die sich nicht mit der Evolutionstheorie vereinbaren lassen.
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Ecstasy less dangerous then alcohol and cigarettes, British Government Study shows

Studies ordered by the British government show that Ecstasy is less dangerous then alcohol and cigarettes. Still the penalties for ecstasy will continue as stringent as for heroin. A 1992 study published in Science Magazine, showing extreme damage caused by ecstasy consumption had to be rescinded because researches had injected the wrong drug (!)Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Ecstasy less dangerous then alcohol and cigarettes, British Government Study shows
» continues here »

MDMA (‘ecstasy’): a review of its harms and classification under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 – Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

Studies ordered by the British government show that Ecstasy is less dangerous then alcohol and cigarettes. Still the penalties for ecstasy will continue as stringent as for heroin.

Extasy study rescinded

A 1992 study published in Science Magazine, showing extreme damage caused by ecstasy consumption had to be rescinded because researches had injected the wrong drug (!)

more details in the german version of this post  %LANG:, : and %.