Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides

Taxi Luxury for refugees

Recently, in a small German town, my taxi driver told me that he frequently drives refugees to places, at no charge to them, for free. At the end of the month, the bills are sent to local government for compensation.  He is strictly prohibited to talk or mention this refugee taxi privilege. And the recent epidemic of rapes, and break ins in this formerly peaceful town are also kept secret.


Gag orders for taxi drivers, journalists, physicians, everyone

Refugees in Germany get free government-paid taxi rides for very short distances, or to the next town plus several hours taxi wait time. It is possible that such benevolence can be defended and justified because these refugees do not know their way around. 

What is totally indefensible is that the government wants to hide such facts from the voting and tax paying population. All negative side effects of immigration and welcoming of refugees are systematically hidden and covered up.


A PIG search finds a few more rare taxi drivers who break the silence (and likely had to suffer consequences later)


The Dhimmi Taxi Service of Leipzig

The following video is an excerpt from a longer documentary about taxi drivers that are hired by local government in Saxony to chauffeur “refugees” to their various appointments. It’s startling to see how much money the German authorities are willing to spend to make sure their culture-enriching charges make it to the welfare office on time. And then the cabbie has to wait for three or four hours — with the meter running the whole time.   [Continue at Transcript with video]

Video: must see …..


Government and media brazenly and openly deceive the population. Deception by omission.

Gag Orders and Silence Codes for Police, Broadcasters,


January 26. In an interview with the German public radio, Deutschlandfunk, retired public media personality Wolfgang Herles admitted that public broadcasters receive "instructions from above" when it comes to reporting the news:

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Taxi Gag Orders: Thou Shalt Not Divulge Free Refugee Taxi Rides
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Diversity a MUST for Europe, and the remotest places on the planet (Frans Timmermans)


Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.

“A society exclusively composed of people from one culture” has never existed? What weed is he smoking? China, Japan,  almost every single European state 50 or 100 years were 99%, or 90% a single culture. All tribes in human history were of a single culture, single language, single religion. Falsifying history, telling dumb dogmas. Most amazingly, Frans Timmermans thinks the solution to Antisemitism is more antisemitic Muslim immigration! Europe is facing civil war because of diversity. Mainly because of Muslim Diversity.

It is also very important, according to Frans Zimmermans, to “fight hate speech by working with IT companies, civil society and the media. Hate speech online is considered the main contemporary manifestation of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and other racist and xenophobic behaviour. ”


“Europe must accept Diversity or face War”:

Opening remarks of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the First Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights |

No more Nation States | YouTube


Opening remarks of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans at the First Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights
[Official EU Transcript Brussels, 1 October 2015]

Antisemitism is not just terrible for the Jewish community, it is like a fever in an infected body; it points at a much wider problem. Antisemitism left unchallenged will create a much, much bigger problem in any society, that is what European history teaches us. So tackling anti-Semitism is an essential operation to save what we cherish in our society. […]

Anti-Muslims incidents are multiplying across Europe. We’re seeing a huge spike of attacks. Verbal insinuations, closed-mindedness, prejudice, discrimination.

The rise of islamophobia is the one of the biggest challenges in Europe. It is a challenge to our vital values, to the core of who we are.

Never has our societies’ capacity for openness, for tolerance, for inclusion been more tested than it is today.

Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.


Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse. The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity? And my answer to that is, by ensuring that our values determine how we deal with diversity and not giving up our values to refuse diversity. That will bring us down as a society.

If we don’t get this right, I truly believe Europe will not remain the Europe we built. Europe will not remain a place of peace and freedom, for very long.

Fully agree. Europe is not getting this right. Banlieues in France, Sharia no go zones in Sweden  and German, Swedish rape epidemic, show the utter failure of uncontrolled immigration, Muslim or otherwise.

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Diversity a MUST for Europe, and the remotest places on the planet…
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Car intifada: Terrorism with cars, kitchen knives

1w583c0Car intifada 1 2 uses cars as killer terror weapons to run over civilians, like in a violent video game. Car intifada started in Israel and has arrived in France.

