Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides

Taxi Luxury for refugees

Recently, in a small German town, my taxi driver told me that he frequently drives refugees to places, at no charge to them, for free. At the end of the month, the bills are sent to local government for compensation.  He is strictly prohibited to talk or mention this refugee taxi privilege. And the recent epidemic of rapes, and break ins in this formerly peaceful town are also kept secret.


Gag orders for taxi drivers, journalists, physicians, everyone

Refugees in Germany get free government-paid taxi rides for very short distances, or to the next town plus several hours taxi wait time. It is possible that such benevolence can be defended and justified because these refugees do not know their way around. 

What is totally indefensible is that the government wants to hide such facts from the voting and tax paying population. All negative side effects of immigration and welcoming of refugees are systematically hidden and covered up.


A PIG search finds a few more rare taxi drivers who break the silence (and likely had to suffer consequences later)


The Dhimmi Taxi Service of Leipzig

The following video is an excerpt from a longer documentary about taxi drivers that are hired by local government in Saxony to chauffeur “refugees” to their various appointments. It’s startling to see how much money the German authorities are willing to spend to make sure their culture-enriching charges make it to the welfare office on time. And then the cabbie has to wait for three or four hours — with the meter running the whole time.   [Continue at Transcript with video]

Video: must see …..


Government and media brazenly and openly deceive the population. Deception by omission.

Gag Orders and Silence Codes for Police, Broadcasters,


January 26. In an interview with the German public radio, Deutschlandfunk, retired public media personality Wolfgang Herles admitted that public broadcasters receive "instructions from above" when it comes to reporting the news:

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Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides
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Google CEO is PC: Genetic Differences Must Not Exist

In a note emailed to Google employees on Monday, Pichai said employees have a right to express themselves but to suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK.‘  GOOGLE CEO SUNDAR PICHAI’S NOTE TO EMPLOYEES [Read more: Daily Mail]

By Royal decree, like the medieval pope, Pichai decided which scientific facts may be discussed, and which not. Googles CEO decided that sex differences or race differences are offensive and thus must not be mentioned.

In the past, Google profited from hiring only the Best and Brightest and most Motivated.

White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple :"The two companies with the best profit, innovation, development and research are led by white men and lack diversity. This proves that diversity benefits company success. Had they only hired Blacks with lower IQ (see Bell curve) these companies would not be such failures."



Male Engineer Fired by Google over a Viral Memo Saying Women Are ‘Biologically’ Less Likely to Succeed in Tech


This has been a very difficult time. I wanted to provide an update on the memo that was circulated over this past week.

First, let me say that we strongly support the right of Googlers to express themselves, and much of what was in that memo is fair to debate, regardless of whether a vast majority of Googlers disagree with it. However, portions of the memo violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace. Our job is to build great products for users that make a difference in their lives. To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK. It is contrary to our basic values and our Code of Conduct, which expects “each Googler to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination.”

Paul Watson

Similar Cases

  1. More famous people like Harvard President Lawrence Summers (see links at the end) and Nobel James Watson were fired for questioning the PC dogma of total equality of races and sexes genders.
  2. Free speech is already dead in Europe
    : Europe has institutionalized legal repression, punishment for free speech and state censorship,
  3. Politically incorrect Google search (PIG):
    A Google Search that yields the juicy interesting search results instead of boring Main Stream Media lies! Try it to believe it!

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Google CEO is PC: Genetic Differences Must Not Exist
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