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Facebook now enforces their community censorship standards1 upon the entire Internet Universe. Thou shalt not link to undesirable web sites.

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Social media “community standards” don’t allow “content” that encourages hatred against protected groups.

  1. As in hate speech laws1 *2, it is not allowed to say anything negative about a “protected group” aka “minority”3
  2. It is irrelevant if the disallowed “content” is factually true (#TrueSpeech).
  3. It is ok to encourage hate against an unprotected group4

Reprinted with permission from

“Community standards”5 are just  another version of the #PCGagOrder re-formulated6. Community standards are another WRITTEN PROOF of repression of #TrueSpeech with PesseKodex12.1’s restrictions

“Encouraging hatred” is interpreted very widely[12].  with typical PC dishonesty.   Negative facts might encourage “hatred” against “protected groups” aka “minorities”. The #PCGagOrder is officially enforced by YouTube and FaceBook. Forbidden to say anything negative about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices.   This #PCGagOrder is enforced by Hate speech laws, and social media.

“We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group”

That interview was one of fourteen videos that YouTube banned from the E. Michael Jones channel on YouTube in June. As with other thirteen, the only explanation YouTube gave was that the video violated its rules concerning hate speech, I.e., “We also don’t allow any content that encourages hatred of another person or group of people based on their membership in a protected group.” YouTube’s notice did not identify the offending hate speech or the “protected group.Source

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Social media “community standards” don’t allow &…
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Our Facebook Genders! Important Announcement!

“US Facebook users can choose from one of 50 gender options” [23]. Even better, as gender fluid we have multiple, variable gender options.

Gender Fluid– someone whose gender identity and presentation are not confined to only one gender category. Gender fluid people may have dynamic or fluctuating understandings of their gender, moving between categories as feels right.[24]

female-shower-roomThis is it! no more restrictions of boring cis-gender male!

For example, a gender fluid person might feel more like a man one day and more like a woman on another day, or that neither term is a good fit. [24]

Yes! In a college gym with a women’s group shower,  I feel more like a woman, a Male to Female/MTF or transgender female,  lesbian female, of course.

Male to Female/MTF– a trans person who was assigned male sex (likely at birth), and now lives as a woman and has a feminine gender identity. This person may or may not have altered her physical body with surgery, hormones, or other modification (e.g., voice training, electrolysis, etc.). MTF is an abbreviation of “Male To Female”. Generally uses female pronouns (e.g., “she” or “her”) or gender neutral pronouns.

We will clarify our pronouns in a later post when we will require to be called “she”, “they”, “hir”, etc.

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Our Facebook Genders! Important Announcement!
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