People getting run over at a bus stop in Israel (Video) 


The “Car Intifada” is what the Arab Palestinians are proudly calling their new method for killing Israelis and attempting to strike fear into the general public here.


Small scale terrorism

Every single car could be out to run you over, especially if you are in a large group of people. Other potential small scale terrorism threats could be purposely spilling oil in road curves [10 11 12], or similar to Tylenol murders [14 15 16].  Scary, disruptive, and very difficult to prevent.

First it was the homicide bombings, but the security barrier essentially shut that down. Then it was just regular weapons, but the Israeli troops at the checkpoints are able to ferret out most of those.

Now the Palestinian Arabs are simply using their vehicles as lethal weapons.  We call it Vehicular Terrorism, they call it the Car Intifada (of course, sometimes they use vans or trucks or tractors, so the nomenclature is off).

But what can the Israelis do to prevent this latest terror tool other than to ban or severely limit the number of Arabs driving into areas where Jews are? Of course, if Israel does that too aggressively, Israel will be blamed for engaging in “Apartheid” practices, or racial profiling or some other unkind way of trying to prevent their own citizens from being killed.

Forcing or allowing into the same place people that hate each other causes war and terrorism. These are the perils of Diversity.

A reader sent us the following translation of the song:

"Run over the two-month-old baby
That is how we get them
For Al-Aqsa we will run over settlers
Run over settlers"  2


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Car intifada: Terrorism with cars, kitchen knives
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Un-Scientific American lends credibility to Gender Junk Science about Hubble Telescope

Unscientific American: Diversity is strength: We did not make this up, all these titles really exist in the Junk Diversity IssueHubble telescope time preferentially goes to men.

Female-led proposals to use the in-demand Hubble telescope are less likely to be selected.Scientific American claims this in the midst of a huge section of Junk Diversity Science which has been utterly debunked elsewhere.

An internal Hubble study1 found that in each of the past 11 observation proposal cycles, applications led by male principal investigators had a higher success rate than those led by women.  Women submit roughly 25% of proposals for Hubble telescope observing time. [SciAm]

Un-Scientific American lends credibility to junk diversity and gender science nonsense, by interspersing junk diversity propaganda among true natural science articles.
Un-Scientific American misleads their readers who think their gender baiting is on par with real science.

This confounding of junk gender science with true natural science is very serious. This is why after years of study even we need serious deprogramming from the politically correct cultural Marxist lies that impressible children, adolescents and adults are constantly told by school books and biased un-scientific journals like Scientific American!

Scientific American’s mixing of real natural science with politically motivated unscientific falsified junk science like gender, domestic violence, race and iq issues aspires to permanently poison the minds of young and old with feminist and politically correct hate ideology.

All the titles on our "Unscientific American" cover are true Junk Diversity Science articles,
we could not have made this up.

The head of a science department of a major research University confirmed to us, in private, that female scientists generally less innovative and talented then their male counterparts [7]. Implicit quotas demand hiring and promoting women who don’t meet the requirements men would be measured up to. Quotas guarantee that the rare woman with sufficient talent will be snatched away for an even more prestigious job, always rising to her level of incompetence. Aware of Larry Summer’s dismissal [8], our department head refuses to be identified.

"Scientific American used to be a great magazine but like any publishing venture headquartered in New York, it has gradually drifted into liberal never-never-land." [UnScientific American]

Men and women are equal by dogmatic fiat

Did Megan Urry control her statistics for yearly working hours, life time interest in science, years experience, work invested in the proposal, IQ, math talent of the applying scientists?

We wager a bet that the average male physics proposal writer, more so a Ivy League department chair, did not flunk their first physics exams in college, like Megan Urry herself and was interested in physics since tender age of 6, unlike Megan Urry [4] and other female applicants. Megan Urry (of course) ignores even the possibility that male and female applicants might be intrinsically different in some way.  Larry Summers was a victim of telling such truth that there is a dearth of women in the top talent for science and math.

In spite of IQ tests having been manipulated to elevate female IQ to the same level as males [Wikipedia],   there are twice as many men with IQ over 150: Men: either very clever or really stupid [Wikipedia] because of greater male variance on IQ and most other traits.

