Junk food makes our children fat, obese and unhealthy which leads to disease and premature death. It does not kill instantly, only in the long run.
“Child Food-Porn” (Junk food advertising) makes our children obese & unhealthy. A 17 year-old cannot consent to sex (hence consensual sex with a minor is rape). A 3 year old obese child REALLY does not have the capacity to consent to overeating on junk food. Without valid consent, a child is “seduced” to ingest substances that causes disease and premature death. Feeding harmful substances that cause long term damage to a trusting infant without consent is slow “child poisoning”. Knowingly destroying the health of an innocent trusting infant is a heinous felony, perpetrated by junk food advertisors, vendors, and parents. Why are feminists so unconcerned about our children’s health and long life, but obsess about possession nude photos and consensual teenage sex?
Food Porn” (attractive food devoid of nutritional value) has become prevalent in the last 50 years. It has led to the greatest health epidemic on earth: obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease. ….
Constant exposure of our children to such “food porn” has led to obese children which exacerbates the current public health menace of obesity and sedentarism. |
![]() Food Porn at its best. Attractive looking worthless unhealthy junk food, expertly made up and photoshopped. |
Making an entire generation of children obese and sick:
![]() 5 year old children are totaly incapable of making informed decision about ingestion of junk food. The kid is not to blame. The kid is a victim of irresponsible adults.Adults are 100% to blame for the sorry state of this kid, condemned to a life of obesity. The true responsibility lies with the parents. But industry and society brainwashed the parents into getting bad eating habits themselves. And government neglects its duties by letting all this happen and poison an entire generation of an entire nation. |
Analogous to Food Porn, Human-Stupidity.com proposes a new term:
Child Food-Porn
“Child Food-Porn”depictions meant to entice children to consume “Food Porn” (junk food)
Child Food-Porn: depictions of cute lovable cartoon characters with the intent to sell junk food to children. Financial Greed destroying the lives of children
Adults are the only ones to blame for the intentional perversion of children’s mind, for creating habits that will condemn them to a life of obesity and ill health. |
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Child Food-Porn must be combatted and eliminated
No more brainwashing children into obesity-causing eating habits
Food Porn (junk food) & “Child Food-Porn” (junk food advertising to children)
are the worst health threats of the century.
Keep reading, click on “more”
“Child Food-Porn” [seductive advertising to make children into junk food (food porn) consumers)] is worse then any flu epidemic. It causes our children to be obese, who will become obese unhealthy adults and who will become role models for future obese generations. 30% of the population die prematurely because of child food porn.
Between 50 percent and 55 percent of the children said that the food with the sticker on it tasted better than the same food in the plain package. (The percentage varied with each food.) And between 73 percent and 85 percent selected the food in the character packaging as the one they’d prefer to eat as a snack.
Study: Cartoon characters attract kids to junk food (cnn)
Study supports motion to pull plug on food porn: Cartoon-adorned packaging catalyzes America’s journey to obesity
It thus is proven that Child Food Porn is a causal link to premature death and obesity of a significant percentage of our population.
A study fom Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute indicates that the treatment for childhood obesity is ineffective. Children who were predisposed to obesity or obese were counselled by a GP but the counselling made no difference between them and the uncounselled group. This revelation comes a few days after the release of the strategy document from the National Preventative Health Taskforce, which predicts unimaginable consequences if trends of obesity continue.
We have A Situation. And we repair to the Situation Room to talk. And talk and talk. Then produce paper after paper. About obesity. About solving this huge problem through science and rationality.
But food is no longer basic chemistry and fat is no longer a mathematical equation of energy input and output. Food equals sport as our national hobby, fun, entertainment – or obsession. Response strategies require rational science fortified with social/cultural/emotional intelligence. And some non-politically correct intervention. Food porn is making our children fat
U.S. consumer group says using popular characters to promote unhealthy food is ‘creepy and predatory’
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Slammed: U.S. consumer group says using popular characters to promote unhealthy food is ‘creepy and predatory’The merchandise, which is also given to customers in Britain, includes toys related to the latest Shrek movie. Earlier this year it also had tie-ups with Alvin and the Chipmunks and Scooby Doo.
