Holland increases minimum age for combat soldiers to 21


2) What is the legal age for military service?

The legal age for military service in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for military to fight in war from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the war industry and strengthen the position of soldiers. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about fighting and killing in combat than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with serving in a war zone.  2

"In the Netherlands, voluntary military service is a legal profession. Forced military service is illegal." 3

This was just an April’s fools joke. In most of human history in most countries in the world men were forced to serve in wars, with not much concern for age.

"In the Netherlands, voluntary prostitution is a legal profession. Forced prostitution is illegal." 3

Countries with mandatory military service include Denmark and Austria. Nobody, of course, is concerned with psychological problems of involuntary or voluntary draftees into military combat and killing service. No concern with Post Traumatic Stress disorder, freedom of choice, when it concerns MEN.

But feminist activists never stop preventing women against their will from their own choices.

Age of consent 70 years: The future of prostitution

The ever rising age of consent

It is no joke that the prediction of the antifeminist regarding sexual trade union policy has become true: a country where the age of consent is 16, the age for prostitution is 18,  20 year olds are not allowed to choose to work as prostitutes in Amsterdam. The Deutsche Welle, in a mistaken Freudian slip, advances the (soon to become true?) news that it has been increase to 23 years of age.

Will the age of consent for prostitutes eventually, be increased to 70, the age of The Fokkens sisters on the picture?

2) What is the legal age for prostitution?

The legal age for prostitutes in Amsterdam is 21 years old. In February 2013, Amsterdam is to become the first municipality in the Netherlands to officially increase the legal age for prostitutes to work in the profession from 18 to 21 years. Increasing the legal age is part of a set of measures designed to tackle abuse in the prostitution industry and strengthen the position of prostitutes. The City of Amsterdam believes that people aged 21 are better able to make a well-considered decision about working as a prostitute than those aged 18 as well as being better able to cope with working in the industry. 2

Watch Fokkens sisters video trailer!

Louise And Martine Fokkens, Amsterdam’s Oldest Prostitutes, Retiring At 70 Years Old


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