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Tag: porn consumers
Internet Porn harmless for adolescents, sex researchers find
"Sex Researchers suggest not to worry about the flood of nude movies on the internet"
In its cover story, German magazine "Der Spiegel" shows how Germans are more relaxed about sexuality: in spite the world wide porn hysteria, science was unable to show that the availability of internet porn is damaging to adolescents or children.

Human-Stupidity Analysis
- The negative effects are probably false, a confirmation bias. After all, the powerful feminist and religious dogmatics are eager to prove that porn is terribly damaging. Porn must be really harmless to children and adults, if a large part of research results dodges feminist and religious dogma and finds no harm, even in adolescents.
- As Human-Stupidity would expect, "Der Spiegel" reports that moral panic and sex laws in themselves are detrimental: giving minors access to porn is a felony. Thus educators and teachers can not teach responsible use of porn, nor clarify doubts, by watching porn with the minors.
More details from "Der Spiegel"
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Internet Porn harmless for adolescents, sex researchers find
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Pin-ups won’t be removed from historical planes. Today’s soldiers subject to "comprehensive visual inspection"
Once upon a time, men and women had the liberty to adorn their working and living spaces the way they saw fit. From cave paintings 50000 years ago to pin-ups car repair shops 40 years ago.
Then came the feminist sexual trade union and decided that women need protection from such images1. Women are strong enough to become soldiers, but not strong enough to face nude pin-up photos of beautiful women in light clothes.
In a memo sent on June 13, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus ordered that all sailors, Marines, cadets and civilian employees have their workplaces searched by June 28.
The “comprehensive visual inspections” of the workspaces conducted by commanding officers will “ensure they are free from materials that create a degrading, hostile, or offensive work environment.”
– See more at: cnsnews.com
Surprisingly, the history of misogyny will persist at the air force museum.
Pin-ups won’t be removed from historical planes
An Air Force wide directive to find and remove inappropriate pictures, objects or other materials from work spaces and gathering sports won’t impact exhibits at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, the base commander at Wright-Patterson said.
“I think the tradition and history at the Air Force museum is just that,” Col. Cassie Barlow, commander of the 88th Air Base Wing, said Friday. “That’s our history. We’re not going to go back and change those things because that’s part of our history and that’s an important part of our organization. I think the museum will keep the displays that they have just as they are.”
The museum’s collection has several aircraft with nose art of pin-up models. For example, a World War II-era B-24D Liberator bomber on display shows a pin-up model reclining in a blue dress and a profanity used in the name of the plane.
Age to prevent underage pinup girls
Surprisingly, no age check was ordered, to make sure none of the pin-up girls is underage. In that case a pinup photo would constitute child porn of 17 year old *children at the serious copine scale level 5. According to the voodoo theory of child pornography, the pinup model who long ago died of old age would be re-victimized in her grave, when gazed upon.
Human-Stupidity is seriously concerned about the impact of underage nudity in stone-age cave paintings.
Surprisingly, private surreptious possession of adult nudity is not yet repressed at the US armed forces.
“For purposes of this specific inspection,” Sailors and Marines will not have their personal items searched. Barracks, rooms, computers, lockers, cars, and cell phones will be off limits to inspectors. – cnsnews.com
Outside feminist PC circles, it is widely known that available pornography helps reduce sexual violence against women and children (Milton Diamond). So this policy, of course, increases sexual assault by testosterone fueled 19 year old males deprived of wives, girl friends, prostitutes and even their favorite fapping pin-up.
Accessible porn reduces rape and prostitution
Why The European Plan To Ban Porn Is A Bad Idea
But if the ban were to make it into the final law, it would likely do more harm than good. Though a few studies have found that, under laboratory conditions, porn makes men more sexually aggressive, there’s no real-world evidence bearing out the claim that this translates into sexist attitudes or sexual violence. According to Professor Milton Diamond, director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, “[t]here’s absolutely no evidence that pornography does anything negative.”
There is, however, empirical evidence that it reduces the incidence of sexual violence. One 2007 study by Todd Kendall compared the rates of crime between U.S. states with greater and lesser access to the internet. After controlling for other crime-inducing variables (like rates of urbanization and alcoholism), Kendall found that more internet access led to lower rates of two crimes only — rape and prostitution:
I find that internet access appears to be a substitute for rape; in particular, the results suggest that a 10 percentage point increase in internet access is associated with a decline in reported rape victimization of around 7.3%…internet has no apparent substitution effect on any of 25 other measured crimes, with the exception of the only other well-defined sex crime, prostitution. Moreover, I show that the effect on rape is concentrated among states with the highest male-to-female ratios, and that by age, the effect on rape is concentrated among teenage men, who are the prime consumers of pornography, and for whom the internet induced the largest change in availability.
