Jack McClellan is a totally harmless child lover who refrains from acting out his impules. Most pedophiles are totally or fairly harmless.( But public opinion, on purpose, confuses the harmless guy attracted to children or adolescents with dangerous criminal child mutilators and murderers).. Pedophile hunters bash these people with baseball bats, murder them, threaten their lives, harrass them. Talkshow hosts and youtube commentators threaten them with deadly violence. Non-violent "pedophiles" get put in jail for 70 or 240 years, without proof or with manipulated proof, where they are likely to get violently raped, Lightly fondling an adolescent carries much higer prison terms then torture, mutilation, and murder. Normal adolescent sexuality carries strict penalties, too. And, unlike murderers, arsonists and robbers, the lifel long US sex offender registration prevents these nonviolent people from living normal lives, working, and puts them in risk of vigilanteism. That I also consider (institutional) violence.
"Law abiding pedophile" gets persecutedJack McClellan publicly outed himself as a "law abiding pedophile". He admits feeling sexual attraction for children, but never touched one sexually. He took photos of cute children and put it on a web site for other pedophiles to delight in, but he always stressed that everyone should refrain from doing anything illegal. While it is perfectly understandable that parents worry about their kids, it is very clear that Jack McClellan is being singled out for thought crimes, for crimes he has not even committed and does not plan to commit. In California, he got slapped with a restraining order to stay 20 (?) yards away from children, which makes it impossible for him to even go to a grocery store or walk on a busy street. Why, on the other hand, do violent repeat offenders, like robbers, bullies, street fighters not get the same attention. There is no national robber registry. |
Why do we only have a sex offender registry? Why not one with ALL criminals online? Let us create an arson offender registry?Why do a repeat arsonists, multiple robbers, murderers not get registered? Why don’t we get warned if an arsonist or a child murderer moves into our neighborhood? This is a very legitimate question. Why should we not warned if really dangerous criminals live near us? |
The dangerousness of the pedophile hunters (see these youtube threats & comments)
- Note that these people want to kill Jack McClellan, the "law abiding pedophile"
- A harmless guy who enjoys young girls, but never harmed one and never touched a minor sexually.
- His main problem is that he is naive enough to be out of the closet. He is honest, he admits his sexual attraction to young girls 4-11. If he kept quiet, he would not have a problem.
- Geitje007 @mumuluku123
I would have done the same!!! Torture him foreverrrrr fucking bastard!!!! 1 week ago - MaIcoImZieI @mumuluku123 You are so full of shit. You act like this guy actually mudererd and raped people. Shut the fuck up man. I’m sick of people like you talking shit about how you are going to torture paedophiles. Shut the fuck up. 1 week ago
- sarahsmith995 i hope he dies a horrid death! 1 week ago
- Kingler91 do a suicide, and tell all ur subscribers at that fucking website of yours to do the same, and maybe people will let their children out.
Hope you die with alot of suffering. Would laugh my ass off if i saw you dead in the street. Fuck you. Goodbye 2 weeks ago - TheN1PlaylistChannel @mumuluku123 i wish i would see this animal in the street so i could punch him so hard that he would end up like a vegetable in his death bed i hope he ends up in prison OF COURSE FOR ANOTHER CRIME AND NOT HURTING AN INNOCENT CHILD and ones this animal is in prison for all the inmates to rape him and stab him to death.THE WAY I SEE IT ANYBODY HURTS AN INNOCENT CHILD DESERVES A BULLET TO THE HEAD PERIOD NO MERCY 3 weeks ago
Much more about vigilante "pedophile" hunters: Click on "More"
- mumuluku123 @pawel i think we could cut him from the scrotum to his throat with a dull tea spoon
slowly and shit on his dead body. twist his neck. fuck it. we should kill him in a jack the ripper way with a ed gein and hannibal lector twist 22 weeks ago
- pawel @mumuluku123
yeahhh worddd…
i would to do the same fuckin thing, but in a more brutal fuckin way2 weeks ago
- Fmxsupasta @tgoodfella deffintly not lying hes been arrested for pedo shit lol sadly he is most deffintly for real. jack mclellan should be dragged out and lynched. 4 weeks ago
- 1978ipswichtillidie this guy not steve the other one is a sick dirty fucking messed up peodophile who needs to be shot like all the other pedophiles 4 weeks ago
- flavour1970 wish they had of turned the cameras off for 5 minutes and let steve hammer the fuck 3 weeks ago
- TheRailwaystationist Way to destroy a good setup. Instead of tearing into the guys mind, this stupid fuck of a host can’t control his rage and personal feelings, which completely ruins the interview.
