Impeach Obama for intentional lies,
interference in state police and judiciary,
inciting riots, arson, false persecution, witness intimidation
Impeach Obama for causing race riots by publicly lying, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation in witnesses corroborating Darren Wilson’s innocence. Impeach Obama for preventing police from protecting innocent businesses from arson, looting, riot, mayhem.
Darren Wilson cleared of Rights Violations in Ferguson Shooting | NYT
Barack Hussein Obama must apologize to Darren Wilson!

US Justice Department Report declares
“Those witness accounts stating that Brown never moved back toward Wilson could not be relied upon in a prosecution because their accounts cannot be reconciled with the DNA bloodstain evidence and other credible witness accounts.” […]
“Witnesses whose accounts supported Mr. Wilson said they had been afraid to come forth or tell the truth because they feared reprisals from the enraged community”. NYT
The US Justice Department Report should state
“Those witness accounts stating that Brown never moved back toward Wilson must be prosecuted as racially motivated perjury that violated Darren Wilson’s civil rights. Their accounts are unequivocally proven false by the DNA bloodstain evidence and other credible witness accounts.”
“Witnesses whose accounts supported Mr. Wilson said they had been afraid to come forth or tell the truth because they feared reprisals from the enraged community.” That rage was caused by the perjurers, by Holder and Obama.
‘If I Had a Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon … or worse ‘Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago declared Obama, thus fanning the pervasive atmosphere of fear in witnesses against black agressors.
Impeach Obama!
- Impeach Barack Obama for violating civil rights of Darren Wilson, witnesses, and Ferguson riot victims, through false public declarations
- Prosecute perjurers for willingly inciting riots and for conspiring to violate Darren Wilson’s civil rights.
- Prosecute all rioters and criminals like Michael Brown Sr, Lesley McSpadden, Dorian Johnson to the full extent of the law
- Impeach Obama for illegal Executive interference in state judiciary matters, and
- Impeach Obama for High Treason for conspiring to incite riots in Ferguson through knowingly false declarations that were now proven false. And for preventing the Ferguson police department and the National guard from protecting innocent civilians from rioting, looting and arson.
- Impeach Obama for High treason for failing to defend the United States against false accusations, to officially reject findings of the U.N. Torture Panel condemning the US; for failing to inform the panel they were giving voice to indicted felon Lesley McSpadden‘s statements, who were unequivocally proven false.
- Impeach Obama for violating the civil rights of Ferguson business owners and workers, whose businesses were torched and looted as a consequence of this incitement and lack of police protection
- Indict Eric Holder as a co-conspirator.
- Impeach Obama and Holder as repeat offenders. They did the same illegal interference in state judiciary matters and false racially motivated declarations in cases like the George Zimmerman‘s self defense case against Trayvon Martin. Or the tasteless interference in state police matters in Henry L. Gates, Jr., arrest. Prohibiting racial profiling endangered public safety and undid the life saving crime reduction of major Giuliani’s stop and frisk.
- Unfortunately, this impeachable executive collusion has been happening since multiple felon career criminal Rodney King had endangered the Los Angeles population by causing a high speed police chase, resisting arrest and weapons search, and in PCH enhanced strength shaking off 4 police officers trying to subdue him.
- We recommend to indemnify Darren Wilson with US$ 1 Million for his persecution and suffering, plus 20 Million punitive damages. Darren Wilson should be commended for bravery, re-instated as a police officer at a Police Department of his choosing, or offered retirement at full pay.
The Justice Department should open an inquiry into
the habitual criminality of Michael Brown, his parents and Ferguson supporters.
- Why is Michael Brown’s pal Dorian Johnson not prosecuted for robbery and perjury?
- Why is there no conviction after the Police Investigation of Assault & Felony Robbery with a weapon against Michael Brown’s Mom, Lesley McSpadden?
- Why don’t we hear of conviction of Michael Brown Sr.’s starting riots by yelling ‘Burn This Bitch Down’
- We recommend the Justice Department to vigorously fight intimidation of witnesses by the likes of the New Black Panthers. It was established that “witnesses whose accounts supported Mr. Wilson said they had been afraid to come forth or tell the truth because they feared reprisals from the enraged community.” [NYT] This pervasive pattern is a clear violation of civil rights of Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman and many other white victims of Black violence.
- Why does the Justice Department not fight the Main Stream Media’s biased reporting.
Manipulative Biased reporting by Main Stream Media (MSM)
- MSNBC Host: I Hope Trayvon Martin ‘Whooped the S**t Out of George Zimmerman
- Press media’s lies, deceit about George Zimmermann trial
- The Central Park Jogger: The Trayvon Martin of Her Time
- They lied to you, hid evidence. Open letter to George Zimmerman’s jurors
- Obama honors black assailant Trayvon Martin
- Louis Farrakhan Urged ‘Retaliation’ for Michael Brown
Impeach Obama for lying interference in state police and judiciary
In an 86-page report released Wednesday that detailed and evaluated the testimony of more than 40 witnesses, the Justice Department largely corroborated or found little credible evidence to contradict the account of the officer, Darren Wilson, who is white.
Versions of events that sharply conflicted with Mr. Wilson’s were largely inconsistent with forensic evidence or with the witnesses’ previous statements, the report said. And in some cases, witnesses whose accounts supported Mr. Wilson said they had been afraid to come forth or tell the truth because they feared reprisals from the enraged community.
The decision ended a lengthy investigation into the shooting in August, in which Mr. Wilson killed Mr. Brown in the street as he tried to stop the teenager for a possible theft of some cigarillos from a convenience store. Several witnesses said Mr. Brown, 18, had his hands up in surrender when he died, leading to violent clashes in Ferguson and nationwide protest featuring chants of “Hands up, don’t shoot.” NYT
Ferguson Riots, Shootings: How Much Blood Do Holder and Soros Have on Their Hands?
This cites a long New York Times article!
Media and Obama to blame for latest Ferguson violence