Two other studies support Kendall’s finding — one correlating the international spread of the internet with a concomitantly international decline in sexual violence, the other presenting survey evidence that, as Scientific American puts it, “patients requesting treatment in clinics for sex offenders commonly say that pornography helps them keep their abnormal sexuality within the confines of their imagination.”
Proponents of such laws that prohibit pornography actually endanger women and children. This has been conclusively proven by academic researcher Milton Diamond and others.
The most parsimonious explanation for this ruthless endangerment of women and children to pursue a false ideology is the Sexual Trade Union theory by the Antifeminist :
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Accessible porn reduces rape and prostitution
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Ease prostitution laws to reduce prison overcrowding
Prostitution laws restrain women’s choice to make easy money by exploiting men’s need for sex, proximity and love. As a side effect, they fill up US prisons with felons guilty of victimless crimes.
County officials: End felony arrests for prostitution to reduce jail crowding
After a single prostitution conviction, suspects can face a felony in a subsequent arrest, which Gainer calls “draconian.”
“Most states in the country don’t do it like we do it. Only eight states have a statute for felony prostitution — and Illinois is one of them,” Gainer told the Sun-Times. “With the jail hitting its limits in population, it’s incumbent for us to look at who actually needs to spend two months in jail awaiting trial,” she said, noting her research shows the cost of jailing suspected prostitutes costs upwards of $9.5 million. “There are better options.”
Under a resolution introduced Wednesday at the regular County Board meeting, officials are also urging the state Legislature to amend Illinois law and wipe the felony prostitution charge off the books.
Sadly, the main concern is not with the poor victims of repressive sex laws: the prostitutes offering their services to men in need for sex and companionship, or the men who seek entertainment, sex, companionship and are willing to pay for that.
The main worry are overcrowded prisons, and government expenses for imprisoning people who commit victimless crimes.
Faced With Overcrowded Prisons, Chicago Considers Ending Felony Arrests For Prostitution
Elected officials in Chicago are calling for a moratorium on felony charges for prostitution to reduce overcrowding at Cook County jail. The jail now houses 10,008 detainees and is likely to exceed the maximum capacity of 10,150 soon. In a news conference Wednesday, several county commissioners pointed to the law’s disproportionate focus on non-violent felonies like prostitution: […]
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Ease prostitution laws to reduce prison overcrowding
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Real Child Porn Truly Hurting Real Children
72 charged in online global child porn ring
Washington (CNN) — More than 50 members of a child pornography ring who engaged in what authorities describe as "horrific" and "unspeakable" crimes have been arrested for sexually exploiting children from 12 years old to as young as infants.
Network That Preyed on Children Is Broken | NYT
Published: August 3, 2011
WASHINGTON — Federal investigators announced on Wednesday that they had dismantled a sophisticated global network of pedophiles who traded pornographic videos and images of children as young as infants over the Internet, using encryption and proxy servers to evade detection.
About 600 people around the world were members of the online bulletin board “Dreamboard” before it shut down this spring amid the investigation, officials said. The Justice Department announced that 72 people had been charged so far, including more than 50 already arrested in the United States and abroad.
The network specialized in graphic and often violent images of the sexual abuse of children under the age of 12, including infants. It created an incentive among its members to create new files by kicking them out of the network if they did not upload material at least once every 50 days, and by granting them greater access to its archives if they created their own child pornography, said Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.
“Words cannot describe how horrific the enterprise’s alleged crimes were,” Mr. Breuer said. “Dreamboard was extreme even among online child abuse forums. So-called ‘super hard-core’ images — those depicting adults having violent sexual intercourse with ‘very young kids’ — were highly valued.” […]
- Real children (not adolescents), really young,
- real intercourse (not sexy posing).
- Real victimization (not voluntary sexting or voluntary joyful photo sessions)
Exactly what the unitiated person envisions when the world "child pornography" is used. And they actually encouraged production of more material through actually abusing children. And one section of the board was specifically about children in pain with tears. (level 10 on the Copine scale)
It is shocking that the feminist and religious anti child pornography crusaders devalue the suffering of truly abused children by conflating
- such horrible true abuse of children with
- adolescent sexting (self photos) and
- adolescents in Leotards dancing provocatively (Knox vs. USA).