I seriously wanted to know what went on in this guys mind, but after watching the complete show, I still feel pretty clueless.
This is by far the worst interviewer ever. 3 weeks ago - tgoodfella for some reason i think this guy is lying to be on TV or wants attention. I hope this fucker isn’t this sick, because if he is, then the world could do with out him or anybody else like him. The world has limited resouces, get rid of these sick fuckers, and violent criminals. 1 month ago
Boy "victim": "Jan was hot!"
John Stossel interviews people who have been labeled sex offenders for doing what kids do, have sex.15 year old girl in incited 19 year old boyfriend to have sex. Even after 9 years of marriage, he still is a registered sex offender. |
(Alleged) sex offenders get threatened, beaten, killed ……
CA – Pedophile Suspect Lured, Beaten By Victim’s Family – AND COPS IGNORE THE ASSAULT!!!! |
Child pornography possession: 4 times longer jail term then for murder
70 years in jail for an adult posing as young boy and attending grade school, without any violence or even sex offense. He possessed some child porn (which might be 17 year old topless girls). speedyweedylemon 70s years is fucking stupid, I mean you get about 7 years for rape, and 20 years for killing somebody. tolteca00 The sex offender registry is a joke,only 5 % are actual molestors/rapists. The rest are consensual statutory ,tree peeing,public nudity and other bogus cases, in the thousands. If people are wondering why the cops cant monitor actual pedophiles properly, its because they are so spread out with these nonsense cases. Time to slim down the registry and focus on actual predators,not the Elvis Presley type ,who marry/date teenagers!!!! 11 |
Innocents get 240 year jail terms for accusations fabricated by district attorneyInnocent people sentenced to 240 years for imaginary sex offenses, satanic rituals. Children were coerced to give false testimony! |
Description of prize winning "Witch Hunt" Movie
On the night John Stoll was roused from his bed and carted off to jail, his attitude bordered on the cavalier. "Aren’t you worried?" His lawyer wondered. "Hell no, I ain’t worried," John answered. "I didn’t do this. You can’t convict me of something I didn’t do." It was more than two decades before John Stoll was free again. Executive Producer Sean Penn proudly presents "Witch Hunt," a gripping indictment of the United States justice system told through the lens of one small town. It’s John Stoll’s story, but it’s also the story of dozens of other men and women who found themselves ensnared in a spiral of fear, ignorance and hysteria. These people are Americans, working class moms and dads, who were rounded up with little or no evidence, charged and convicted of almost unimaginable crimes. All sexual. All crimes against children. Years, sometimes decades later, they would find freedom again, but their lives and the lives of their children would be changed forever. This film shows viewers what the real crime in this case is, not molestation, but the crime of coercion. Viewers hear from the child witnesses who were forced to lie on the witness stand as they describe scary sessions with sheriff’s deputies in which they were told — not asked — about sexual experiences that happened to them. Their coerced testimony led to dozens of convictions. Many times their own parents were the ones they put behind bars. Soon after the trials, the children started to crack. They told adults of the lies they’d been forced to tell on the stand and hoped it would make a difference. It didn’t and the convicted continued to sit in prison. As the allegations grew more outlandish, California’s Attorney General wrote a scathing report on the court misconduct, but instead of being buried by criticism, Kern County District Attorney Ed Jagels thrived, doing what he did best– putting people away. He boasted one of the highest conviction rates in the country. This strategy served him well. Jagels is still in office today. Through new interviews, archival footage, and unflinching narration by Mr. Penn, the filmmakers construct an intimate film that illustrates a universal point; when power is allowed to exist without oversight from the press, the community or law enforcement, the rights of everyday citizens can be lost for decades. National film critic Marshall Fine says, "This is a chilling story about American law-enforcement run amok and untethered. It’s particularly timely in the wake of revelations about the way the Bush administration has trampled American civil rights. A movie that can’t help but move you – to tears and to action."
