ONCE FALLEN is a site that provides comprehensive information site on sex offender
issues. The ONCE FALLEN mission:
- Provide fact guides on a variety of sex offender laws and related issues
- Provide support and referral services for individuals impacted by these laws
The site ONCE FALLEN: comprehensive research about all topics related to “sex offenders”.
- The Criminalization of Teen Sex
- “The Troll Patrol:” Protecting yourself against vigilantism
- “Once Fallen” E-Book by Derek Logue (Abstract of the book, Link to buy PDF or Kindle version)
- False Allegations & Witch Hunts
- A critique of Victim Rights Groups (VRG) in relation to sex offender info and legislation A hilarious rating of “victims rights” groups. Most of them got bad grades for perpetuating false myths and distorting reality. But one group earned his A rating. The Jacob Wetterling Foundation (www.jwf.org): […] “A+ (24 points): The JWF sets a gold standard for all VRGs to follow. The site is well put out, their information is free, easily ccessible, and factual. Few other VRGs take a sensible approach to the sex crime problem. Simply put, its as close to perfection as VRGs go “.
- “REGISTRY-MANIA: The Expansion of Sex Offender Registries To Other Undesirables” Actually, I disagree with Derek, I think it might be a good idea to register REAL criminals like child killers, violent criminals, dangerous dogs. Makes more sense then registering consensual child kissers for life.
- About Derek Logue
I am a FORMER Registrant currently residing in Alabama. On February 20, 2000 I was arrested in Alabama for making sexual contact (kissing) with an 11-year-old girl I had known while I was in college (around my 23rd birthday). I plead guilty to one count of 1st degree sexual abuse and received a six year sentence. I served 3 years at Bullock County Correctional Facility in Alabama, voluntarily took sex offender treatment sources, and was released on April 1, 2003. About Derek Logue
We cannot really know if this story is true, because by our language distorting laws, a child kisser gets called a “child rapist”. This is how our language has been redefined (see other articles about Child porn wich hunt and Teenage Sexuality witch hunt in this blog)
In 2003 I began posting at www.sexcriminals.com under the screen name “fallenone.” From my time as a regular poster there and at www.sohopeful.org, I found my calling as an advocate for the rights of sex offenders who have paid their debts to society and seek to rebuild their lives. About Derek Logue
Murderers, burglers, arsonists, extortionists, mob killers, child kidnappers, child mutilators, child killers, everyone gets a chance after they served their term. Interestingly, society is much more afraid of a child kisser then of a child murderer.
As a former sex offender, Derek Logue humbly questions the life sentence of the sex offender law, the fact that they are singled out forever. He does not even dare question the obvious:
Why would one have to spend 3 years in jail for kissing a 11 year old, if she participated willingly. Maybe her father should have watched the child more closely and slapped Mr. Logan. Looks more appropriate to me, That is what would have happened 50 years ago, before the underage witch hunt began. When age of consent was 12 years old, but that referred to sexual activity, not to kisses. (human-stupidity.com)
If these sex offender laws applied to predators that drag little children into the forest and mutilate and kill them, they probably would make sense. But even then, why are these people singled out? An arsonist who sets a school ablaze with a few child victims, he does not need to register after he gets out of jail! Nor will his neighbors and schools be notified of his presence.
Meet Derek Logue, legal rights activist, book author and former sex offender. Derek speaks out about the sex offender registry, Adam Walsh Act and Ohio’s sex offender residency restrictions.
Indecent touching is the same as rape?
To see an example of the opposite opinion, expressed in distorted misleading language
More specifically, convicted child rapist Derek Logue is claiming that Pagans Against Child Abuse, of which I am a member, is hypocritical because as Pagans we “reject the legal, god-given boundaries of sexuality” unlike people like him who have been convicted of raping an 11-year-old girl.
Gay-Bashing, Child Raping “Conservative Christian” Derek Logue Claims Pagans Have No Morals!
More specifically, convicted child rapist Derek Logue is claiming that Pagans Against Child Abuse, of which I am a member, is hypocritical because as Pagans we “reject the legal, god-given boundaries of sexuality” unlike people like him who have been convicted of raping an 11-year-old girl.
Gay-Bashing, Child Raping “Conservative Christian” Derek Logue Claims Pagans Have No Morals!
He consensually kissed an 11 year old. One might think that this deserves a penalty. But why call this “rape”? There are very befitting words in our language. “Indecent touching of a child” is very befitting. “Molesting” a child still has a connotation of non-consensual, but sure does not get confused with rape. Now, it is legitimate to discuss the appropriate penalty for indecently touching an 11 year old child. But why do you want to confuse the uninformed population by asking “what should be the penalty for raping an 11 year old child” if the transgression really was not rape but indecent touching?
