PC (Political correctness) " tolerance" is intolerant.
PC demands tolerance towards all "minorities" but is inherently intolerant towards the majority.
The limits between socially acceptable and legally allowed freedom of speech are unclear. S/he whose expression of opinion treads into these realms, need not fear legal sanctions but can count on social sanctions.
This includes everything from moral condemnation and social ostracism to libel, personal defamation, ridicule of his pers
on, slander and bullying. Because of the perceived breaking of taboos, which consist of speech outside the social consensus, many critics and especially their followers perceive no need to seriously deal with the contents of the criticized statement or to even make an effort to mentally absorb and understand the content [of this taboo speech].
Thus, tolerance turns into intolerance: […] who deems marriage a matter between a man and a woman is blamed for discrimination and homophobia. Who sets forth the Catholic position on homosexuality, is marginalized in talk shows. 23 The calls for tolerance thus easily turn into intolerance towards those [dissenters] who indeed tolerate PC opinion, but do not consider such it as morally equal.
From: Der neue Tugendterror: Über die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland (German Edition) location 401
PC police terror is intolerant even towards those dissenters who are tolerant of PC creeds.
Actually, Sarrazin is still too optimistic: hate speech laws are restricting legally allowed free speech, with the US the only bastion of constitutionally protected free speech. 2 3 4 5
People who were persecuted in former communist East Germany notice that they are persecuted again in " free" West Germany.
Selling millions of book copies is living proof, that Thilo Sarrazin‘s freedom of expression is not repressed.1 Deceptively false PC (politically correct} logic ignores that Thilo Sarrazin got removed from his German Central Bank job, Sarrazin’s house gets paint-bombed, Sarrazin’s events disturbed with whistles, tomatoes and stinking feces. Thilo Sarrazin should be punished, the United Nations demanded of the German Government.
From: The new terror of virtue: the limits of free opinion in Germany (Thilo Sarrazin book preview) | Human-Stupidity.com
Truth is taboo, when labeled racist
Daniela Kaya said that already the sentence "Demographically, the enormous fertility of Muslim immigrants pose a threat to the cultural and civilizational balance in aging Europe" should have been sufficient to exclude Sarrazin from the German Social Democrat Party SPD, for racism. 148 From this perspective, a critical mention of a fact or development itself is apparently an expression of racism. Even when the fact itself is unquestionably true. (Sarrazin, Kindle Locations 1502-1506)
Human-Stupidity has bemoaned that mentioning race and iq or Black crime is a terrible taboo.
The advent of feminism, of women’s studies departments in Universities extended the taboo to misogynist speech, anything that mentions that there are inborn sex differences.
We agree with Sarrazin that problems can not be solved if it is taboo to even speak the truth. Sarrazin, like us, appreciates the scientific debunking of the Blank slate (tabula rasa) theory by Steven Pinker
The influence of the virtue terrorism on freedom of Expression
Political correctness stems from the basic impulse to outlaw attitudes and values that one perceives as morally objectionable or damaging to society. But political correctness overstretched this by becoming absolute. Where it excessively limits the legitimacy of different moral values and intellectual issues, political correctness slides into narrow mindedness, even opinion terror. This is shown by the fact that certain issues or certain interpretations of empirical facts are excluded or not even approved.
Steven Pinker mentions that
the entire academic research about child rearing is worthless and wrong,
as it does not control for heredity of traits. If violent child beating parents beget violent children, the true culprit might not be the educational method, but family genes that are prone to violence. Equally, all of our educational theories of school learning are wrong, because they are base on the false premise that all students have the same zeal and mental capacity.
Opinion terror begins where those who ask the wrong questions about the prevailing standards of political correctness, or those who give the wrong answers, are ridiculed, morally disqualified and deliberately misunderstood. So the dictates of political correctness are the new bourgeois mentality (Sarrazin, Kindle Locations 604-612)
We will write further excerpts from Sarrazin’s book in the next days. In our first report on Sarrazin’s book we wrote
The new terror of virtue: the limits of free opinion in Germany (Thilo Sarrazin book preview #1)
Selling millions of book copies is living proof, that Thilo Sarrazin‘s freedom of expression is not repressed.1 Deceptively false PC (politically correct} logic ignores that Thilo Sarrazin got removed from his German Central Bank job, Sarrazin’s house gets paint-bombed, Sarrazin’s events disturbed with whistles, tomatoes and stinking feces. Thilo Sarrazin should be punished, the United Nations demanded of the German Government.
He disproves 14 politically correct theses he meticulously explains. Bild.de
Equality is good
Who plowed agriculture, was superior to the hunter because he could feed more people with his work force. Who had a mechanical loom, destroyed the inherited craft of weaving. And who can handle particularly light materials today, beats the competitors in the automotive industry. Similarly, the in fashion industry he has the edge, who can better sense the trends of tomorrow.
Everywhere fast beats slow, industrious beats lazy, the wise outdoes the fool, thus always creating more inequality.
One can mitigate their consequences if they are deemed not socially acceptable. But one should not damage the drive behind it,. Out of this arise knowledge and wealth, in a word, progress and life. Bild.de