There is no scientific proof that non-violent consensual real pedophilia is harmful for its victims!
I know I will lose most of my readers here, because everyone has been brainwashed that pedophilia is a crime and extremely damaging to children. Even though it was the norm in ancient Greece, and the bible is full of prophets and saints marrying 12 year olds. All research that seems to prove that non-violent pedophilia is not harmful, is actively repressed. Impeccable reputable academic research condemned by the US senate by a 99 to 0 vote.
“Child Abuse” Dogmatists Repress Scientific Research
Sexual Desire for Pre-Pubescent Children. The worst of all crimes?
Teenage Sexuality Witch Hunt
I know, I should be quiet, any academic who dares to do unbiased research will suffer character assassination.
Law abiding guy who admits attraction to young children, gets harrassed by TV host. |
Steve Wilkos is dangerous"Steve Wilkos confronts pedophile webmaster Jack McClellan. Watch how Steve lets this sicko have it." Steve Wilkos "if you did this to my daughter, I would take a baseball bat to your head". Referring to a normal non-sexual hug in a public place, where the girl walks away happily. Now, who is the dangerous criminal? Talk show host Steve Wilkos, who would bash a non violent harmless, though maybe slightly creepy guy. And who might maul a wrong person, by mistake. |
As long as you are willing to have your children experience “non violent consensual” pedophilia with pedophiles then continue. Otherwise dont.
If you can find me one single female child who would like to have sex with a fully grown man then maybe your argument might hold some weight. However you would NEVER find one because children are too young to want or understand sex. Sure thousands of years ago men were having sex with 12 year olds but that is only because the girls had no choice and no one policed it. The difference now is the girls have a choice and there are people to protect them against people like you. Young girls didn’t want to have sex with old men thousands of years ago and they don’t now either. Real men want the woman they are with to enjoy having sex with them also. A child who’s body isn’t fully developed or isn’t mature enough to understand is never going to enjoy sex and it will only serve to traumatise them and destroy their lives. You seem to hate feminists but all feminism is is equal rights for women which means having the right to choose who they have sex with just as men do and a young child is never EVER going to choose to have sex with a old man or anyone for that matter as they won’t enjoy it and are too young.
Then it’s rape. When a person doesn’t feel like having sex with anyone, regardless of age, it is rape.
The point here is not talking about a 9 year old wanting to have sex or not, we’re talking about 16-17 year olds who are also considered “children” and are going to prison or having their partner who’s probably a couple years older being prosecuted for rape.
It is very clear that a 16-7 year old is mature enough for sex. In 38 states, “children” are able to legally consent to sex. In almost all of Europe, “children” are able to give consent too.
But how lies the jurisdiction issues and numerous sex laws. Sure if it’s like the alcohol laws, the line between the ages is set but really not a big deal, no one is going to prison for a decade and having their life ruined for buying a can of beer before they’re 21.
The definition of “child” has been twisted big time. Do you consider a 17 year old a child?
Like I said, in most parts of the western world, a “child” (16) can legally consent to sex to whom they wish.
here you go, you have been proven wrong, please apologise to the admin.
11yr old with a 60yr old in a position of trust, pretty much the definition of who you state would never be interested, with no grey areas in any western law or moral system. Yet, it was ruled a real relationship and the defense was given by the *victim*.
Never say never.
Thanks for this fantastic link. I wish courts everywhere were that humane.
The 11 year old certainly has been traumatized by the legal system already. But this court want to stop traumatizing the child and punishing the older boyfriend for his consensual acts.