The Centre for Science in the Public Interest says using the items to promote its Happy Meals is ‘unfair, deceptive and illegal’ under American state laws. Unhappy Meals: McDonald’s to be sued for ‘enticing children with toys’ |
![]() Shrek toys are part of McDonald’s Happy Meals. (Credit: McDonalds) |
(CBS) McDonald’s should stop toying around with kids’ health.That’s the message from a consumer group that is threatening to sue McDonald’s if they don’t stop using toys to lure kids into eating fatty food.
“This advertising is unfair to kids and to parents who are put in the position of constantly telling their kids no,” Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which is threatening the suit, told CBS News. “The meals range from mediocre to miserable,” he said. “The calories range from moderate to high. Sodium is typically excessive, especially in the cheeseburgers and the fries, where a child is getting 3/4 of their daily intake.” Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the last 30 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Seventy percent of obese children have at least on risk factor for cardiovascular disease, they say, and are at “greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.” |
Cartoon Characters peddling Apples! A positive example!?
I can admit I’ve fallen victim. My daughter needed a grab and go snack, and she saw Mickey apple slices on the shelves. She asked because they were Mickey. I bought because they were apples. With the same characters in a different aisle on sugar-packed “fruit” snacks, the real thing worked for me. We’ve also been known to pick up Princess soup because she begged for princesses, and my first introduction to Hannah Montana came in the supermarket when my daughter started shrieking about the pop star on her yogurt. Again, yogurt, much better than potato chips! Trust me – their branding is working on my impressionable three-year-old.
But I’m not sure how I feel about Disney selling health food to my kid. Is it better than peddling the junk? Sure. […] Frankly, I’d prefer my kid make her food choices based on things like “amount of whole grains included” or “no trans-fats.” I’d like to think she’d pick up an apple because we live in New York and have raised her on some of the nation’s best apples, not because there’s a cartoon character stamped on the flesh Hannah Montana’s Gone Fruity
We also have an evolutionary heritage of “laziness”, of liking to relax and be still. This was very useful when live involved constant movement, hunting, gathering, getting to places. In the age of the car, the elevator, of computer games and remote control, this laziness is unhealthy.
Children actually have an inborn drive to move and play. Irresponsibly, parents and society tell them to keep quiet and lock them into schools behind benches, imbuing them with more wrong habits. Preventing a child from moving and exercising is another crime against humanityIn this post I focus on food, but I am fully aware that exercise is the other part of the equation. Giving a child video games without control, allowing it to sit around all the time, preventing it from playing, that is another sin that condemns the child to future health problems. |
Maybe you should consider deleting blatantly spam comments HS. It does get in the way of serious discussion.
There is always in increasing trend in obesity these days as more and more people turn into a sedentary lifestyle.;
Most up-to-date post from our very own homepage
@Samual Rask
Your reply is SPAM and also OT (even without the link to your site).
We are not discussing poor diets here, we are trying to expose the HYPOCRISY underlying the reasons for the childhood obesity pandemic, currently rampant in most western countries.
actually, I think that a lot of this is shifting blame.
yes, it hurts to tell your child ‘no’ all the time. Yes, it sucks that they are using cartoon characters and psychological warfare advertizing tactics that have been refined for the last hundred years on children.
The fact is, it is illegal to employ children. Children do not make any money that you do not give them (If they are, you screwed up someplace). If they are eating crap food, it is because their parents are feeding them crap.
If you make your children good, TASTY, wholesome food to eat, with plenty of variety, They will NOT pursue fast food. If you don’t take your kids to Macdonalds they will not eat macdonalds. if you have them go outside and play instead of sitting glued to the ps3 or TV 16 hours a day, they will not get fat.
People have been eating ‘crap’ food forever. Wheat bread is terrible for you (it turns to glucose and causes high blood cholesterol and diabetes, as do most modern carbs and refined sugars of any type) and yet, humans have been growing wheat and eating bread for at least 10k years…
the epidemic of obesity is tied more closely with the invention of television, and as each new entertainment ‘innovation’, lowered price, improved fun factors, better games, etc. increased the appeal of lardassing, our waistlines just got bigger and bigger. Other countries with strong parenting traditions or that lack common access to passive entertainment tend to be in much better health, even countries such as italy where, by nutritionist standards, the food is ABONIMABLE.
Remember. Be a parent. Feed your kids right(even if that means you have to learn to cook!), make them get exercise. If you let TV and computer raise them, They will wind up as cookie monsters. It’s time to fix the mistakes YOUR parents made.