The only explanation I can find: “You intentionally want to confuse and deceive the average person who is unaware that the alleged “rape” want not a rape at all. This intentional dis-information serves your political agenda to con the average person into agreeing to higher penalties, to sex offender registration, etc”.
Where to draw the line? Mainstream TV doubting the wisdom of sex offender registration as practiced today
Even mainstream ABC TV questions the wisdom, why a 19 year old boyfriend, urged to have sex by his 15 year old girlfriend, should spend his life labeled a rapist? And be on the same sex offender list like multiple “real” serial rapists (who attacked unwilling children with violence and against their will) and child rapist killers.
Young Lovers or Sex Offender and Victim?
Texas man branded for life for having sex with his girlfriend, now his wife. See also The Age of Consent: When Young Love Is a Sex Crime: Man Labeled a Sex Offender for Consensual Sex With Girlfriend, Then 15, Now His Wife and rickyslife.com/
WATCH: Age of Consent: Sex Laws Gone Too Far?
Sex offender registries created in the 1990’s as a response to media coverage
WATCH: Age of Consent: Practice What You Preach
Some politicians who promote tough sex laws don’t abide by them.
WATCH: Age of Consent: Double Standard?
If a woman has sex with a teenage boy, is that less of a crime? Should it be?
Wow! She’s my personal stalker too. What a nutbag.
Derek attempting to pass that “kissing” description of his crime off again? Someone might want to inform him that absolutely Nobody is sentenced to 6 years for non sexual contact. Doesnt happen..never has..Derek is the ultimate minimizer, read his blog. He Infers many deroggatory statements and then likes to put his own special comments in and wow if you didnt know better you would think it was fact. Derek is a mess he hates everyone who has the slightest intolerance for sexual crimes. He makes broad statements about some perv dragging a child into the woods, but those same freaks are in his “favorites” e-mail list. yea yea woe to Derek..look at the Court records detailing Derek the “kisser” Logue, it will set your hair on fire..
Do you have a link to Derek’s court records? Or a general Info how to access court records in general? I always like to see information first hand.
Now we have to consider that our language has been perverted, words don’t mean what they once meant, and what people still think they mean. So one has to be careful to know that “rape” or “sexual assault” might mean indecent fondling of a minor, depending on local laws and definitions.
Valerie “Valigator” Parkhurst is my personal stalker, along with a couple of other fruitcakes. She’s known mostly for pulling guns on neighborhood sex offenders and getting arrested for assault.
Valigator used to be a bi supporter of me until I got sick of her racism. I told her I looked Hispanic, so that was wnough to get her to turn on me.
Amber Lynn Wood, 31-year old woman from Erath County, Texas was arrested last week for sexual assault of a child. Stephenville police officer found Amber Wood alone in a parked car in a secluded area of the City Park with a juvenile male.
After questioning the 14-year-old boy, officer learned that the pair had been
involved in a “relationship” for an extended period of time. The alleged
victim is reported to be a Stephenville student.
Jeff Meador, public information officer for GISD said Wood was student teaching on the Granbury High School campus. She was removed from the program following her arrest.
The investigation is ongoing. Individuals with any information on this case, or those who know of other potential victims are strongly encouraged to contact Stephenville police.
Derek’s problem is, he is not repentant. He continues to assault his victim in words that demonstrates he poses an ongoing danger to society’s children. Derek has threatened people:
“You know someday I will reach that point when all the pain I inflict will carry over to people other than myself. ”
Derek says he is a “reformed” sex offender but his own words say he is lying. A reformed offender would admit wrong, get help & try and strive to not re offend again. Derek behaves in the opposite manner & this is why he poses a danger to society. Did Derek commit rape, unknown but he did sexually abuse a 11 year old child. The child cannot legally consent to sex under the law, with an adult. I assume you aren’t aware but Derek has several other blogs besides his Once Fallen website. He loves to beat up on people whom were raped as children, ETC, these blogs are downright nasty! Derek has ties to a pro pedo group that is seeking to abolish ALL sex offender restrictions. Yet, Derek says he is reformed? Not in the least.
I’ll take the arsonist over Derek any ole day.
Derek Logue did more than just “kiss”, he fondled the child as well. Have you wondered what Derek thinks about his victim, here are his very own words coined back in 2007:
“She has the reputation of being wild and of loose morals. A regular Lolita enjoying her illicit relationships…I have at least some buffer in knowing she was corrupt long before I met her. ”
Does that sound like a repentant sex predator? Look at some of his other comments:
“My reclassification hearing is set for October 17th. I’m not so confident I will win because one of my counselors have made the claim that I’m still attracted to and fantasize about young girls. ”
“It kills what little empathy for the victims I have left.