Very nice, I doubt that this will stand at the appeals courts.
ive been labelled a peadophile by society and the police however i do not like children sexual way and i have never committed peadophile related crimes. i am harrassed out of further education and of work and ive been beaten up.
I see. And nothing at all perverted about castrating men and locking them in dark cells after bashing their heads in with clubs and cutting out their tongues? Especially for saying what you don’t want to hear?
What you really want to kill and silence is your own guilty conscience for feeling normal sexual attraction to so-called ‘minors.’ The ranks of inquisitors and witch-hunters are swelled by people just like you.
ok you should have your face smashed in with a fucking baseball bat and have your tongue cut out just for saying that any kind of pedophile is harmless you ignorant piece of shit. do you believe there are “harmless rapists” as well? what really should be done is anyone who is found to be a pedophile or rapist or child molester should be castrated and then locked in a damn dark cold cell and forgotten about.
Yes indeed you should.
There is a special scientific name for guilty and fearful hypocrites like you:
Paedocrites: these are actual paedophiles as opposed to the more widely accepted and current feminist defined paedophiles, such as yourself (or men who fear their own sexual orientation might be leaning somewhat towards young women, who try to hide such fear or sexual leanings, by loudly accusing other men of being paedophiles…
Butch, (your chosen alias suggests you may even be a feminist troll), but if you are a man:
Ladies and Gentlemen, this guy “butch” is one VERY dangerous individual! He probably lives in a hidden building and has more than likely DONE all those things to innocent people! Every once in a while an imminent THREAT ( usually very “secretive”) comes roaring into the arena!
all you sick people on here claiming that it is ok for grown men to look at pictures of children in a sexual nature are infact peadophile protectors and i fucking dare you to show your face while saying such filth , you are what is wrong with this planet , i hope you are all raped, tortured and have photos taken of your corpse so that those lovely necropheliacs who do nothing wrong to any living creature can have i nice pervy wank over your death. DEATH TO PEADOPHILES and all who protect them..
‘Normal’ Human Male:
Normal males throughout history built familes, nations, and empires by marrying so-called ‘children’. Go back and look at your own family tree and see how many 14 and 15 y/o great-grandmothers you had.
As for the hecatombs of bloodshed you’re fantasizing about; that sounds a lot more perverted than a marriage to younger woman ever did.
Oh really… You’re ‘normal’? and you even call yourself ‘Human’ after writing that piece of PAEDOCRITICAL and medieval simple-minded witch-hunter rubbish!
Whenever we see comments like that we all know what you are, you are indeed: a NORMAL HUMAN MALE.
It is NORMAL to lust after 16 and 17 year old young WOMEN.
Only 15 years ago, such ‘children’ appeared topless in many popular tabloid newspapers as ‘page 3 girls’.
Now, these voluptuous young women are ‘CHIILDREN”? Really?
They are NOT ‘children’ and nor is a NORMAL HUMAN MALE who is sexually aroused at the sight of such young WOMEN: a ‘paedophile’.
What you have stated there Mr truly twisted and PERVERTED LOONY from the 15th century Inquisition, merely supports the sick ideologies of bitter and jealous, middle aged feminists who cannot stand the thought of (NORMAL) men desiring beautiful, nubile and FERTILE young women: over their old, tired, invariably fat and ugly, haggard old sacks of aged woman-hood…
So about 20 years ago, a group of those same bitter and jealous old hags, coerced the governments to raise the age of consent, then RE-defined the word ‘paedophilia’ to include NORMAL HUMAN MALE sexuality.
PRIOR to that time: ‘paedophilia’ meant an adult’s (usually, but not limited to: a man’s) unhealthy sexual interest in pre-pubescent CHILDREN.
I.e. human beings aged ten (10) years old and younger. NOT 16 and 17 year old WOMEN as it does now, thanks to your feminist friends.
Now, Mr ‘normal human male’ go and wank YOURSELF, whilst looking at a department store’s catalog – kiddie’s apparel section…You pathetic PAEDOCRITE!