Is Concern With Childhood Obesity About Health or Beauty?. This stupid article claims: At least 20 percent of obese people have no health issues at all. If this is true, how many thin people have no health problems at all? And 80% of obese people have some health problems?
You are absolutely right, kids need to eat healty. We are all descendants of ancient relatives who had no choice but to over eat to store energy when food was not available. The gene that controls this behavior was naturally selected for survival.
Here is an idea how about we start laying the blame where it is suppose to be. At the parents feet. Don’t want your kid to be fat? Don’t take them to McDonald’s, cook at home and make them not sit in front of the TV all day. YOUR THE BOSS NOT YOUR KID.
“there must be reasons why obesity is extremely on the rise”
One of the main reasons is that the USA has eliminated all other major forms of “void-filling”. Europe (this is where I live), everyone is still a smoker and being an alcoholic is the most normal thing in the world. We’re skinnier coz we use cigarettes and alcohol to fill the void, where americans use food.
Also, americans are more workaholic then ever. Workaholism has a direct relation to psychological eating and binging. The french work 6hour workdays, and have a very relaxed, comfortable culture where they take 2 minutes to chew every and each bite.
Have you ever compared the decrease of smokers and the increase of obesity in the USA? They match perfectly.
“Nor are they as obese in countries that eat more traditional food, like France.”
Actually, read “French Women Don’t Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure”. Most of french cuisine (like 99.9%) would be labeled junk-food by the food police. Its nutritionally identical to most junkfood.
The only difference between a french restaurant and McDonald’s is the portion sizes. Nutritionally they’re identical.
They’ve done tests where they give people food from french restaurants and declare it junk-food and people “felt sick on it” and “gained weight”, and where they gave people junk food, but labeled it “fancy restaurant name” and they ate it slowly and lost weight.
A lot of experiments like that are done by Brian Wansink. Check out his book “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think”.
Its in fact the demonization of junk-food that makes people fatter. It is the forbidden food, and people don’t enjoy it, but cram it… Guilt creates over-eating, and over-eating creates bad health.
There is absolutely no test that shows moderate “junk food” intake has ANY negative consequences. All the studies that show it as being bad, are based on 2 faulty concepts:
1) Lack of diversity… I.e. they have someone eating JUST hamburgers… And the person gets some bad markers of health. Guess what? JUST eating apples for 2 weeks has the same effect.
2) Most of the negative effects shown are overeating-related, not food related. I.E they get people to over-eat, and these people get bad-markers of health. Guess what, over-eating ANYTHING has the same results.
All of this is done on purpose by the vegan lobby, who’s GOAL it is to turn everyone into a vegan and GET MORE REGULATION! But they do it in a roundabout way with faux-studies etc… They’re very similar to feminists, they use the same manipulative tricks and quasi-studies. They use guilting and shaming tactics, appeal to emotions, creating victims and use of children as pawns to appeal to emotion.
Watch the Fat-Head docummentary for more on the ultra-left vegan connection to fast-food demonization, the faked studies and the secret behind it all… More goverment power and regulation. Every single one of these people behind it are radical vegans or marxists dude… They’re the SAME PEOPLE as the feminists, don’t you get it?
Please watch Penn&Teller’s episode on “junk food”, where they rip most myths and b.s. about junk-food and the food police. Its nothing more than marxist anti-capitalist trying to gain power by demonization.
Apply the same skepticism you have for feminists, to the food police, and you will see they’re the SAME people.
I hate to be saying this to one of my heroes, but you’ve failed on this subject and need to do a lot more study… a LOT. Start with the resources I pointed, they’re all available on torrents and such… They’re nice easy starts:
-Fat-Head Doccumentary
-PennTeller BS Season 8 Episode 2 – Fast Food
-Mindless Eating by
-I can make you thin by Paul McKenna
-Why french women don’t get fat
Another two PhDs on nutrition who are blasting the food police, and food demonization:
After 20 years of study, guess what? Calories are calories are calories. At the end of the day its about over-eating or undereating.
“It is true, with right genetics, and low calorie intake, you can live fairly healthy on junk food.”