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Un-Scientific American lends credibility to Gender Junk Science ab…
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How diversity makes us smarter – What a lie!


How Diversity Makes Us Smarter – Not! Scientific American has been polluted by the same junk science that pervades our Universities’ politically correct cultural Marxist social science and humanities departments. Entire generations are being indoctrinated with falsehoods, in much more devious ways then communist Soviet Union and China were ever capable of.

Increasing gender diversity on corporate boards leads to declines in financial performance: the evidence

From time to time we refer to five longitudinal studies which show that increasing gender diversity on boards leads to declines in corporate financial performance. The studies are referred to in a number of posts, and have been included in a number of our documents. But we thought it might be useful to prepare a short briefing paper with details of the five studies and their full Abstracts, it’s here.  [7]


  1. Our public challenge of Laura Carstensen, EHRC Commissioner – FOI request |
  2. White men and lack of diversity ruined Google & Apple
  3. If we ‘need’ more women in boardrooms, do we ‘need’ more white sprinters in the Olympics 100 metres final?
  4. Punish more Asian and White Students – demands Eric Holder
  5. IQ tests prohibited for job requirement, mandatory at death row
  6. Scientific American’s table shows how Switzerland, Germany, Austria suffer from serious gender gap in Math and Computer Science, while engineering powerhouses Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia are on the forefront with more female then male
  7. Note that women are hopelessly outcompeted by men in tennis, snooker, chess and, yes, cooking
  8. The Bell Curve shows clearly how IQ is the most solidly researched issue in Psychology. Highly recommended book!


Campaign for Merit in Business, which was launched early in 2012, has made a remarkable impact in a relatively short time. We’ve proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the ‘glass ceiling’ is a baseless conspiracy theory. Through exposing as fantasies, lies, delusions and myths, the arguments which said that increasing gender diversity in the boardroom (‘GDITB’) will improve corporate financial performance, we’ve destroyed the long-vaunted ‘business case’ for GDITB. We continue to publicise five longitudinal studies, all of which show that GDITB leads to declines in corporate financial performance. What else would we expect when businesses aren’t free to select the best people for their boards, regardless of gender? Proponents are left with little other than misrepresenting correlation as causation in pursuit of their social engineering programmes.

The Conservative-led coalition no longer challenges our assertion that the impact of GDITB on UK plc will inevitably be a negative one. And yet it continues to actively pursue GDITB.  [5]


We’ve put in FoI requests seeking evidence for the government’s previous claims that putting more women on boards will lead to performance improvement. None has ever been forthcoming. This hasn’t stopped the government from continuing to threaten legislated gender quotas for FTSE100 boards if they haven’t achieved female representation on their boards by 2015. In fact, they’re going further. We know from a recent report that next in the firing line will be the FTSE350, and that gender parity on boards is the longer-term goal. 6

An entire issue of Scientific American

has been utterly polluted by political correctness ,
with articles like:

The Inclusion Equation

  • State of the World’s Science 2014
  • Diversity in Science: Where Are the Data?
    Where are the data?

    Global figures on diversity in the science and engineering workforce are hard to come by, but what we know is not flattering

    Gender Gap

  • How women and men fare in doctoral studies around the world


  • In Pursuit of the Best Ideas

  • In a diverse team, the best ideas are more likely to rise to the top


  • Becoming Visible

  • To change the equation, start changing the perception


  • Particular Points of View

  •   Gender and culture influence research on a fundamental level


  • Inviting Everyone In

  • There is no formula for bringing diversity to the workplace or classroom, but new research that deepens our understanding of how diversity operates suggests some modestly successful strategies


  • How Diversity Works

  • Being around people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and harder-working


  • Science Exposed

  • Networked technology and social media are enabling outsiders to gather and crunch data


  • Taking It Personally

    How a researcher’s background can determine her mission


    40 Africans and Chechens repeatedly fight in Berlin Asylum shelter


    Black Africans and Chechens brawl in German refugee center and devastate facilities. Christian asylum seekers are there threatened by Muslims.  Politicians debate without consulting the population about the admission of hundreds of thousands of refugees. "The Germans will have to get used to more refugees."