(BTW: ‘Paedocrite’ means an ACTUAL paedophile who accuses other men of being paedophiles in a childish attempt to HIDE his own REAL paedophillic tendencies and desires).
In other words: YOU, Mr ‘normal human male’…
Hey hey hey. AAAAA-MEN!! You’re RIGHT ON about Mr. Normal. He’s got “hypocrisy” written all OVER him. Let’s look at the salem witch hunts. Didn’t it ever “occur” to anybody that the people being burned at the stake might actually have been “sacrifices to the Devil!? ” Didn’t it ever occur to anyone to search the homes of the Judges and the inquisitioners spearheading the witch-hunts to see if their homes contained goat-heads and black-magic altars!? NO! Ofcourse no one had ever “DARED” try and pull a stunt like that.. They’d have been killed, too!! I gotta bad sorta “feeling” that our sacred, hallowed “Anti Sex Morality/child Safety Guardians ( Like Mr. Normal Human Male–“HACK-HACK!!! ) are INDEED hypocrites ( probably psychopaths, too ) and I would bet good hard earned MONEY that theyve gots ALL KINDS of very INTERESTING secrets to keep. ( “fooling around in high scool”, lusting after their sexy Female math teacher…. now today, they’ve probably been to the brothals of Taiwan, perhaps they’ve even had under-age girls “trafficked” in to them from countries like Russia! And I just BET they’ve gots some mighty INTERESTING shit on their OWN computer hard-drives! Anybody “DARE” to try and investigate a powerful “governor?”..?.. Didn’t think so! You’d be “surprised” the kind of mafia-like “powers” they weild! And they are WORSHIPPED by our mainstream lapdog Media Mind Control machine!! Now THAT’S power! Anybody “DARE” to try and publicly “accuse” a given LawMaker of being a “PAEDOCRITE!?…?…Anybody “want the “job?”..?…”Didn’t think so! And THERE inlies the problem!! You DO NOT ACCUSE those in charge of the witch-hunt of being “witches” ( or “wizards” if they’re men ). Do that, and it’ll probably be your very LAST mistake!!! That said, I’ll just close this out by saying that ” I CAN”T “STAND” HYPOCRITES–ESPECIALLY PAEDOCRITES!
A law abiding pedophile…….????? are you fucking serious! if a person is a pedo kill his ass or chop his dick off…………….. what if he decides to not be a law abiding pedo anymore…… all this acceptance bullshit has gone far enough.. that’s why everything these days is fucked up .. of course this is just my opinion but i can be backed up by a large amount of people! pedo’s are sick people … i mean people think about this… and just because i think pedophilia is wrong doesn’t mean i’m ignorant……. if i knew a pedophile was near my kids i would warn him… as any person would but if he didn’t respond by backing off i would kill him to save my children from being molested
Being overly protective of little children is a noble attitude. But it is ill advised to fanatically focus on “pedophile” thought crimes while ignoring the much bigger dangers of drunk driving moms, and grandmas who feed dangerous junk food to morbidly obese toddlers condemned to a sick life of obesity and early death.
The other sin is the feminist tendency to re-define language. This conflates monsters like child abducting killer rapists with guys who look at nude photos of 17 year olds in the privacy of their home. Decades or life in prison for looking at photos, no matter how gross, that belittles the crime of the true violent child abuser. I would go further, that the senile old uncle who indecently pats the behind of a child should not get almost half the prison sentence of the murderous monster. Not even a tenth.
LOL! Yes they are… Just like YOU eh, WTH!
Nice to see another angry, (FEARFUL) text-book PAEDOCRITE expose his TRUE sexuality…
This scapegoating and blindly accusing others, (especially using such vile and threatening language) of what you really are yourself is one of the oldest ‘tricks in the book’ and is akin to the ‘kid who got caught stealing cookies’…
It doesn’t work!
All you’re doing is telling the world what a real paedophile YOU are!
please do trace my ip address and inform the local police at my location, so you can make a total ass of yourself and your ‘fellow hackers’ or should that be ‘brainless lynch-mob’?