That’s the point. There is no difference. If you’re NOT overweight… then… Health is 95% genetics. After genetics, most of the other 5% comes out of psychological factors such as STRESS, which is the biggest factor, and the only a small fraction is what and how you eat, sleep and other minutae details… Most of those are covered if you simply have enough vegetables and food diversity. Yes, having pizza for breakfast and hamburger for dinner is diversity, provided there’s a salad somewhere.
“Now kids are especially sensitive, because bad habits get formed, and young kids with lots of fat cells are predestined to keep them forever. ”
Appeal to emotion and THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN. Its all actually BS if you study it more. So please do. “fat cells predestined to keep them forever” -> have you actually studies this sentence, or did you just take it for granted by the fear-mongers who said it? Do you even know what fat-cells are and how they work?
“Another point is: while the law goes overboard to combat an invented danger (child porn) with draconian measures that violate constitutional guarantees of due process, there is a real deadly epidemic that simply does not get dealty with, where all kind of democratic beliefs about parent’s freedom prevent us from acting.”
That’s the actual end-game. All these dangers and problems are entirely INVENTED by people who’s only goal is more regulation and draconian measures. That’s the big secret. There isn’t even a shred of evidence. Its the same thing as the feminists, its the exact same people dude. They use the exact same fake-studies, appeals, manipulative tactics, anti-corporation, anti-capitalism bashing etc…
there must be reasons why obesity is extremely on the rise. People were not obese in the past. Nor are they as obese in countries that eat more traditional food, like France.
It is true, with right genetics, and low calorie intake, you can live fairly healthy on junk food.
Now kids are especially sensitive, because bad habits get formed, and young kids with lots of fat cells are predestined to keep them forever.
Another point is: while the law goes overboard to combat an invented danger (child porn) with draconian measures that violate constitutional guarantees of due process, there is a real deadly epidemic that simply does not get dealty with, where all kind of democratic beliefs about parent’s freedom prevent us from acting.
To say that “food porn” makes people fat, is like claiming that porn causes rape. Its the same stupid rationale.
I love all your articles, and as a skeptic I almost find you a hero. But you’ve falled under the leftie-vegan propaganda. The whole terminology of “junkfoods” and “nutritionally empty foods” etc was invented by radical lefties and marxists.
You need to do more research on this. The point is this, people don’t get obese BECAUSE the food is super-tasty and has super-attractive marketing.
Its the opposite, people become obese by USING tasty food that’s “nutritionally empty” because its easier to overeat on it.
I’m a former health-nut. I even had a period of 7 years where I didn’t touch a single gram of sugar, anything fried, soda etc… I was 17% bodyfat then.
Right now, 99% of my food intake could be classified as “junk food”, and right now I’m 10% bodyfat and healthier than ever.
A person primarily becomes obese for psychological reasons. Overeating is a way to fill a void. We fill that void using something… We then look for something to fill it with and encounter either joining a cult, drugs or tasty food. We see the marketing for the food, and decide to go with that tool for self-destruction.
The marketing didn’t make us overeat. We already over-ate, the marketing simply guides us into what to overeat on. The problem is over-eating. To blame food for your over-eating is to shift-blame, something Marxists love doing.
That’s like saying that car-manufacturers are guilty for people commiting suicide by driving off a cliff. Why? Coz they made it easier to commit the suicide than if you used a horse buggy (“health food”), and its their fault that they make the advertising on the cars soooo enticing.
Stupid rationale. Sorry to say this, as I love 99.99% of your other articles, but this I just have to say you’re on the wrong side. You’ve been suckered.
Stopped reading here, that’s just ridiculous.
Have you ever made a burger from scratch, including the bread and the ground meet? You will find that, compared to a home-made burger, a McD burger is basically a cake dripping from grease. And you tell me that the term “junk food” only is marxist propaganda.
And you know what? If I “overeat” on carrots or anything like that, i will not get fat as easily as when I stuff my stomach with cheap-ass grease buns.
Also, this article targets marketing directed at kids, and kids certainly do NOT think “Wow, i feel the need to eat because i’m down.” Kids think “Yay plastic toys”, especially if million-dollar-marketing campaigns shove them into their brains over television and other ways of advertising, and if it comes with “tasty food” (of course, the mixture of fat, sodium and sugar tells our primal instincts that we’re supposed to enjoy this meal), that’s just one reason more to bug your parents to go to McD and view it as a happy, happy event when it happens.