2 days before his 18th birthday, a career criminal gangster kills his ex-girlfriend and sends the pictures to friends and enemies. In the Brazil of ECA (statute of the child and the adolescent), a coming of age party can be celebrated with a corpse.
Ex girl friend Yorraly Ferreira had gotten involved with gangsters of a rival gang and thus angered him enough to be punished with a deadly shot.
He sent a recording of the crime to friends and enemies. He thus demonstrated his power and made clear he should not be messed with. Yorraly Ferreira’s actual boyfriend posted the photo of her corpse on his FaceBook page "Rest in peace, my love". Thus the name of confessed killer Henrique Aquino dos Santos’s became known, even though the law assures an underage criminal’s anonymity, and his photos can not be shown.
Source: Veja Brazil | Correio | G1 | Jusbrasil
He will not be punished but suffer 3 years of socio-educational measures, after which he will be be released with a clean criminal record.
I repeat: in 3 years he can apply as a job as a policeman, as an elementary school teacher, because he will have a squeaky clean criminal record. The murder and prior robbery covictions will be wiped clean. Like this serial killer
14 year old murdered 8, will kill 3 more when freed in 45 days. Liberal child protection law run amok in Brazil.
Brazil‘s ECA (Statute of children and adolescents law is an example for well meant liberal political correctness run amok. No matter how many horrendous crimes an under 18 year old commits, s/he will only be sent for educational measures of maximum 3 years, and will receive a clean police record after age 18.
Human Rights tend to favor thugs, and put the rights of 17 year old male murderers above women’s rights and domestic violence laws. Brazil‘s ECA is the worst example.