Men, even men’s rights activists (MRA), have definitely and permanently yielded to many feminist issues. Feminists have won the war on many fronts. Men are disunited, no match for unified women’s front. Frequently men, including MRA, even activelysupport feminist issues.
Old style anti-feminists like Ernest Belfort Bax still opposed sex hysteria and the relentless increase of age of consent. Similarly Angry Harry, universally acclaimed father of the men’s rights movement speaks up against sex hysteria.
This psychologist, Angry Harry is admired by Paul Elam at AVoiceForMen in unison with r/mensrights and most men’s rights activists. So much that the header of Avoiceformen is permanently adorned with Angry Harry‘s banner.
But these modern father’s rights activists are in full support of feminist inspired teenage sexuality and child porn hysteria. Worse, these modern MRA actively oppose sex positive men’s rights activist. See our article
(The Child Sex Trauma Myth #5)
This is the 5TH in a series of articles about the Child Sex Trauma Myth (#1 disclaimer, #2, #3, #4)
Anyone opposing 5++ year prison sentences for consensual sex with 15 year olds (teenage sexuality), or opposing draconian punishment for mere possession of nude "child porn" photos of 15 year olds (i.e. 0’1 and 1’s in a computer file) will be unceremoniously kicked out.
Not only out of feminist sites but men’s rights sites. Human-Stupidity was evicted recently for this comment. And these men’s rights activist then bemoan the lack of unity of the men’s rights movement.
Angry Harry, though universally admired as the father of MRA (men’s rights activism), would not be allowed to comment in most modern father’s rights MRA sites, like avoiceformen or r/mensrights. It reminds me of the joke where the bishop calls police to arrest Jesus who dared to show up in a church.
We expect it will be only a matter of time, until A Voice For Men disavows any links and relations to Angry Harry. We also would not be surprised if they support increasing the age of consent to 21 and then ban anyone who would support impunity for sex with 20 year old women.
Human-Stupidity certainly fully agrees with AngryHarry on these issues. We bemoan the fact that modern men’s rights has sold out many of men’s rights issues to feminists. Especially the child sex trauma myth has been totally accepted and assimilated by most MRA, has become the unassailable bedrock foundation of all feminist sex hysteria.
Angry Harry states the inconvenient truth not only on sex hysteria,
but also on issues as
- Is the Training of Women Doctors A Waste of Money? (Same issue is relevant in Australia where rural veterinarians are scarce. Women get most University spaces for veterinary medicine, because they have better grades. Once graduated, women mostly don’t have the physical strength to give birth to calves or sheep, don’t want to work in rural areas, want to take care of pet dogs and cats in cities with normal office hours, don’t want to work overtime, and retire early. Similarly, rural physicians are scarce in Germany, partly because of large number of female graduates that don’t accept to work in rural areas 2).
Note that no modern MRA would dare to attack egalitarianism like this. As Angry Harry‘s article shows, feminist egalitarianism is expensive for society. Women’s equality comes at a high cost to society. To be on equal footing with men, women would need quotas even in cooking, chess, snooker and tennis.
- Equality Between Men And Women Is Not Achievable
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Balkanized Men’s Rights Movement vehemently supports feminis…
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