Make fatherhood a man’s choice! Like a sperm donor, not forced to pay

(A) Financial abortion, reproductive rights for men have been discussed by MRA’s, but usually rejected by feminists.

We will see that some feminists actually propose that men should have reproductive rights other then be forced to pay up for unintended consequences for sex.

(B) Further down we will also discuss the strange logic: If the father kills the fetus, it is murder. If the mother kills the fetus, it is reproductive rights.  See here, here, here, here and hereWhen is it illegal to make reproductive choices for others? When you’re a man


Make fatherhood a man’s choice!

The burden of pregnancy will never be fair. Child support can be — but men need to have a chance to opt out

Over the past fifteen years, some feminists have argued that ending the current child support system is an important social issue. In the October 19, 2000 issue of Salon,Cathy Young argued that women’s freedom to choose parenthood is a reproductive right men do not have but should. Her article, “A Man’s Right to Choose,” identifies abortion rights and adoption as options that allow women greater sexual freedom than men when a sexual encounter results in conception.  While there are alternatives to parental responsibility for women, for men, “in the eyes of the law, it seems that virtually no circumstances, however bizarre or outrageous, can mitigate the biological father’s liability for child support.”

Amen!   Even if mother cheated, lied, or raped: father always pays child support.

Kerrie Thornhill’s article “A Feminist Argument Against Child Support” in the July 18, 2011 issue of Partisans picks up this point, arguing that where birth control and safe abortion are legally available, choosing a sexual encounter should be a different choice than choosing to be a parent. She offers a three-step replacement for the current child support system. First, Thornhill writes that “when informed of a partner’s pregnancy, a man should get a single, time-sensitive opportunity to choose fatherhood.” Second, by accepting, a man would assume all the responsibilities of fatherhood, but by declining he would legally be no different than a sperm donor.

Great suggestion. If a man wants no financial responsibility, he gets treated like a sperm donor. This is a great way to put it.Though it still begs the question if it was not best, in the interested of the well being of the child, if the man could contribute, visit, as he wishes.


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