"Sex Researchers suggest not to worry about the flood of nude movies on the internet"
In its cover story, German magazine "Der Spiegel" shows how Germans are more relaxed about sexuality: in spite the world wide porn hysteria, science was unable to show that the availability of internet porn is damaging to adolescents or children.

Human-Stupidity Analysis
- The negative effects are probably false, a confirmation bias. After all, the powerful feminist and religious dogmatics are eager to prove that porn is terribly damaging. Porn must be really harmless to children and adults, if a large part of research results dodges feminist and religious dogma and finds no harm, even in adolescents.
- As Human-Stupidity would expect, "Der Spiegel" reports that moral panic and sex laws in themselves are detrimental: giving minors access to porn is a felony. Thus educators and teachers can not teach responsible use of porn, nor clarify doubts, by watching porn with the minors.
More details from "Der Spiegel"
- Girls rarely watch porn, usually together with giggling girl friends.
- Boys are very interested in porn, but tend to choose the normal stuff: oral and vaginal sex. Perversions gross boys out and are watched occasionally for curiosity, but not used for excitement and masturbation.
- Happy porn stars like Miriam Weeks, aka "Belle Knox" are an irritant to feminist dogmatists, and fellow students in general, who call her a "whore" who should be raped and killed.
- The German public discussion sees pornography as a problem, as a pathology. This is true in the case of child porn, abuse of the weakest in our society, says "Der Spiegel". Human-Stupidity disagrees, as most so called child porn are harmless photos of 17 year old "children" that are in no way abused (see copine scale).
- David Cameron’s internet porn blockade uses child pornography as an excuse and ends blocking legitimate sites, for example for abused women and homosexual adolescents in a crisis.
- Feona Attwood, aka. Dr. Porn, from London’s Middlesex University, just founded a scientific journal "Porn Studies".
- Silja Matthiesen from "Institut für Sexualforschung und Forensische Psychiatrie" of the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf did a 3 year study about 160 city youths, 16 to 19 years. Porn consumption is as normal to them as Coca Cola. Adolescents seem very capable at controlling their own porn consumption. They know how to separate porn from real life relationships, and have normal old fashioned behavior. Most acquire Porn competency, know how to watch and interpret porn. Those very few who need adult help are at a loss: who should help them? Teachers? Priests?
- Gert Martin Hald led a Dutch study, with 4600 young people from 15 to 25 years. He concluded that Porn consumption does NOT lead to more sexual adventures.
- Australian researcher Brian McNair writes in "Porn Studies", that "pornification" clearly led to lower rates of rape and sexual violence.
- Christian sexual morals seems the cause for panic about porn.
- Most people think that they themselves can deal with the internet porn flood, but are worried that others can not ("third party effect")
Thousands came from reddit to read this article. Their comments here http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/22rkp6/internet_porn_harmless_for_adolescents_sex/
one of the many interesting comments found here
thank you @antifeminist for the link list
Some relevant links especially regarding the ‘YourBrainOnPorn’ junk science that nofappers swallow :
Feminists openly state that they are criminalizing porn consumption by males because it leads to women getting less sex (i.e. they are attempting to get sex through co-ercion i.e. attempted/conspiracy to rape, and no fappers are complicit in that) :
Porn gives men alternatives to women and to that extent it probably does lead to fewer sexual relationships as well as raising men’s expectations/aspirations a tad higher. This does lower female sexual market value, but it’s a problem for women not for men. And the evidence is clear that porn consumption leads to LESS sexual crime (actual sex crime, not thought crime involving viewing illicit images).
If you put too many links the post goes moderated. I believe 2 links go out immediately.
@CorrectingHumanStupidity: is there any CAUSAL evidence that porn causes Erectile Difficulties (Impotence)? It looks to me that porn is a convenient popular scape goat for things that are going wrong.
One might as well blame Coca Cola for impotence. After all, Porn viewing is as ubiquitous as Coca Cola. So it can be blamed for anything.
It requires carefully designed scientific studies to prove causality.
Have a look at this special on porn-induced ED: http://globalnews.ca/news/1232726/porn-causing-erectile-dysfunction-in-young-men/
You may be interested in this critique of Hald’s study: “Pornography Consumption Effect Scale: Useful or Not?” The details of the methodology do not support the conclusions. Also, recent research from Cambridge University showed that porn addicts’ brains have changed in the way that substance addicts’ brains do: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/pornography-addiction-leads-to-same-brain-activity-as-alcoholism-or-drug-abuse-study-shows-8832708.html.