Actually, I’ll save you the trouble, here it is my IP:
If you really are a hacker, one would assume that you would have an IQ a little higher than the average member of the paedophile hating lynch-mob and would therefore be capable of reading and UNDERSTANDING what this whole discussion is about…
Obviously you are not, thus must fit into the latter category, because you have a typically low IQ: you have been successfully brainwashed by the the feminist paedo-hysteria propoganda and now want to persecute anybody that may indicate any inclination towards dissenting or disputing the dominant narrative of today’s sex-hysterical society. The ‘free society’ that now imprisons people who merely look at pictures of children (that could mean a 17 yr old fully clothed woman) for LONGER than someone that actually brutally rapes a 4 or 5 year old infant! Yes that’s really fair and sensible law isn’t it? Of course you would agree that it is, because you cannot apply logic and common sense argument to anything you are told… You simply believe because some screwed up feminist politician said it is true.
Also, it is well known that people like you who persecute others in the way you do, generally do so to hide their own tendencies – it is their guilt for knowing that in their private thoughts, they too find nubile young teens sexually arousing; so in a child like way they try to make the world think that they are not paedophiles (or homosexuals or whatever the sex mad society says is perverted or sick), by showing the world how much they hate them. They think they are proving therefore that ‘I can’t be one of them, because look at me I’m beating them senseless, or reporting them to the police’; or writing stupid comments on blogs such as this one to try and make us all think that you are not a paedophile…
You know, all men are closet ‘paedophiles’, it’s in their genes – it’s a natural instinct and it cannot be helped.
So track me down and call the cops, you bone-head.
Fellow hackers scan the Ip Addreses of the pedophiles on here that are defending there fellow pedophile friend Jack here. Passs it on to the local police and more importantly the Parole division local to their physical address. 9 out of 10 the sick bastards that are defending this pedophile are on parole for child molestation. Their P.O. would be very interested to know that they were online defending a pedophile.
The logic is somewhat faulty. But unfortunately, a great majority thinks similar then you do. So I let this stand as the opinion of the misguided majority.
Your tactic is probably one reason why even enlightened politicians don’t dare to undo the atrocious laws regarding non-violent adolescent sex crimes. Being called a pedophile for opposing penalties for thought crimes regarding pedophilia! Next time I will be called a rapist for demanding constitutional due process rights for alleged rapists.
I posted a comment here earlier, but it has disappeared, was there something illegal in it?
@admin, ignore above reply – it’s here.
You are a bright boy aern’t you
If you already know that 9 out of 10 of the people commenting here are on parole for child molestation, then you must already know who the ‘sick bastards’ are.
Why do you need ‘hackers’ to trace their ip addresses and report them to their local parole officers?
Just go to the KKK or whatever brainless gaggle it is you associate with and send them around to kill them or at least burn their houses down.
But try to be fair: in the old inquisition they tied heavy weights to suspected witches or heretics and dropped them into a river, if they sank, they were not witches, but too late: they drowned anyway…
So maybe in today’s inquistion, 21st century style you could show him say a Wal-mart catalogue of kiddies apparel and if he gets a boner: burn him at the stake – he’s a Heretic, sorry I mean: Paedophile (the 21st century witch)…
Harmless? No. Whether he has molested a child God and the child only know. But what he has indeed done is assist child molesters in commiting the act of molestation. That is not harmless, and anyone who would defend this sick man with a title of harmless needs to be thouroghly checked out themself. The truth is that only a person with a fellow pedophile nature would defend another pedophile. I am not a hacker but I implore any hackers out there to scan the e-mails of anyone on here who has defended this pedophile. Pass on any information found to the police . Also remember that FBI has a precinct that encompasses every city in the U.S. So if the police do not have a cyber division then please pass on any info to the FBI that is in control of that region. There is no rehabilatation for a pedophile. They will always be pedophiles. They will always be a threat to children. Find them, and report them. And if I am on a jury in which I am asked to find you guilty for assaulting or killing any pedophile(no such thing as a harmless one) then sir or maaam you will go free because even if I am the last holdout it will be a hung jury and you will walk.
