pretty shocking topics: from animal rights not to be eaten and slaughtered to “abortion” rights until after birth, mercy killings of babies that get born severely damages.
Singer thinks topics to the end. His main philosopy is minimizing suffering, creating the maximum of happiness. So there is a consistency in his thoughts that one should not kill poor cows, but severely crippled infants should be killed out of mercy.
Category: Science
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Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, self-deception
Evolutionary Psychology: Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, self-deception. Wait, there is more! This article continues! Continue reading »
Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, self-deception
» continues here »
Reprinted with permission of the Author
University of California at Los Angeles
Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, self-deception
(download PDF version of the paper)
I. Table of contents 2
II. Rationality, consciousness, sincerity 3
A. Unconsciousness and irrationality: the myth of rationality 3
B. Deception: the myth of sincerity 4
C. Hypotheses of this paper: an overview 5
III. Evolutionary theory 6
A. Ultimate reasons 6
B. The survival of the fittest 7
C. Inclusive fitness and altruism: the selfish gene 7
D. Validity of evolutionary theory for humans 10
E. The influence of group living 11
F. War and intergroup violence: group selection revisited 13
G. Learning and culture 15
IV. Deception and impression management 16
Wait, there is more! This article continues! Read the entire scholarly paper »
Social evolution and social influence: selfishness, deception, sel…
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