     Google translated | German original

    Diversity is strength. It is an enriching experience for German policemen and hospitals, to have first hand experience of international conflicts. 

    Too much peace, too little crime in Germany. Germans need civil unrest and other entertainment, such as the London, Paris and Stockholm riots. 

    Diversity also brings tuberculosis, measles, and who knows, Ebola. And we were concerned about petty problems like financing a rapidly growing and very fertile unproductive underclass. When will immigrant groups fight each other with bombs and guns?

    One example of many: In the Lower Brandenburg Spree-Neisse Tuesday evening of last week occurred a mass brawl between asylum seekers from Africa and Chechnya. In an asylum center occupied by 240 people a dispute between two rival gangs of asylum seekers broke out. 40 to 50 participants, Black Africans and Chechens went with slats at each other. Several thugs from the asylum environment were significantly injured. The summoned police officers were initially unable to stop the mass brawl between the asylum seekers. As the Berliner Kurier reported , a total of 17 men were taken into police custody. The police are now investigating breach of the peace and assault.

    A few hours later it was in another location of the home again a fight. Again, the police had to intervene. Several Chechens were arrested. The asylum seekers originate mostly from Chechnya, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Eritrea and Chad.  Google translated | German original

    Which country will give asylum to Germans fleeing this violence?

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    40 Africans and Chechens repeatedly fight in Berlin Asylum shelter
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    Over 400 Britons, 2000 Europeans joined ISIS Muslim warriors in Syria and Iraq


    At least 400 Britons are among the estimated 2,000 Europeans who are fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), according to Prime Minister David Cameron. And the ease with which Europeans can travel into Syria through Turkey has alarmed intelligence officials in the West. …..

    The true number of British jihadis could be even higher. Khalid Mahmood, a U.K. parliament lawmaker from Birmingham, England, estimates that at least 1,500 Brits have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria over the last three years–more than double the number of Muslims currently serving in the U.K. military.  NBCNews


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    Over 400 Britons, 2000 Europeans joined ISIS Muslim warriors in Sy…
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    Iraq conflict resounds on German streets. 100 police separate ISIS and Yazidi fighting in Herford.


    Iraq conflict resounds on German streets | The Local

    The Iraq conflict spilled onto the streets of Herford in North Rhine-Westphalia on Wednesday evening as hundreds of members of the Yazidi faith clashed with supporters of Islamist terrorist group ISIS.

    Diversity through immigration enriches Germany: The Iraqi war is fought right in their back yard.  Germany imported and breeds radical Muslim fundamentalists, terrorists, Jihad fighters,

    Around 300 Yazidi took to the streets in the early evening. They were demonstrating against the attacks on members of their faith in Syria and Iraq and a religiously-motivated attack against their community earlier that day, Herford police reported.

    ISIS is committing ethnic cleansing and genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and even Shia Muslims, in Iraq. [4, 5]. Germany would be a boring place, if it were not enriched by such diversity.

    The police decided to intervene after a large group of hooded people started attacking passers-by in the town centre, with at least one person injured. The police used pepper spray to control the mob, confiscating tools and one firearm, and took the details of 86 people involved.

    Diversity is worth such expensive police action. In Berlin, African invaders of schools and public squares also cost millions to police.

    Police reinforcements were called in from all over eastern Westphalia, including officers from Bochum and Dortmund, to keep the different groups apart. The police deployment lasted throughout the night and involved well over 100 officers, a Herford police spokesman told The Local.

    A large portion of the 9.11 terrorists came from GermanyGerman residents and citizens (?) fight for ISIS in Iraq and Syria. 

    Kurds, Yazidis, all warring parties are in Germany. Unlike Germans,  "oppressed" Muslims have the right to be anti-Semitic and commit violence against Jews.  Germany finally gets enriched by diversity.  "Diversity is our strength"!

    Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading “Iraq conflict resounds on German streets. 100 police separate ISIS and Yazidi fighting in Herford.” »
    Iraq conflict resounds on German streets. 100 police separate ISIS…
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