You have a point here, but a determined pervert probably does not need this help to find children, they are everywhere. Jack McClellan might exert a positive influence, to convince a pedophile to NOT act on his urges.
I cited Dr. Milton Diamond’s research, that proved beyond reasonable doubt, that access to legalized child pornography also tends to reduce actual child abuse. Unfortunately, closed minded dogmatists prevent this method for pedophiles to reduce their drive in harmless ways, with photos, without harming real children.
We can agree on this point, that pre-pubertal children should not be molested.
Many people who favor legalization of drugs are NOT drug addicts or even drug users. We at Human-Stupidity.com, for example. For an actual pedophile to come forward to defend free THOUGHT for pedophiles is too dangerous, as the example of Jack McClellan shows.
Well, at least you do not directly advocate the killing of innocent people for thought crimes. Jack McClellan should be a positive examples for pedophiles, of how to control one’s urges.
Why would anyone go on Steve Wilkos show anyway? Maybe if he pays a lot of money but quite honestly this guy is a knucklehead.
pedophilia is the sexual attraction towards humans of the prepubescent variety.
now come on!!!
sexual orientation is not a crime!!!
also this reminds me of when homosexuals were arrested at gay clubs, even though they did not commit sodomy.
Very interesting comment on the youtube movie.
Very true. It is amazing how homosexuals made it from a persecuted, criminal, and mentally ill class (homosexuality was in DSM as a disease category) not just to a tolerated class but to a protected class.
The point wasn’t sexual orientation. The point was interest in prepubesence. That means a child. Fellow hackers please assist in obtaining this pedophiles IP address and physical location and pass that information on. Only a fellow pedophile will defend another pedophile. Find them, identify them, catch them, and eradicate this garbage from society.
These are the people who endanger Jack McClellan.
If you were dealing with TRUE serious violent dangerous child abusers, I could agree with you. I can sympathize with people who want to take serious measures against incurable violent career criminals. But I am strictly against persecution for thought crimes, whose victims exist only in your imagination.
too many of them & they are multiplying & no one seems to care or even want to talk about it. let’s all ignore the million or so children being assaulted day after day!! the few times a pedo finally gets caught & they actually are put on trial, the victim & their family are kicked in the face by the ridiculous sentence they get. 8 mths, 10 mths. 11/2 yrs for repeatedly raping 2 8 year old girls. makes me want to vomit. i see it so many times. & the courts know that they are going to find more victims & make up for what they missed in jail when they get out.
Interesting links for Jack McClellan. Fairly objective information
There’s Something About Jack
This is a perfect example of a modern day witch hunt. You hear things which do not conform to your beliefs and go after the speaker. Yes, he’s creepy, lurks in the shadows with his camera at the ready, but IT IS NOT ILLEGAL! This is why criminal defendants get let off death row decades later, because jurors get caught up in the emotions of allegations and fail to look at the facts.
People fail to come to grips with the fact a person (regardless of age) gives up rights when they walk out their front door. You do not need permission to take a photograph in public. Warren v. Fairfax County, 196 F.3d 186, 191 (4th Cir. 1999) (“The archetypical examples of traditional public areas are streets, sidewalks, and parks.”
Watch TMZ and you will see photographers blocking streets, sidewalks, etc. The age of the person being photographed is irrelevant. Brandenburg v. Ohio is also irrelevant since it deals with defining a threat. This issue pertains to taking a picture in public and the person publishing statements online–which do not come close to a threat since McClennan never spoke to a single kid. (Read the opinion)
I apologize for posting so late in the game, however the above seems like a soap opera. People presume McClennan has done what he has said, but not one child, mother, cop, prosecutor, has ever come forward to allege McClennan has touched a single kid. Not one.
Of course, McClennan is known to post blogs and produce websites advising others where to find children. I have one, the phone book—look under “Day Care”, “School”, “Parks”, etc. The fact McClennan publishes statements about where to locate kids in public is not illegal.
