Irrational absurd child pornography laws
- victimize children by making them sex criminals for taking, passing on or possessing harmless photos of themselves
- put a large percentage of children at risk (those who possess so called child porn but are lucky not to be prosecuted)
- victimize children by increasing actual sex crimes against children (Professor Milton Diamond). Some dangerous pedophiles end up abusing real children because they have no legal outlet perusing pictures.
- victimize adults that inadvertently possess child pornography. Almost any computer has one potential child porn photo somewhere in a computer cache, recycle bin or spam email. Or in legally downloaded over-18 porn where the actress turned out to be a minor with a true valid government ID that “proved” she was over 18
- victimize adults that, by sexual orientation, seek child pornography. The prohibition takes away the chance to use a harmless outlet, in the privacy of their home, that does not harm real live children. In the US, possession of photos carries higher penalties then actual forcible child abuse.
The discussion is further complicated by manipulative language that intentionally confounds children and adolescents, confounds erotica and explicit pornography. We will elaborate further below.
30 percent of 17-year-olds with cell phones report receiving sexually-explicit texts
In other words, 30% of our adolescents are committing felonies and are at risk of getting victimized by law enforcement and court prosecutors. They are at risk to become registered sex offenders.
A 13-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy from Valparaiso have been charged with possession of child pornography and child exploitation after it was discovered they were using their cell phones to exchange nude pictures of themselves with each other.
So the children are exploiting themselves. And photographing oneself is a heinous felony.
Maybe children should go to prison for looking at themselves in the mirror when nude. Obviously, what they see in the mirror is child pornography.
Actually, nude children themselves are child pornography. Children see children nude all the time, but they cannot photograph them. It is probably hard for them to fathom that a photo of what they see all the time is a terrible thing, punishable with higher prison sentences then actual child beating , mutilation and child killing. The reason for this distorted logic is hard to understand. [1] [2]
Adult laws are crazy and insane, and thus hard to explain to reasonable children.
The “sexting” case is being dealt with in Indiana’s juvenile court system. In adult court, they could have faced 11 years in prison and been forced to register as sex offenders.
11 years in prison for photographing oneself. Pure insanity. If they inadvertently keep the photos it still can happen when they grow up [2]
Porter County Deputy Prosecutor Cheryl Polark told the Northwest Indiana Times that young people don’t understand the ramifications of texting nude pictures or posting certain material on social networking sites like Facebook. She said a nude picture could end up being shared with half the school and could get in the hands of people who seek out child pornography.
It is somewhat embarrassing if the photos get distributed all over school. But there are so many other embarrassing things in life that might end up on the internet. Photos of picking one’s nose, for example.
But what if they end up in the hands of people who seek out child pornography? Great! So these people could get child pornography that was produced without harming children! And if they live far away, then even the anonymity of the children is preserved.
Child pornography reduces sex crimes
Don’t forget, as Dr. Milton Diamond proved very clearly, that free access to child porn reduces sex crimes against children. The explanation for this is that a pedophile can masturbate to the child porn and thus diminishes his sexual urge and the need to seek live children.
Of course, “watching child porn victimizes the child”, according to the Voodoo science of child pornography laws”. Again, we can not understand how a child gets victimized if someone secretly looks at their photos, 1000s of miles away, in the privacy of his home. Child pornography laws are simply irrational witch hunt.
We fail to protect children from serious life threatening damage, be it fetal alcohol syndrome or child food porn that kills millions prematurely.
Make war, not love
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Child porn laws victimize children and adults.
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