17 year old Ruby the Heart stealer exploited Silvio Berlusconi, 76

Feminist initiated age of consent and prostitution sex laws protect poor 17 year old *child Ruby the Heart stealer from the terrible trauma of maybe having engaged in *consensual sex, and having received thousands or millions of Euros. Luckily nobody took nude photos of her, which according to the voodoo theory of child porn would have scarred her for life.
So powerful is feminism that a rich, old, powerful man spends such sums on a young pretty woman. And so powerful is feminist matriarchy that they created all these laws to criminalize normal male sexual behavior.


Prosecutors have demanded a six-year sentence and lifetime ban from public office at the latest trial of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

In addition to having been taken advantage of, financially, he ought to go to prison, for showering riches upon a young women old enough to have healthy children and be married? Italian law does not protect her from sex, but protects her from getting money. Age of consent in Italy is 14.

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17 year old Ruby the Heart stealer exploited Silvio Berlusconi, 76
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