All theses 3 are called child porn. In cases 2 and 3, there is no child, no porn, but it is called "child porn". Thus , with such manipulative language the populace can be whipped up into a frenzy. It makes them believe that harmless adolescent erotica are violent depictions of child sex.
More Human Stupidity Analysis further below.
The investigation began in 2009, and officials said they were trying to identify the victims
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Real Child Porn Truly Hurting Real Children
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Copine/ Sap Scales, Dost Test: Severity of child porn
The COPINE scale was originally developed for therapeutic psychological purposes. More specifically, it is used to distinguish between child erotica and child pornography. […]
In the late 1990s, the COPINE project ("Combating Paedophile Information Networks in Europe") at the University of Cork, in cooperation with the Paedophile Unit of the London Metropolitan Police, developed a typology to categorize child abuse images for use in both research and law enforcement.[4] The ten-level typology was based on analysis of images available on websites and internet newsgroups. Other researchers have adopted similar ten-level scales. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COPINE_scale
Is the child victimized by the photographer? or is the photographer victimized by the child porn law?
SAP scale
In 2002, the sentencing advisory panel (SAP) of England and Wales devised the SAP scale, condensing the different levels of child porn from 10 to 5 It dropped the Copine levels 1 to 3 completely. The SAP levels indicate increased seriousness of the crime, and are also considered indications of the dangerousness of the offender (which is problematic). See Sexual deviance: theory, assessment, and treatment.
Dost Test
In order to better determine whether a visual depiction of a minor constitutes a "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area" under 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(A), the court developed six criteria. […]
1) Whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child’s genitalia or pubic area.
Harmless photos might become child pornography, when cropped in a way that they emphasize clothed genital areas. Cropping a photo (with emphasis on the genital areas) turns it from a legal mainstream newspaper child swimsuit photo into a heinous child porn photo. It is hard to understand how the child in the photo can be victimized by cropping the photo.
Concerning the lascivious display of clothed genitalia, the Department of Justice described use of the Dost test in child pornography and 2257 documentation regulations in a 2008 rule, writing that the precedent United States v. Knox, 32 F.3d 733 (3d Cir. 1994) did not prohibit ordinary swim team or underwear model photographs, but "although the genitals were clothed in that case, they were covered by thin, opaque clothing with an obvious purpose to draw attention to them, were displayed by models who spread or extended their legs to make the pubic and genital region entirely visible to the viewer, and were displayed by models who danced or gyrated in a way indicative of adult sexual relations." […]
The test was criticized by NYU Law professor Amy Adler as forcing members of the public to look at pictures of children as a pedophile would in order to determine whether they are considered inappropriate. "As everything becomes child pornography in the eyes of the law—clothed children, coy children, children in settings where children are found—perhaps children themselves become pornographic en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dost_test
Everything becomes child pornography.
You will see in the Copine scale analysis below, that any department store adolescent lingerie catalog can become child pornography, when collected by a man that might get excited by the photos.
Human-Stupidity Analysis
The Copine scale (and the derived Sap scale) is a good attempt to rate child pornography on one dimension, by its "seriousness".
It totally fails to consider 2 other important dimensions
age: penetrative sex with a toddler or with a 17 year old have the same rating (Copine 9 out of 10). The first causes serious injuries and is surely unnatural. The second is perfectly legal in Europe where the age of consent is 16, a natural legal act between adolescent lovers, still it is one of the most serious levels of child porn. An adolescent couple can legally have sex, but they cannot photograph themselves doing it. Otherwise they get victimized by themselves (?). Human-Stupidity believes they get victimized by the insane laws.
consent vs. non-consent: consensual S/M spanking play of adolescent minors or kidnapping torture are the same (Copine 10, the highest rating)
The Copine scale
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Copine/ Sap Scales, Dost Test: Severity of child porn
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Conservative and Religious Hypocrites are biggest Porn Consumers in USA
Peer reviewed scientific journals report:
Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year’s presidential election. Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama. […]
States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement “I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage,” bought 3.6 more subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed. A similar difference emerged for the statement “AIDS might be God’s punishment for immoral sexual behaviour.”
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Conservative and Religious Hypocrites are biggest Porn Consumers i…
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