Fact, (1) is taking pictures in public of a person (regardless of age) against the law? No; (2) is making statements of mental thoughts against the law? No. Then what did Jack McClennan do? Look creepy and take pictures of kids in public? That’s what every day celebrity stalkers do when an A List celebrity is out with their kid http://www.celebitchy.com/13372/how_much_is_that_paparazzi_baby_photo_worth/
So, the ONLY difference is McClennan verbalizes his thoughts, but merely speaking without conduct is not against the law. For example, a parent may say, “I’m going to kill you when I get home if your home work isn’t done” but that isn’t illegal. If the parent made good on the statement, then that’s illegal. Likewise, if McClennan makes statements which if acted would be illegal with action, this doesn’t make statement illegal.
Keep in mind, McClennan never spoke to a single kid. Of course, he says he’s spoken to them, but after being on TV for months, no one has come forward. You can’t say the guy is crazy, then believe what you think fits to support your view. Competence is not convenience. Fact is, not one person has come up to say they have spoken to, or touched their kid. Truth isn’t a buffet.
Tellingly, could it be McClennan did it all for attention? Yes! It wasn’t long ago where a man made enough scares comments that he was responsible for killing Jean Bonet Ramsey. After John Mark Karr was extradited from Thailand, plastered on every news report as being the killer, numerous press conferences held by the police and District Attorney— His DNA didn’t match and he was let go. It was all a lie. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/10/24/national/main2117364.shtml
Anthony Zinnanti took a guy who violated no law, took pictures in public, and used that as a platform to promote himself thanks to his big sister Nancy Grace! Granted McClennan’s taste for publishing his thoughts is distasteful, all Zinnanti did was push McClennan and others further underground.
A person gives up rights when they walk out their front door. You do not need permission to take a photograph in public. Warren v. Fairfax County, 196 F.3d 186, 191 (4th Cir. 1999) (“The archetypical examples of traditional public fora are streets, sidewalks, and parks.”
Watch TMZ and you will see photographers blocking streets, sidewalks, etc. The age of the person being photographed is irrelevant. Brandenburg v. Ohio is also irrelevant since it deals with defining a threat. This issue pertains to taking a picture in public and the person publishing statements online–which do not come close to a threat since McClennan never spoke to a single kid. (Read the court opinion)
Zinnanti’s standing to file the restraining order is that his teenage daughters were at risk of McClennan. McClennan posted he liked “LGs” (Little Girls), teenage girls are far from Little Girls. In short, Zinnanti used his daughters as a platform to launch himself into the spot light.
Zinnanti has no major published cases, works by himself, and operates out of a little office. To say he is the “Best Attorney” is as true as saying McClennan likes adult women.
Perplexingly, it’s ok to write and publish books about how to forge ID’s, make bombs, and even the KKK which is responsible for dozens of murders gets to publish its thoughts—but McClennan can’t take a picture in public and speak or write about his fantasies. (?) See
The common bond Zinnanti shares with McClennan is that they each love the spot light.
Fellow hackers, please assist in obtaining this persons IP address and physical location and pass on that information. Only a fellow pedophile will defend another pedophile. Catch them all and eradicate them all from society at any and every opportunity.
harmless pedophile, what is this a pedophile site?
do you know how many children each pedo destroy throughout his/her life???? generations of them. what, because they have no visible injuries they are ok??? people come to the defense of pedos finally getting some street justice, but not a word for the children they’ve repeatedly molested/raped. makes me sick.
a harmless pedophile is a man who finds children sexually attractive but declaredly will not touch a child; It is like a man that gets angry very easily but would never hit a person. That seems quite clear.
Now, to our own astonishment, even hard core sexual activities, with children seem to be fairly harmless, when done with clear and full *consent
See: child sex trauma myth and rind study
Now, the violent pedophiles, the true forcible child rapists and child mutilator, any normal person will have utter disgust, contempt, and fear of.
These violent people cause the violent knee jerk reaction against anything called “pedophile”.