Considering that everyone is ashamed to admit to their porn consumption, considering that it is un-PC to defend porn and porn viewing, considering that feminism controls the United Nations, the European Union and the entire University system, I am surprised that there is any study at all that does not condemn porn.
I am surprised that researchers can get funding if they get such un-PC and unpopular results, i.e. if they find porn harmless. Especially illegal porn consumption by minors.
On the other hand, if porn consumption were dangerous, we would find an entire generation severely damaged by porn consumption.
Powerful political forces like feminists are seeking to prove that porn is damaging, thus I do not trust such research, thus it does not surprise me that there is some scientific proof that porn is damaging. It is also quite likely that the feeling of guilt can cause porn to be damaging, the same way as societal panic makes underage sex traumatizing.
You know, I have never understood why some people are so bitterly opposed to porn.
I mean seriously – I can understand saying something like, “Well, I don’t care for it”.
But these people who go into a full nuclear meltdown, or just have skewed rationale for being opposed to it – what is their malfunction?
Regarding the idea of abstaining from not only porn but masturbation itself – isn’t that physically unhealthy? I guess there is a physical reason that men can masturbate so easily when there are no available women as outlets, and I would assume it has something to do with the build up of sperm needing to be released from the body.
“There are sex addicts that risk life and health for dangerous sexcapades. Do you want to outlaw sex?”
It’s ironic that a lot of these no fap guys are actually heavily into PUA – chasing women all day and every day, always looking to score a notch higher than the best they’ve managed thus far (for those who have got laid through GAME). PUAs who make a living selling e-books and boot camps have convinced them that refraining from masturbation will give them the motivation and energy to pick up women.
It’s actually quite frightening that the ‘nofap’ reddit has more subscribers than r/mensrights (and of course, over 1,000 times as many as our sex hysteria subreddits).
Feminist shaming of the male love of female visual imagery has been quite effective.
I wonder also if a lot of these no fappers are worried about the legal risks of surfing for porn these days with the never ending broadening definitions of illegal porn? Not many would admit that I guess, but I’m sure its a motivating factor for a good percentage of them.
If one admits that there is pornography addiction, one is incoherent in considering that it is acceptable behavior to regularly watch pornography.
Porn-induced erectile dysfunction and related problems are not an issue from a small group of people; we’re talking about many thousands of guys that are aware of it and that have consistently improved and even cured their conditions with the abstention from masturbation and pornographic stimuli.
This is a fine research, up to date with most recent research: http://yourbrainonporn.com/
An instance of something that would have been bizarre circa 2005; there are more and more men, some quite young, not under SSRIs, reporting that they cannot arrive at orgasm while having penile-vaginal intercourse. Yes, that’s right. They claim that it isn’t pleasurable enough. They are unable to adequately mate and can only ejaculate with the aid of their own hands or their partner’s hands. It’s not mere anorgasmia; it’s selective.
These men seek sex therapists who by large, will claim it is due to a certain psychological insecurity or something like that. It is not. It is a neural problem. Your penile nerves have been made less sensitive due to habit of masturbating with too much pressure while watching internet porn. This is known as the “death grip syndrome”. I am sure research from 2014+ will confirm the reality of this extremely new condition.
I will have to stand by the side of a subset of the feminist kooks at this; they are right. Hardcore, instantly streamable internet pornography is hazardous to health. What is anti-PC at the moment is discerning this obvious truth after 4 decades of the “sexual revolution”.
Frequent masturbation desensitizes the penis? Maybe use of lubricants and teaching of proper technique can help. Or using tenga eggs and other masturbation Aids. What about the use of vibrators desensitizing women’s private parts? It seems to be the opposite, that it teaches women to become more orgasmic.
Of course, one may wonder why humans obsess about sex and waste so much time with sex while all animals only have sex when the female is in estrus.
I am sorry to inform you that the researchers you quoted in your article, must have mistakenly located their heads in the rear end of a donkey. Nobody can be this blind stating lies like that. I would advice everyone who has read this article to visit http://www.reddit.com/r/nofap . There you can find experiences of about 100,000 porn addicts struggling with the absolute terrifying effects that porn had on their lifes.
I am sure, everything can have negative consequences. Of course there are sugar cravings, food addictions, …. And a world wide epidemic of fatness and related diseases that affects over 30% of the population.
There are sex addicts that risk life and health for dangerous sexcapades. Do you want to outlaw sex? There are loners and losers who are suicidal for LACK of sex. Do you want to oblige someone to have sex with them to cure their frustration? Or, please, at least allow them to pay a prostitute. Or to masturbate watching porn with their favorite fantasy.
Don’t forget porn has been shown to reduce rape and sex crimes.
Women also submit revenge porn.