These past few weeks I have felt angrier than I ever have been. If you people can feel the pain in my heart you could understand but none of you can. You know someday I will reach that point when all the pain I inflict will carry over to people other than myself. Maybe it takes extreme actions to open the eyes of the ignorant.”
“I hated my stepdad and felt a sense of joy when he died. The hardest thing I ever did in my life was pretend I ever cared about that SOB for my brother’s sake. I felt only resentment for all the beatings I got, and as a weak child I took my frustrations out first on animals, then eventually people. I wish I could have beat him up one good time like I did my mom’s last husband who recently died.”
“I’m attracted to women only if they are aggressive in pursuing a relationship with me, my “victim” included.”
“I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder, and chronic depression. I’ve been on a variety of meds– prozac (which drove me crazy), tegretol (they had to monitor my blood for that one– joy), etc. ”
DOES this sound like a predator who should not be on a sex offender registry? The boy has serious issues, Shows NO remorse, no empathy for his own victim. Derek runs all over the web saying the registries are silly but wouldn’t you want to know if such a predator moved in next door, was around your children? You think society would be better off not knowing about perverts like Derek Logue?
Now, not all sex offenders re offend, Most do not pose an ongoing danger to society’s children…they admit their wrongs, get therapy, Strive to do everything possible to not offend again. Derek, on the other hand, has gone in the opposite direction. His thinking errors are his downfall.
Does Derek deserve another chance? No. The registry was specifically designed for people like him. He needs to be watched and monitored the rest of his life!
Due to language distortion, it is not clear what Derek did. But it seems he did not rape in a classical sense of the word.
So, lacking proper knowledge of the fact, I again retreat to my main position:
Would you worry more if Derek lived next to you? or an arsonist who every 3 year sets another house ablaze, with people in it? or a violent robber and drunk punk who beats up someone else every weekend, when not in jail?
I prefer Derek. And I wonder why nobody notifies the neighbors of other clearly dangerous criminals.
Actually Derek Louge raped a child, you CANNOT have consensual sex with a child and in this case the girls says it wasn’t anyway. Logue also claims the girl, at 11, was a slut. I guess that’s normal too.
Maybe you should be questioning why an adult would be making out with a pre-teen anyway? I mean, if you weren’t a degenerate that’s what you’d do. But since you think 11-year-old are teens looking for sex from doughy unemployed man children I’ll assume you’ll think that this is also “distortion”
I really don’t know the details of the case. And yes, 11 looks quite young. I prefer to discuss cases of 16 and 17 year olds where it is clearer that the girl really knows what she is doing.
So I retreat to my main message: “Why do you call something a “rape” if it isn’t? Why do you offend all the true violent non-consensual penetrative rape victims by lumping them together with consensual fondling “victims”? This is just purposeful manipulation of language, which, unfortunately, backfires in the case of victims of “real, true rape in the classic sense of the word””. Damn, you cannot even say when someone really got raped or just agreed to fondling.
You really think these crimes are identical? Tell that to an 11 year old that was violently attacked and raped at knifepoint. Tell her that this is the same as her agreeing to being fondled. Why do you use the same terminology for two totally different actions?
Actually, I am working on articles, where I use your logic, that a 6 year old cannot consensually eat junk food, and thus is a victim of poisoning. Which makes more sense, because a 6 year old really has no clue that he is on the way to a live as an obese diabetes victim due to the bad food and exercise choices of his family.
Rob Taylor, I like your site, I agree with some of your points, though we differ very much on others.
We might agree on issues like “human rights” for law breakers, government bailouts and government deficit spending, etc where I also see blind irrational behavior (guided by greed, or do-good idealism).
Actually, my site really is not specifically about underage sex and child pornography. It is about witch hunts of all kinds, about human unconsciousness, blindness, taboos, ….
It just so happens that this is one of the most blatant taboos and distortions in modern times.
I’m sure you’ll get plenty of my detractors here soon enough. But it goes to show the insanity when it comes to sex offender laws.
The moment the term “sex offender” is mentioned, people conjure up the dirty old man in the wrinkled trenchcoat stereotype. Sex offenders are a very diverse group. That is why I have to put up such a lengthy disclaimer so ignorant people can understand what my site is about.
Everything at my website is backed by references to valid research, unlike many sites out there like Family Watchdog. These laws are in serious need of reform. Even Patty Wetterling has spoken out in favor of sweeping reforms.
Thank you for spotlighting my website. The truth needs to be told!