Zootopia: predators’ aggression caused by racism, not genetics

Disney’s Zootopia Is a Delightful Kids’ Movie That Is Also Totally About Racial Profiling [Slate]

Disney’s newest animated feature Zootopia, out Friday, is good! The concept–it’s about a city of anthropomorphic animals in which predators and prey peacefully coexist–is creative. The animation is vibrantly beautiful. I loved its hero, eager rookie cop Judy Hopps (voice of Ginnifer Goodwin), and her foil, the con-artist fox Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman). {snip}

It’s also 100 percent about racial profiling: Just as the message of Frozen is that sisterly love can conquer all, the message of Zootopia is that racial profiling by police and society is bad. {snip}

In the city of Zootopia, predators and prey recall that in the dark ages they were wild and hunted each other, but in modern, civilized times, they live side by side. But just as racial misunderstanding and inequity undergirds American society, the relationship between predators and prey in Zootopia isn’t as simple as it might seem.

German version Zoomania: Rassismus, nicht Genetik macht Raubtiere agressiv- Zootopia:

No one is intrinsically aggressive or bad

In Disney’s movie Zootopia predators are not intrinsically, genetically aggressive.

Rather it is prejudice that makes foxes and tigers aggressive. Alleging that meat eating predators are genetically inclined to violence against rabbits and other herbivores?   That is RACISM! Apologies are needed!!

Spectators get the right message: Tigers are not genetically inclined to violence, so Blacks, North African refugees are not inclined to violence. Only prejudice is to blame for misbehavior.


Tiger violence has social causes? Black and immigrant violence is socially caused?

Today’s children, indoctrinated by political correctness, do not notice the irony in this insanity.

They will not get they wrong message, that both tiger aggression and black aggression could be inborn, genetic. (racism disclaimer)

Of course it is absurd to deny that meat eating animals have a genetic propensity to butcher animals. Duh. They need to eat meat and not carrots.

If meat eating foxes, lions, and tigers don’t kill, they die within a few days. And thus the species would have gone extinct long ago.


Human races differ in testosterone levels. [Oxfordjournals], [Elsevier Science] [Researchgate].

Clearly demonstrated Race differences in IQ and race differences in criminality are probably just as genetic as foxes’ propensity to attack and eat rabbits. (disclaimer)


Cute female bunnies make excellent police officers

Quotenpolizistinnen können problemlos Schwergewichtsmänner verhaften

Of course, female quota bunnies are as capable of arresting foxes and elephants as any giant male animal. No mention how such ideology costs lives

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